Doria Gordon
Lead Senior Scientist
Areas of expertise: Invasive species risk assessment, biodiversity conservation, fire ecology, restoration ecology, ecosystem resilience
Doria Gordon works in EDF’s Office of the Chief Scientist, with particular focus on the Ecosystems program. In this role, Doria explores emerging scientific, technical, and environmental issues, and integrates cutting edge science into all of EDF’s work. She also facilitates connections between EDF staff and external scientists with the expertise needed to meet EDF’s goals.
Doria’s research interests include forest restoration, fire ecology, and invasive species risk assessment, including potential risks from bioenergy crop species. In previous roles, she has worked collaboratively to model the impacts to coastal habitats from sea level rise and to optimize water quality and quantity restoration in the Everglades watershed.
Doria comes to EDF after spending over two decades with The Nature Conservancy in Florida She is a courtesy Professor of Biology at the University of Florida, and a Research Affiliate of Archbold Biological Station in Lake Placid, Florida.
Education- Ph.D. – Biological Ecology 1989; University of California, Davis
- M.S. – Biological Ecology 1986; University of California, Davis
- B.A. – Biology and Environmental Studies 1981; Oberlin College, Ohio
Over 75 peer reviewed papers, book and proceedings chapters
Keeler, B.L., R. Chaplin-Kramer, A.D. Guerry, P.F.E. Addison, C. Bettigole, I.C. Burke, B. Gentry, L. Chambliss, C. Darimont, D.R. Gordon, J. Hellmann, P. Kareiva, S. Monfort, L. Olander, H.P. Possingham, T. Profeta, C. Schlotterback, E. Sterling, T. Ticktin, A.J. Travis, B. Vira, C. Young. 2017. Society is ready for a new kind of science — is academia? Bioscience. DOI:
Gordon, D.R., D. Lieurance, and S.L. Flory. 2017. Predicted versus actual invasiveness of climbing vines in Florida. Biological Invasions. DOI: 10.1007/s10530-017-1448-7.
Liu, D., R. Wang, D.R. Gordon, X. Sun, L. Chen, and Y. Wang. 2017. Predicting plant invasions following China’s water diversion project. Environmental Science & Technology. 51: 1450-1457. DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.6b05577.
Geselbracht, L.L., K. Freeman, J. Brenner, A.P. Birch, and D.R. Gordon. 2015. Sea level rise impacts on coastal ecosystems at six major estuaries on Florida’s Gulf Coast through use of the sea level affecting marshes model and implications for adaptation planning. PLoS One. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0132079.
Gantz, C.A., D.R. Gordon, C.L. Jerde, R.P. Keller, W.L. Chadderton, P. Champion, and D.M. Lodge. 2015. Managing the introduction and spread of aquatic invasive plants in the Laurentian Great Lakes: a regional risk assessment approach. Management of Biological Invasions. 6: 45-55. DOI: 10.3391/mbi.2015.6.1.04.
Quinn, L.D., D.R. Gordon, A. Glaser, D. Lieurance, and S.L. Flory. 2015. Bioenergy feedstocks at low risk for invasion in the U.S.: A “white list” approach. BioEnergy Research. 8: 471-481. DOI 10.1007/s12155-014-9503-z.
Geselbracht, L., K. Freeman, E. Kelly, D. Gordon, and A. Birch. 2013. Retrospective analysis and sea level rise modeling of coastal habitat change in Charlotte Harbor to identify restoration and adaptation priorities. Florida Scientist 76: 328–355.
Flory, S.L., K.A. Lorenz, D.R. Gordon and L.E. Sollenberger. 2012. Experimental approaches for evaluating the invasion risk of biofuel crops. Environmental Research Letters 7(4) 045904. doi:10.1088/1748-9326/7/4/045904.
Gordon, D.R., C.A. Gantz, C.L. Jerde, W.L. Chadderton, R.P. Keller, and P.D. Champion. 2012. Weed Risk Assessment for Aquatic Plants: Modification of a New Zealand system for the United States. PLoS ONE 7(7): e40031. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0040031
Geselbracht, L., F.E Putz, K. Freeman, E. Kelly, and D.R. Gordon. 2011. Retrospective and prospective model simulations of sea level rise on Gulf of Mexico coastal marshes and forests in Waccasassa Bay, Florida. Climatic Change 107: 35-57. DOI: 10.1007/s10584-011-0084-y.
Gordon, D.R. and C.A. Gantz. 2011. Risk assessment for invasiveness differs for aquatic and terrestrial plant species. Biological Invasions 13: 1829-1842. DOI: 10.1007/s10530-011-0002-2.
Godefroid, S., C. Piazza, G. Rossi, S. Buord, A. Stevens, R. Aguraiuja, C. Cowell, C.W. Weekley, G. Vogg, J. Iriondo, I. Johnson, B. Dixon, D. Gordon, S. Magnanon, B. Valentin, K. Bjureke, C. Lavergne, R. Koopman, M. Vicens, M. Virevaire, and T. Vanderborght. 2011. How successful are plant reintroductions? Biological Conservation 144: 672-682.
Press materials
Doria Gordon
Washington, D.C. office
Email Doria
Media Contact
Chandler Clay
(202) 572-3312 (office)
(302) 598-7559 (cell)
Email Chandler