Essure Uncensored


Essure sterilization is destroying women forcing them into hysterectomies at young ages.

Pridružio/la se ožujak 2013.

@StopEssure je blokiran/a

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  1. Essure Uncensored počeo/la je pratiti Korisnici , , i još njih 3
    • @MedTechDirectry

      Welcome to the Med Tech Directory. Everything about the Med Tech Industry in one space. Devices, Finance, Employment, Conferences and News

  2. No longer requires 'patient consent'? How could even consider allowing this?

  3. Don't let the pharma med device industry manipulate the . Please sign and RT. Change doesn't just happen at the polls in November.

  4. PLEASE SIGN! This is to put a stop to the century 21 cures act that they are pushing through behind closed doors....

  5. Sign up for Dr.Tassone's FREE webinar on history and removals!

  6. 11/17/16: Love and Prayers to the 5 Brave having removal 1907 since FDA hearing 9/24/15. Congrats on Being E-Free!

  7. Pull off the market. Enough harm has been done to NOT only the woman but family as well

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