A report of the Task Force for Advancing the Culture of Laboratory at
Stanford University

The University Committee on Health and Safety’s (UCHS) Task Force for Advancing the Culture of Laboratory Safety at Stanford University is pleased to announce the availability of the Advancing Safety Culture in the University Laboratory Report. A robust and positive laboratory safety culture is critical to maintaining, supporting and advancing the research excellence at Stanford. This report is the culmination of a year’s worth of discovery and evaluation of Stanford’s research laboratory safety culture. It provides findings and recommendations the Task Force believes will contribute to further development and advancement of a strong, positive laboratory culture at Stanford University.

While the report is focused on laboratory safety, it is envisioned as the first step in what will be an intensive – and ongoing – effort to further develop a positive culture of health and safety throughout the entire Stanford campus and community.

To review the full report click here.

To learn more about the Task Force and Advancing the Culture of Safety click here.

About Us

Established in 1988, the University Committee on Health and Safety (UCHS), is a standing faculty-led committee reporting to the President of the University. The committee is comprised of faculty, senior administrators, students and member of the local community, all of whom are appointed by the President. The UCHS advises the President on the adequacy of Stanford’s health and safety programs, policies and organization; recommends needs, priorities and strategies to promote good health, safety and environmental practices on campus; and recommends to the President University-wide policies with respect to health and safety matters.