This is Big: The First-Ever White House Student Film Festival

You don't have to be a kid to be excited about this:

The first ever White House Student Film Festival launches today — and it's open to U.S. students, grades K-12. We're asking you to answer these big questions:

What’s your education story & how does technology and connectivity fit into how you learn at school or on your own? How do you imagine technology will change the educational experience for kids in the future?

Films can be short – in fact 3 minutes tops. The official selections will be featured on the White House website, and shared across the world on White House sites and official social media accounts. In fact, if selected, you may have a chance to attend the film fest yourself at the White House.

Ready to get started? Check out our official page at WhiteHouse.Gov/FilmFest -- where you can learn more, read the official rules, see how to submit your video, and hear from Bill Nye (the Science Guy). And if you're a parent, guardian, or teacher, make sure you spread the word to kids with big ideas!

We can't wait to see what you make.

Here are more important details you should know:

--Every student entry has to have a parent/guardian or teacher sponsor.

--Films can be submitted now through January 29th, 2014. 

--If your video is selected as an official selection, you could have a chance to attend the mid-February screening at the White House.

Read the complete rules (and submit your video!) at WhiteHouse.Gov/FilmFest


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