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Scholars have been sounding the alarm about data-harvesting firms for nearly a decade. The latest Cambridge Analytica scandal shows it may be too late to stop them.
Facebook is under fire after it was revealed that private user data was leaked to political consulting firm Cambridge Analytica, which did work for the Trump campaign. But the larger concern is that the leak could be seen as an example of a broader pattern of lax handling of confidential user data. And it might be too late to stop this from happening again.
Christiaan Colen via Flickr CC BY-SA 2.0 An Old Browser Logo Internet Service Providers were an integral part of privacy online. No longer, thanks to new legislation. The big money of the internet comes from tracking and selling user data to better t
With Internet Service Providers edging for less and less protections on user data, it’s important to pay even more attention to which cookies are tracking your digital moves. “Popular Science” has some practical tips on how you can protect yourself when nobody else will.
With business continuing its shift from the desktop to smartphones and tablets, more than half of all companies now have sensitive information stored on mobile devices.
You’re probably familiar with common hacking tactics like phishing. But do you know about smishing (SMS-based phishing)? Now that most online interactions happen over smartphones and tablets instead of desktops, it’s time to shift your cyber security tactics, too.
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