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About Us

The Stanford Center for Induced and Triggered Seismicity is an industrial affiliates program on the topic of induced and triggered earthquakes. Ten Stanford Professors in the Departments of Geophysics, Energy Resource Engineering, Earth System Science and Civil and Environmental Engineering are involved in SCITS (see People).  They and their research groups are addressing a wide variety of scientific and operational issues associated with the managing the risk posed by induced and triggered earthquakes. As recognized by the recent report of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, incidents of induced and triggered earthquakes associated with energy production have become increasingly important in the recent years. |See More|


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May 25, 2016 - 8:30am
Black Community Center, 418 Santa...

PostDoc Position

The Stanford Center on Induced and Triggered Seismicity (SCITS) has Postdoctoral positions available in the field of earthquake seismology.


Stanford School of Earth, Energy and Environmental Sciences.
Research by Stanford Earth's Mark Zoback finds that the recent spike in triggered earthquakes in Oklahoma is primarily due to the injection of wastewater produced during oil production.
The Dalas Morning News
Earthquakes triggered by oil and gas activity can be stopped if states work to get ahead of the problem, said Mark Zoback, one of the top experts on human-induced ground-shaking.
School of Earth, Energy and Environmental Sciences
A study by Stanford geophysicists shows that earthquakes resulting from wastewater injection follow several indicative patterns that are starkly different from natural causes.