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Websites for Department and Groups — WordPress or Drupal?

Compare: WordPress at stanford Drupal 7 (Stanford Sites)
How fast will my site be? Fast Very Fast
WordPress pages may load slower in visitors’ browsers than Stanford Sites pages because they share more back-end resources with other services.
How secure? More customization = more risk Very secure
A Stanford WordPress site with no third-party themes or plugins is as safe from hacking as a Stanford Sites Drupal instance, but with WordPress the risk increases with each add-on that you install from outside Stanford.
How much will I have to do to keep it running? Requires site owner action Just manage your content -- all administrative maintenance provided by University IT
With WordPress, the site owner must take action to apply packaged updates when notified by Administrative Systems. Stanford Sites maintenance, upgrades, and service improvements do not require site owner action.
Will I have access to the latest official Stanford identity and themes? identity, yes; themes, no Yes
With WordPress, a variation of the Stanford Modern theme is pre-installed. Stanford Sites offers access to the latest Stanford themes, by request and subject to University Communications approval.
What if I want to add a feature or function later? You can install what you want, but this requires some technical expertise Limited to modules provided, but requires little technical expertise
With WordPress, you can install third-party plugins and themes of your choice, but this requires more technical expertise than activating the dozens of Drupal modules pre-installed with Stanford Sites.
Where can I get support when I need it? WordPress Users Mailing List, HelpSU (University IT) HelpSU (University IT), Stanford Web Services, Drupallers
University IT supports and responds to HelpSU requests about both of these services. In some cases, we enlist the assistance of Stanford's active WordPress and Drupal communities by referring your request to a user group mailing list. WordPress is well-represented by site administrators and developers on campus, but more developers and resources are focused on Drupal and the Stanford Sites service. At Stanford, the Drupal community is the most active and engaged of the web community support groups.
Learn more or get started WordPress at Stanford Stanford Sites
  •  =  Excellent choice
  •  =  Good choice

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