Lin-Manuel MirandaConta verificada


Making you something new, always.

Right here.
Participa desde outubro de 2009

@Lin_Manuel está bloqueado

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  1. Tweet Fixado

    *Lady rolls down her car window at 181st street* "congrats on HAMLET!" Me: "I WISH I wrote Hamlet!" Lady: "Yay HAMLET!" *drives away*

  2. Aaaaaand here's me singing my song from Written by the master ! May your ears enjoy

  3. Good night. Be ready for anything. Even well-behaved nephews.

  4. Ok I've just seen the ep. & give MOVING, powerhouse performances. And I am a mess. But you knew this.

  5. You're a living legend, maestro. Thank you and I'm sorry?

  6. Making gifs of 's episode of is going to be what gets me through this week (until the mixtape drops, at least)

  7. Meet , who produced SERIOUS JAMS for the , & the You're Welcome remix w/! Thank YOU maestro!

  8. As 🎼🌊 box office rolls in, we're #2 all time Thanksgiving opening for an animated film. Frozen #1. Overwhelmed w/ gratitude.. 🙏🏾

  9. That's my parents' house. Also: HOW ARE YOU SEEING THIS BEFORE ME.

  10. 😳 Code level: Mortified. The slurring! The random yo's! THIS is how I finally work with & Tony Hale? (Also: Buster & Maebe!!!)

  11. When you can't watch tomorrow night's at the same time as 🇺🇸 because time zones

  12. Don't live-tweet a movie while you are actually sitting in a movie theater with other people. The world can wait two hours for your take.

  13. Work hard. Don't complain. Keep learning. Don't be an asshole. Be patient. Follow up. Educate yourself. Never give up. Believe.

  14. [a loud action sequence gets suddenly quiet and all you can hear in the theatre is me talking to the guy next to me] sell me your popcorn

  15. [a dolphin kisses me at sea world] ME: so like what are we

  16. Too many bootlegs, it's not a fun hang for me. I'm kinda done w Tumblr. Sorry, arts & crafts section. Love you but I'll be over here.

  17. I'm attacking Monday this way. Thanks Darwin.

  18. Is...Are we still doing ??? Because YOU MADE the #1 movie and that IS SO NUTS AND MY HEART IS FULL

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