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Congratulations on your retirement, Zachary!

Rare books and other remnants of centuries-old Judaica. Volumes in Yiddish and Hebrew. Thousands of black and white photos of Israeli pop stars from the 1950s through the 1980s. Scripts from 67-year-old Israeli filmmaker Amos Gitai. All have found a home in the Stanford University Libraries and are....

Join us this Friday, March 9th at 12PM as Religious Studies at Stanford alum, Akiba Lerner, speaks on his latest book. Lunch will be served and the bookstore will be on site selling copies!

March 9, 2018, 12:00 PM. Building 360, Conference Room.

Please join us and Religious Studies at Stanford for the David S. Lobel Visiting Scholar Lecture with Rabbi Arthur Green on Tuesday at 6PM!

March 6, 2018, 6:00 PM. Building 460, Terrace Room (4th floor).

This year's David S. Lobel Visiting Scholar Lecture will be given by Rabbi Arthur Green. Mark you calendars for Tuesday, March 6th; we really hope you can join us!

March 6, 2018, 6:00 PM. Building 460, Terrace Room (4th floor).

Please join us, Hillel at Stanford University and Religious Studies at Stanford for an evening with Rabba Yaffa Epstein! This Thursday at 5PM.

Please join Stanford University Center on Philanthropy and Civil Society and the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation for the screening of a new documentary film "Rosenwald: the Remarkable Story of a Jewish Partnership with African American Communities," this Friday at 1:30PM!

Join the Stanford Center on Philanthropy and Civil Society and the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation for a screening of the new documentary film, Rosenwald: the Remarkable Story of a Jewish Partnership with African American Communities. Following the screening, filmmaker Aviva Kempner will discus...

Join Rabbi Julia Watts Belser for this event on "Jewish Story, Crip Culture, and Disability Acts," this Thursday, 1/18 at 5:30PM!

In this lecture, Julia Watts Belser brings disability dance into conversation with Jewish story to explore the creative potential of queer crip Jewish culture.

Is it possible to adequately apologize for genocide? Join us Monday at 6:30 for a talk by Professor Aaron Hahn Tapper to find out.

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That was an amazing performance last night by Victoria Hanna! Thanks to Stanford Live for putting it on (and were proud of our very own Jeremiah Lockwood for accompanying)

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We hope you can join us for lunch and conversation with Victoria Hanna, tomorrow!
(Please note that the conversation will be spoken in Hebrew)

November 29, 2017, 12:00 PM. Building 360, Conference Room.

Next Monday, join us for a book talk with Aaron Hahn Tapper at 6:30p (please note the time change, previously scheduled at noon). We look forward to seeing you!

December 4, 2017, 6:30 PM. Building 360, Conference Room.

Every Friday (except university holidays) this quarter!

Oct 20, 2017 - Dec 15, 2017Hillel at Stanford UniversityStanford
26 people interested

Our partners at UC Berkeley invites you to join them for their annual Jewish Studies conference. New Stanford faculty, Ariel Mayse, will be joining their panel of speakers this year. Hope you can make it!

Join us for our annual Jewish Studies conference, Hidden in Plain View: Jewish Women’s History Reconsidered on November 8, 2017. Speakers include Deena Aranoff (GTU), David Biale (UC Davis), Mara Benjamin (Mt. Holyoke), Elisheva Baumgarten (Hebrew University), Naomi Seidman (GTU), Francesco Spagnolo...

TONIGHT: Robert Gregg (Religious Studies Professor, emeritus) closely analyzes select Christian interpretations of the meaning of Jesus's death; two Jewish writings; and alternative treatments is 'Isa's/Jesus's death in the Qur'an, among its interpreters, and in Muslim paintings.

October 30, 2017, 7:30 PM. Cubberley Auditorium.