Campus Resources

Stanford Humanities Center

For 2011-12, the Humanities Center is piloting a "Dissertation Writing Group" for students in the final stages of dissertation writing in humanistic fields.  Term-long groups meet biweekly and are capped at a maximum of 10 students.  For eligibility, information, and application directions, please visit the Humanities Center.

For International Graduate Students

We are especially glad to help international graduate students whose first language is other than English. We also recommend the English for Foreign Students (EFL) classes taught in the Bechtel Center. Note that EFL 691, 694, 696, and 698 are for graduate students in particular.

Center for Teaching and Learning

The Center for Teaching and Learning offers a number of workshops for graduate students, including "Giving a Successful Academic Job Talk." 

Career development center 

The Career Development Center assists graduate students with career concerns and job search strategies for both academic and non-academic careers including counseling appointments, workshops, and handouts.