Paul Watkins

Paul Watkins


My name is Paul Watkins ('17) and I am pursuing a degree in Mechanical Engineering! I'm strongly interested in biomechanics and the applications of powered exoskeletons along with how the field of engineering can be utilized for social justice. I'm from Ferguson, MO born and raised, on the playground is where I spent most of my days. Leaving the Midwest for the West has definitely been one of the best moves I've made. In my free time I love to daydream, watch movies, write movies, play trumpet, and go on adventures. Recently, I've also been trying to get in the habit of going to the gym. On campus you can find me involved with the NSO Production Faces of Community, SBSE, and the Phoenix Scholars Program. I am also involved with LSP (shoutout to LSP II) and the excellent Black Community on campus. I appreciate the realization that every day is a journey and every day will have something new to offer. I can't wait to share with you all my experiences and I'm looking forward to learning from you all as well! See you soon!