Emergency Medicine Interest Group
Stanford EMIG serves to increase awareness of career options within the specialty of emergency medicine, to facilitate communication and interaction with health care professionals in Emergency Medicine, and to provide clinical experiences that will serve students well as they discover their future careers in medicine.
WINTER SPRING SUMMER Mentor Program: EMIG is proud to continue its mentoring program for students interested in Emergency Medicine. We match interested students with both an EM resident and an EM attending physician. The resident is envisioned as the primary mentor/mentee for the med student, with the attending physician being available for advice regarding items like the matching process. It's been amazing to see how excited the residents and faculty are to be involved in this program! Wednesday Conferences: Wednesdays, 7:30AM, usually LK103. Residents are excused from clinical duties every Wednesday morning to attend 4-hour conferences that follow the core modular curriculum. Lectures, workshops, and board review are conducted by residency faculty, visiting faculty, and residents. Joint lectures with other training programs, such as critical care, surgery, and internal medicine, are also a part of the core curriculum. Grand Rounds (given by outside invited leaders in EM), EM-ICU case conference, Trauma case conference, and Pediatrics case conference are held monthly. Schedule: http://stanford.medhub.com/functions/public/conferences.mh?p=2 EMIG Listserve: shares important EM news, resources, and events for medical students. Manage your subscriptions here at http://mailman.stanford.edu/mailman/listinfo/emed-interest ================ TIPS AND ADVICE Doing an EM Rotation at Stanford http://medwiki.stanford.edu/display/medipedia/Emed On Scheduling Away Rotation http://medwiki.stanford.edu/display/medipedia/Emed+-+Away Choosing an EM Residency http://medwiki.stanford.edu/display/medipedia/Emed+Residency EM Student Resources and Books http://medwiki.stanford.edu/display/medipedia/Emed+Resources Officers:
This Year's Events: or check out this group's Group Events Feed Sorry, no recent events are recorded for this group! If you have any questions or concerns, please contact SMSA through our website (http://smsa.stanford.edu). |