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Tax Collector
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Pay Online View and Pay your property tax online by credit card or eCheck


NOTICE: The online payment site is unavailable every third weekend of the month from 8:00 A.M. Saturday to 5:00 P.M. Sunday Pacific Time.


The County of Santa Clara has eliminated the fee for paying property taxes using an electronic check (eCheck).


For City of San Jose property owners, many bills have a new assessment for Current Garbage Service. For information about this new charge, please click here to see the explanation published by the City of San Jose.

A Message from the Tax Collector


Welcome to the County of Santa Clara Office of the Tax Collector website. We strive to provide accurate tax information and optimum service to the public through efficient collection of property taxes.

Our website displays most property information; however, there may be a few exceptions. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and are available to help you by calling our Tax Information Unit at (408) 808-7900 or by submitting a question.

Your suggestions and feedback are important to us. Please take a moment to complete the short survey.