Biology, Stanford University

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Dr. Elizabeth Hadly

Department of Biology, Stanford University
Stanford, CA 94305-5020

650.725.2655 (phone), 650.723.6123 (fax)

Leopold Leadership Fellow

Doctoral students

I’m a sixth year PhD student with broad interests ranging from population diversification and adaptation to ecoimmunology and conservation. My graduate work examines how various aspects of a bat’s ecology affect its exposure to parasitism and disease and how this in turn shapes its immunogenetic evolution. Additionally I am working as part of an interdisciplinary team of ecologists and medical doctors to explore how infectious organisms are shared across a countryside landscape in Costa Rica. By combining field work and genetic techniques, I hope to learn more about the evolution of bats, ecologically important species which also serve as important vectors and reservoirs of emerging diseases. Before graduate school my research included projects investigating macroevolutionary patterns of convergence and phylogenetic signal in the toepads of Anolis lizards and the effect of resource availability and other environmental factors on white blood cells and immune function in tuatara, a threatened, endemic, New Zealand reptile.

Hannah Frank
Curriculum Vitae

I am a sixth year PhD candidate studying pikas (small mammals related to rabbits - the inspiration for Pikachu). My work is aimed at identifying the genetic mechanisms that underlie Himalayan pikas’ ability to survive in severely hypoxic conditions. Himalayan pikas may be forced to shift their ranges due to climate change but some of these species may not have the genetic adaptions necessary to survive the hypoxia of their new higher elevation habitat. In an effort to get a full image of the suite of adaptations that enable the hypoxia tolerance seen in some pika species, I am assessing adaptations in mitochondrial candidate genes, considering the role of plasticity in gene expression using transcriptomics, as well as identifying new candidate genes through next-generation techniques.


Katie Solari

I'm a fifth year PhD student interested in the origin and conservation of mammalian diversity, with an emphasis on small mammals and human-animal interactions. I take an interdisciplinary approach using techniques from paleontology, phylogenetics, ecology, and genomics to address basic questions about extinction as well as to provide appropriate historical baselines for conservation efforts. Current projects include understanding selective extinction dynamics of Caribbean mammals, fecal metabarcoding to elucidate solenodon diet, eulipotyphlan (insectivorous mammal) evolution, and reconstruction of human populations across South America. I am also committed to disseminating this scientific knowledge through paleontological outreach in the Dominican Republic and through teaching interdisciplinary undergraduate courses.

Alexis Mychajliw
Curriculum Vitae


I’m a second year doctoral student interested in environmental toxicants, adaptations, epigenetics/epigenomics and evolutionary genomics. My research is aimed at understanding the impact of environmental toxicants on mammal fauna through the lens of genomics/epigenomics. Currently, I am focused on the effects that mercury released from small scale gold mining have on bat fauna and the terrestrial ecosystem structure and function as a whole. Prior to joining the Hadly lab at Stanford, I was working on my master’s degree with Dr. Liliana Cortés-Ortiz at the University of Michigan. For my thesis, I studied the diversity and evolutionary history of Peruvian red howler monkeys.

Sergio Redondo

I am a second year PhD student in the Microbiology and Immunology Department, and am being co-advised in the Kirkegaard Lab. My interests involve understanding how ecological characteristics contribute to host immune responses. In particular, many recently emerged viral diseases including Nipah, Marburg, SARS, and Ebola are hypothesized to have their origins in bats. My thesis research focuses on using bat ecology to investigate unique innate immune mechanisms employed to limit viral infection, and allow them to be a reservoir of highly pathogenic viral diseases in humans. Outside of lab, I am extremely passionate about outreach and empowering others through education.

Dorothy Tovar

I am a first year PhD student in the Hadly and Petrov labs interested in studying the patterns of speciation and diversity at the genomic level. Specifically, I am interested in using genomic methods to understand how species adapt and diverge because of ecological pressures. Previously, I have worked on genome evolution in Hawaiian picture-wing Drosophila, population genetics in Ariamnes spiders, and worked on several genome assembly projects.

Ellie Armstrong

Rotation students

I am a first year PhD student in the Goldbogen lab at Stanford's Hopkins Marine Station. I am interested in studying foraging ecology and biomechanics of rorqual species using bio-logging techniques. I am also interested in the effects of oxygen storage on diving capabilities.

Shirel Kahane-Rapport

Master's students

I am a master’s student in the Earth System’s Department studying the intersection of biology and design. I started doing research in the Hadly Lab as a biology undergraduate in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (BS). My first forays into research here were on the morphology of the extinct family Nesophontidae, a project that is still ongoing. I also focused on science communication, traveling to the Dominican Republic to understand local perspectives on the endangered solenodon. You can listen to the resulting podcast here. My current research focuses on morphology and ecology of the understudied order of insectivorous mammals Eulipotyphla, comprised of hedgehogs, moles, shrews, solenodons and nesophontids. With this model system I seek to investigate questions relating to dietary evolution in a speciose yet seemingly constrained group of organisms.

