Elizabeth WarrenHitelesített felhasználó


Official twitter account of Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts.

Csatlakozott 2012. november


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  1. 13 órával ezelőtt

    Watch . Secretary Betsy DeVos’s answer – or lack of one – is horrifying.

  2. 14 órával ezelőtt

    This isn’t just about economics, it’s about our values. Health care is a basic human right, & WILL fight back to stop Trumpcare.

  3. 14 órával ezelőtt

    The numbers don’t lie here: this new version of Trumpcare will still bankrupt American families. People will die.

  4. 14 órával ezelőtt
    Válasz neki:

    Trumpcare is devastating for the poor. Seniors. Pregnant women. People w/ pre-existing conditions, mental health & substance use disorders.

  5. 14 órával ezelőtt

    The CBO confirmed: Trumpcare is a $663 BILLION tax cut for the rich paid for by kicking 23 MILLION people off of insurance. End of story.

  6. máj. 23.

    We should be expanding Social Security, not cutting it. We won’t let the GOP dismantle Social Security inch by inch with this budget.

  7. máj. 23.

    . promised not to cut Social Security. I’ve looked at the budget, & here it is: $73B in Social Security cuts.

    Cuts to Social Security: So Much For That Campaign Promise
  8. máj. 23.
    Válasz neki:

    Trumpcare isn’t a health care plan – it’s a cruel joke. We need to fight back with everything we have to make sure it never becomes reality.

  9. máj. 23.
    Válasz neki:

    Under Trumpcare, 445k MA residents would lose healthcare. We’d lose $10B in state funding. And out-of-pocket costs would skyrocket.

  10. máj. 23.
  11. máj. 23.

    When we fight, we can win. I’m going to keep on fighting any attempts to weaken, undermine, or kill the conflict of interest rule.

  12. máj. 23.

    We can’t let our guard down. The Trump Admin & giant financial firms made it clear: they'll try to roll back this rule as soon as they can.

  13. máj. 23.

    Good news: We put a stop to the predatory conflicts of interest that cost Americans saving for retirement $17B/yr.

  14. máj. 23.

    I was w/ as he rolled out ’s rule for retirement advisers. The financial firms tried everything to delay & kill the rule.

  15. máj. 22.

    .’s budget is an all-out assault on America’s kids, teachers, college students & student loan borrowers.

  16. máj. 22.

    I love speaking at MA graduations. Watch highlights from .

  17. máj. 19.

    The bipartisan College Transparency Act will give students, families, & policymakers an accurate pic of how colleges serve their students.

  18. máj. 19.

    I intro'd the College Transparency Act w/ , Bill Cassidy & to patch college data gaps:

  19. máj. 19.
    Válasz neki:

    . makes colleges report completion data only for 1st time, full-time students – not students that switch schools or go part-time.

  20. máj. 19.

    Students need accurate, comprehensive info to pick the right college, but the data requires colleges to report is old & incomplete.

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