What are the Ways of Thinking/Ways of Doing Requirements?

About the Ways

The Ways of Thinking/Ways of Doing (Ways) are a new set of General Education requirements that your class and subsequent Stanford classes will fulfill. The Ways comprise a total of 11 courses in a wide-range of disciplines that will both complement the classes required for a major and may also count towards the major.


The Ways system requires that classes be taken from 8 broad categories: Creative Expression (2 units in 1 or 2 courses), Aesthetic and Interpretive Inquiry (2 courses), Social Inquiry (2 courses), Applied Quantitative Reasoning (1 course), Scientific Method and Analysis (2 courses), Formal Reasoning (1 course), Ethical Reasoning (1 course), and Engaging Diversity (1 course). Courses may be certified to fulfill more than one Way, but each course can only be counted towards fulfilling one Ways requirement for a particular student.

One great aspect of this new system is that it provides a great deal of flexibility in the classes that you can take to fulfill each requirement. For instance, the Applied Quantitative Reasoning requirement could be fulfilled by taking a AQR Ways-certified Engineering course, but it could also be fulfilled by taking a AQR Ways-certified course in Political Science.

More information on the WAYS requirements