
Blokirali ste korisnika/cu @googleearth

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  1. Prikvačeni tweet
    26. lip

    You can now use to measure distance 📏 and area on Chrome and Android. iOS coming this summer:

    Prikaži ovu nit
  2. prije 4 sata

    We've been honored to showcase and at in Denver this week. Great to see such passion for exploring and protecting the outdoors. Learn more about our new outdoor recreation stories here:

  3. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    prije 5 sati

    Looking at the current record temps in the UK in |

  4. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    prije 17 sati

    The Leuser Ecosystem is now live on Voyager! Check it here:

  5. prije 22 sata

    The last place on Earth where orangutans, rhinos, elephants and tigers co-exist in the wild is the in Indonesia. Learn how works to protect it:

  6. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    25. srp

    All aboard! Our summer travel quiz is ready to take (and test!) your knowledge to nine of the most popular travel destinations on

  7. 25. srp

    Non-profit has partnered with to encourage small changes that add up to cleaner parks:

  8. 24. srp

    In 2017, was reduced by nearly 85 percent. The boundaries were drawn not to protect the most valuable cultural and natural resources, but for energy development. is taking action:

  9. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    23. srp

    Fins up! It’s a jawsome week to swim with sharks in on 🦈

  10. 23. srp

    Recreation and sustainability go hand-in-hand. Our new outdoor recreation and exploration series explores the protected land of Bears Ears, Utah and teaches you how to reduce the amount of park trash sent to landfills each year:

  11. 21. srp

    One spot you'll visit: The neo-classical mansion and museum featured as Professor Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters in the X-Men movies.

  12. 19. srp

    The measure tool has launched on iOS!

    Prikaži ovu nit
  13. 19. srp

    Cruise through 11 ports of call along the picturesque southern coast of France: 🛳️

  14. 18. srp

    Our latest quiz is about summer travel, popular destinations and a little pop culture. See where the Earth takes you:

  15. 17. srp

    New in : Explore the depths of the world’s oceans and the last 10,000 years of volcanoes

  16. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    16. srp

    Google works with the UN to monitor environmental changes

  17. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    16. srp

    Combining environmental science, big data and unprecedented accessibility, this joint effort aims to expand what the world knows about the impacts of human activity on global ecosystems >

  18. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    15. srp

    🍱🍕🍩 around the 🌎. This Voyager features ' picks for their favorite food halls →

  19. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    14. srp

    Want a behind the scenes look at ? Check out the Voyager story our team created in partnership with , and that takes you through the of the making of the film:

  20. 14. srp

    From Place Notre Dame to Le Palais Royal, explore the moments and places that sparked the French Revolution:

  21. 13. srp

    Look at more than 1,400 volcanoes in ! Presenting our new volcanoes layer, a partnership with Institution Global Volcanism Program: 🌋🌋🌋


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