Laura Cussen

Postdoctoral Scholars

I am interested in understanding the ecological effects of animal communities on ecosystem function and ecological responses of animal communities to environmental change. Current projects focus on characterizing ecological responses through the application of stable isotope analysis to specimen collections held by natural history museums. My research aims to link temporal patterns in the isotopic composition of small mammal tissues (Blarina brevicauda, Microtus pennsylvanicus, and Microtus californicus) to temporal patterns of regional land use, nitrogen deposition, and climate over the past 150 years.

Jasmine Crumsey

I’m interested in using genetic data to inform species and habitat conservation in the context of environmental changes. During my Postdoc, funded by the Swiss National Fund, I aim to assess the reliability of eDNA-based species detection for faunal diversity surveys. My past and continuing work has been to assess the adaptations of various species to local environmental conditions.

Kevin Leempoel

I am interested in population genetics and its application in conservation. One of my research interests is to understand how eco-hydrological dynamics affect gene flow in a population of the semi-aquatic muskrat. In addition, I am also interested in the phylogeography of muskrats in North America. I am also involved with another project on the conservation genomics of tigers. Poaching of tigers for traffic in the illegal wildlife trade is one of the largest threats to their conservation. I am interested in tracking the source populations of the tiger parts traded within the USA: in particular, determining the role of the 6000-plus captive tiger population in supplying the domestic wildlife trade.

Amruta Varudkar

Visiting Scholars

I am a molecular ecologist interested in using genetic data to understand biodiversity and inform conservation. I am an associate professor at the National Centre for Biological Sciences, Bangalore. My lab has pioneered methods to conduct population monitoring and landscape and population genetics with tiger fecal samples. Recent projects include work on contrasting population structure between commensal and wild rodents and understanding the drivers of diversification in montane communities in the western ghats. I am currently visiting the Hadly lab as a Fulbright fellow. My visit is also supported by the Centre for Human, Evolutionary and Computational Genomics at Stanford. While at Stanford, I am hoping to develop novel methods for genomic analyses with fecal samples.

Uma Ramakrishnan

I have served at Northeast Normal University in China as an associate professor since 2011. My research focuses on the relationships between the evolution of functional genes and environmental changes. An ongoing project in my lab is about the molecular basis of hearing and vision of owls. Owls can locate prey at night mainly using their specific hearing and vision, and the candidate genes underlying the sensory specifications are not well known. By comparing transcriptomic sequencing and the evolutionary analyses of relevant functional genes, we have been finding several genes that are characterized by a strong signal of positive selection. Much more remains to be discovered, e.g., the possible network of these candidate genes or their possible co-evolution. The finding of the candidate genes would shed light on the relationship between molecular evolution and environment changes, and help us to know about how owls evolved to adapt to their night environment.

Yonghua Wu

Undergraduate Researchers

I am a senior honors student studying Earth Systems (BS) and Environmental Communication (MA) with an emphasis on education. I study the endangered Hispaniolan solenodon, using camera trapping, ecological transects, and species distribution modeling to inform conservation efforts. In the future, I hope to explore implications of climate change on human and animal populations.

Lauren Gibson

I am a rising sophomore planning to major in computer science with a concentration in biocomputation. I will be working with Sergio studying bat epigenetics. I am interested in investigating the techniques by which biological data is collected and analyzed in the field.

Xóchitl Longstaff

I am a junior studying Earth Systems and CSRE. I am working on a research project studying a group of extinct Caribbean eulipotyphlans, examining possible factors for extinction such as limited diet. I am particularly interested in the implications for current conservation efforts that could be revealed.

Sijo Smith

I'm a junior majoring in Biology with a concentration in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. I worked in the Dirzo Lab last year on stable isotope analysis of East African animals diets as well as bee identification and pollinator networks. Now I'm getting started on my honors thesis, and I'm hoping to work on conservation policy involving primates or factory farming.

Mireille Bejjani

I am a Sophomore majoring in Biology with a potential concentration in Microbes and Immunity. I am interested in infectious disease, particularly zoonosis and the way these diseases move through ecosystems. This Summer, I will be studying the consequences of mining activity on California bats.

Stephanie Sila

I am a freshman who plans to major in Biology with a concentration in Ecology and Evolution. I am currently working with Ellie on a project that applies survivorship data and genomic and pedigree analyses to the conservation of African Lions and several tiger subspecies. One key aim of the project is to identify the extent to which these big cats are inbred, and how that affects the occurrence of deleterious mutations in their populations. In the future, I hope to use genetic techniques to understand how species respond to anthropogenic pressures.

Lucy Arnold

I am a freshman double majoring in anthropology and biology. I am working with Sergio on the Black Rhino Genome Project to inform rhino population conservation strategies and wildlife management policy. I am especially interested in how humans interact with wildlife and how that relationship defines what it means to be human.

Duncan Coleman

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Hadly Lab, Department of Biology, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305-5020
ph. 650.725.2655 | fax. 650.723.6132 | e-mail: hadly@stanford.edu | contact the webmaster