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  1. A quick guide to supporting abortion providers who need it most

  2. Ana Navarro explains why it's hard for marginalized groups to give Trump a chance

  3. Woman blames DWI on Trump victory, police say

  4. Donald Trump's conflicts of interest are a swamp unto themselves

  5. Gretchen Carlson on why more women don't come forward about workplace harassment

  6. These photos of the Obamas' new house might hurt your heart


  8. Steve Bannon was accused of grabbing his wife by the throat after she asked for the credit card for groceries

  9. Judge orders release of "Making a Murderer" subject Brendan Dassey

  10. Bernie Sanders says it's time to "rethink" the Electoral College

  11. Obama: "Perfect is unattainable. Better is possible."

  12. Obama: "I am very proud of the fact that we will *knock on wood* leave this administration without significant scandal."

  13. Obama on Gitmo: "It is true I have not been able to close the darn thing"

  14. Mark Zuckerberg continues to insist Facebook could not possibly have influenced election

  15. Obama: "There are going to be certain elements of his temperament that will not serve him well unless he recognizes them and corrects them."

  16. "Of course I've got concerns" about Trump being president, Obama says.

  17. Obama on Trump: "He and I differ on a whole bunch of issues. But federal government ... is not a speed boat -- it's an ocean liner."

  18. . asks about Trump meeting. Obama describes it as "cordial," calls Trump "a gregarious person who likes to mix it up."

  19. Adult Swim star severs ties over "misogyny of their policies"


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