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Movie Sins Videos - CinemaSins

  1. 1

    Everything Wrong With The Amazing Spiderman In 2 Minutes Or Less

    by CinemaSins 3,639,364 views

    Listing all the sins for The Amazing Spiderman (in 2 minutes or less) and handing down an ultimate verdict for the film.

    Which movie's sins should we recount next? Comment below to suggest one, or Subscribe above to be the first to know what we choose. New films, old films, classic films, beloved films... no movie is without sin!

    *Copyrighted content used under the Fair Use exception for review and commentary.

  2. 2

    Everything Wrong With The Avengers In 3 Minutes Or Less

    by CinemaSins 5,279,798 views

    Marvel's The Avengers was one of the biggest movies of the year, but it wasn't without sin. Cinema Sins lists all the sins for The Avengers (in 3 minutes or less) and hands down an ultimate verdict for the film.

    Which movie's sins should we recount next? Comment below to suggest one, or Subscribe above to be the first to know what we choose. New films, old films, classic films, beloved films... no movie is without sin!

    See The Amazing Spiderman's sins: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wy-v4c4is-w

    *Copyrighted content used under the Fair Use exception for review and commentary.

  3. 3

    Everything Wrong With The Dark Knight Rises In 3 Minutes Or Less

    by CinemaSins 4,585,955 views

    For all its popularity and massive box office earnings, The Dark Knight Rises is still a film with many sins. We've listed them for you.

    Which movie's sins should we recount next? Comment below to suggest one, or Subscribe above to be the first to know what we choose. New films, old films, classic films, beloved films... no movie is without sin!

    See The Amazing Spiderman's sins: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wy-v4c4is-w
    See The Avengers' sins: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gYVZjKgoKdg

    *Copyrighted content used under the Fair Use exception for review and commentary.

  4. 4

    Everything Wrong With Prometheus In 4 Minutes Or Less

    by CinemaSins 2,911,956 views

    Do Prometheus fans exist? We certainly expect to find out. Here are all the sins we counted in Ridley Scott's Prometheus. We had to stretch our time limit to 4 minutes for this one... just too many darn sins.

    Which movie's sins should we recount next? Comment below to suggest one, or Subscribe above to be the first to know what we choose. New films, old films, classic films, beloved films... no movie is without sin!

    See The Amazing Spiderman's sins: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wy-v4c4is-w
    See The Avengers' sins: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gYVZjKgoKdg
    See The Dark Knight Rises sins: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j2tE-BCwZtw

    *Copyrighted content used under the Fair Use exception for review and commentary.

  5. 5

    Everything Wrong With Looper In 3 Minutes Or Less

    by CinemaSins 2,093,381 views

    Looper. You either loved it or hated it. Or, if you're like us, you wrote down a list of sins you found in the film. Here's everything we found wrong in Looper, presented in 3 minutes or less.

    Which movie's sins should we recount next? Comment below to suggest one, or Subscribe above to be the first to know what we choose. New films, old films, classic films, beloved films... no movie is without sin!

    Working on some new stuff too, so keep an eye out for that.

    See the sins of The Amazing Spiderman's: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wy-v4c4is-w
    See the sins of The Avengers': http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gYVZjKgoKdg
    See the sins of The Dark Knight Rises: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j2tE-BCwZtw
    See the sins of Prometheus: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-BWnTW4rL0U
    See the sins of The Hunger Games: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pn0LXWaPxnQ

    *Copyrighted content used under the Fair Use exception for review and commentary.

  6. 6

    Everything Wrong With The Hunger Games In 3 Minutes Or Less

    by CinemaSins 5,318,523 views

    Did you love The Hunger Games movie? You probably read the book. Here are all the sins we found in the box office hit, The Hunger Games, recounted in three minutes or less.

    Which movie's sins should we recount next? Comment below to suggest one, or Subscribe above to be the first to know what we choose. New films, old films, classic films, beloved films... no movie is without sin!

    See the sins of The Amazing Spiderman's: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wy-v4c4is-w
    See the sins of The Avengers': http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gYVZjKgoKdg
    See the sins of The Dark Knight Rises: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j2tE-BCwZtw
    See the sins of Prometheus: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-BWnTW4rL0U

    *Copyrighted content used under the Fair Use exception for review and commentary.

  7. 7

    Everything Wrong With Avatar In 4 Minutes Or Less

    by CinemaSins 4,385,434 views

    Who said we only did new movies? Avatar is the highest-grossing film of all time, but that doesn't mean it's free from sin. This was a suggestion from our friends at JoBlo (http://joblo.com), as well as a number of viewers, and we even used the extended edition to make sure no sin went without notice.

    Which movie's sins should we recount next? Comment below to suggest one, or Subscribe above to be the first to know what we choose. New films, old films, classic films, beloved films... no movie is without sin!

    Next Tuesday: another sins video.
    Then... some new stuff coming very soon as well.

    See the sins of The Amazing Spiderman's: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wy-v4c4is-w
    See the sins of The Avengers': http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gYVZjKgoKdg
    See the sins of The Dark Knight Rises: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j2tE-BCwZtw
    See the sins of Prometheus: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-BWnTW4rL0U
    See the sins of The Hunger Games: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pn0LXWaPxnQ
    See the sins of Looper: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XwDbqhl_p3g

    *Copyrighted content used under the Fair Use exception for review and commentary.

  8. 8

    Everything Wrong With The Room In 8 Minutes Or Less

    by CinemaSins 1,374,057 views

    Who said we only did "good" movies?

