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Office of Cultural Competency

SIG Member: Alli Emge

This fellowship is especially friendly to underclassmen.

What this office does: The Office of Cultural Competency for Children Services (OCC) in the County Executive’s Office was created in response to the need to coordinate cross-departmental efforts that include community input to effectively address the disproportionate representation of children of color in the child welfare and juvenile justice systems. More Latino and African Ancestry children enter these systems compared to their proportions in the Santa Clara County population. Moreover, the OCC, in partnership with the Office of Immigrant Relations, is working to assess clients’ access to interpretation services when they interact with county departments and agencies. Furthermore, current tragic events unfolding across the nation and locally highlight the critical need for a countywide cultural sensitivity and competency policy with a corresponding training curriculum.

The OCC is responsible for developing countywide policies and programs that address racial and ethnic disparities that currently exists within County services, and working with County agencies and departments to create, enhance, and consolidate cultural and linguistic competency planning and strategies into a centrally led strategic plan. These mandates work to ensure that County services are culturally pertinent and responsive, linguistically accessible, and safeguard issues of equity.

How your work will matter: The SIG Fellowship Program will further the work of the OCC as it relates to exploration and identification of a countywide cultural competency policy that is grounded in evidence-based or best practices and will lead to changing how as a system we interact, respond and support clients, as well as how we work with each other. Presently, Santa Clara County does not have an operating countywide cultural competency policy. It is imperative to develop and implement a countywide cultural competency policy that provides a vision for how to improve relations with and sustain engagement from clients, as many reach out for services or enter our systems during vulnerable circumstances.

Potential Projects:

  • Researching the need for and development of a county wide cultural competency policy that enhances cultural sensitivity, sense of inclusion, cultural appreciation and awareness of implicit bias.
  • Develop a county wide strategic cultural competency training plan.
  • Conduct analysis of best practices among neighboring jurisdictions, states, national and international level relating to policy development that incorporates and infuses cultural competency practices.
  • Partner with other departments/agencies to create more opportunities for county staff to share in and appreciate different cultures, enhance working relationships and build more trust among staff of different cultures.

Desired Personal Qualities, Skills, and Experience:

  • Strong research and analytical skills
  • Strong written and verbal communication skills
  • Excellent interpersonal skills
  • Experience working collaboratively in a team structure
  • Excellent computer literacy and Microsoft application skills

Main Fellowship Disciplines:

  • Public Policy
  • Urban Studies
  • Sociology
  • Political Science
  • Anthropology
  • Interdisciplinary Programs related to intersections between public policy, diverse communities and workforce development


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