Checking Your Stanford Email Account

As a matriculated student, your Stanford email account is now active. You are responsible for knowing the information sent to your Stanford email account, even during the summer.

What You Need to Know Now

Starting May 15, your Stanford email account is the one that we (and the rest of the University) will use to communicate with you, not another personal email account. Thus, be sure to check your Stanford email account regularly, especially on Mondays when we send the Approaching Stanford Newsletter.

And when you contact us with questions (at, remember to use your Stanford email account to send your inquiry.

Your email address is your SUNet ID followed by To access your email account online, go to

  • You’ll use your SUNet ID and password to log in.

Additional Tips and Information

You can also configure a mail program to send/receive your email using the instructions found at From there, you can also follow links to get instructions on setting up email aliases and covers other important things to know.

Last But Not Least...

We’d be remiss if we didn’t include this reminder - never share your SUNet password with anyone! Only you can use it and the system privileges that come with it.

read the full official policy on your SUNet ID.


See Also