    We take on the so-called "worst movie ever made": The Room, which several of you have requested. How bad is it? Well, it's so bad, half the Cinema Sins team still hasn't even watched it to this day. We also might have broken the sin counter with this one, but we're looking into getting it fixed.

    Oh, and this one isn't in HD, obviously. We sort of had to work with what we had, which was something just shy of regular D.

    Which movie's sins should we recount next? Comment below to suggest one, or Subscribe above to be the first to know what we choose. New films, old films, classic films, beloved films... no movie is without sin!

    Next Tuesday: a sins video for a beloved "modern classic."

    See the sins of The Amazing Spiderman's: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wy-v4c4is-w
    See the sins of The Avengers': http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gYVZjKgoKdg
    See the sins of The Dark Knight Rises: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j2tE-BCwZtw
    See the sins of Prometheus: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-BWnTW4rL0U
    See the sins of The Hunger Games: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pn0LXWaPxnQ
    See the sins of Looper: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XwDbqhl_p3g
    See the sins of Avatar: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fq00mCqBMY8

    *Copyrighted content used under the Fair Use exception for review and commentary.

  9. 9

    Everything Wrong With Harry Potter & The Sorcerer's Stone In 3 Minutes Or Less

    by CinemaSins 3,046,606 views

    Is Harry Potter awesome? Maybe. It's not for us to say. But is it sin-free? Certainly not. We take a look at the very first chapter in this cinematic saga, Harry Potter & The Sorcerer's Stone, and chart all the sins we can find... in 3 minutes or less.

    Coming Friday: Something new... and strange.
    Next Tuesday: Another "sins" video.
    On The Horizon: It's going to get musical up in here.

    Which movie's sins should we recount next? Let us know in the comments below.

    Check out our other sins videos:
    The Amazing Spiderman's: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wy-v4c4is-w
    The Avengers: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gYVZjKgoKdg
    The Dark Knight Rises: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j2tE-BCwZtw
    Prometheus: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-BWnTW4rL0U
    The Hunger Games: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pn0LXWaPxnQ
    Looper: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XwDbqhl_p3g
    Avatar: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fq00mCqBMY8
    The Room: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mvuwldnG7c0

    *Copyrighted content used under the Fair Use exception for review and commentary.

  10. 10

    Everything Wrong With The Last Airbender In 4 Minutes Or Less

    by CinemaSins 2,701,561 views

    You asked for it. Some of you begged. And in order to make this, we had to watch this movie multiple times... so thanks for that. Here are all the sins we found in The Last Airbender, a movie that should be a sin sentence all of its own.

    Coming Friday: A second episode of Conversations With Myself
    Next Tuesday: Another "sins" video... a frequent request
    On The Horizon: It's going to get musical up in here

    Which movie's sins should we recount next? Let us know in the comments below.

    Check out our other sins videos:
    The Amazing Spiderman's: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wy-v4c4is-w
    The Avengers: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gYVZjKgoKdg
    The Dark Knight Rises: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j2tE-BCwZtw
    Prometheus: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-BWnTW4rL0U
    The Hunger Games: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pn0LXWaPxnQ
    Looper: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XwDbqhl_p3g
    Avatar: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fq00mCqBMY8
    The Room: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mvuwldnG7c0
    Harry Potter/Sorcerer's Stone: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9rleGD8gGd4

    *Copyrighted content used under the Fair Use exception for review and commentary.

  11. 11

    Everything Wrong With Inception In 4 Minutes Or Less

    by CinemaSins 2,626,777 views

    Inception. You asked for it, and then you asked for it some more. So finally we just said "screw it," and went looking for sins.

    Every Friday: Another Conversation With Myself
    Every Tuesday: Another Sins Video
    Coming Soon: New Weirdness

    Which movie's sins should we recount next? Let us know in the comments below.

    Check out our other sins videos:
    The Amazing Spiderman's: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wy-v4c4is-w
    The Avengers: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gYVZjKgoKdg
    The Dark Knight Rises: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j2tE-BCwZtw
    Prometheus: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-BWnTW4rL0U
    The Hunger Games: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pn0LXWaPxnQ
    Looper: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XwDbqhl_p3g
    Avatar: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fq00mCqBMY8
    The Room: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mvuwldnG7c0
    Harry Potter/Sorcerer's Stone: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9rleGD8gGd4
    The Last Airbender: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KSOzeeoVQOY

    *Copyrighted content used under the Fair Use exception for review and commentary.

  12. 12

    Everything Wrong With Skyfall In 4 Minutes Or Less

    by CinemaSins 2,789,906 views

    By popular request, we chart the sins of the so-called "best James Bond movie ever." There were a few of them.

    Coming Friday: Another Conversation With Myself
    Next Tuesday: Another fan-requested Sins video
    Coming Soon: New Weirdness

    Which movie's sins should we recount next? Let us know in the comments below.

    Check out our other sins videos:
    The Amazing Spiderman's: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wy-v4c4is-w
    The Avengers: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gYVZjKgoKdg
    The Dark Knight Rises: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j2tE-BCwZtw
    Prometheus: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-BWnTW4rL0U
    The Hunger Games: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pn0LXWaPxnQ
    Looper: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XwDbqhl_p3g
    Avatar: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fq00mCqBMY8
    The Room: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mvuwldnG7c0
    Harry Potter/Sorcerer's Stone: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9rleGD8gGd4
    The Last Airbender: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KSOzeeoVQOY
    Inception: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nKI432lCZaU

    *Copyrighted content used under the Fair Use exception for review and commentary.

  13. 13

    Everything Wrong With Twilight In 6 Minutes Or Less

    by CinemaSins 3,767,970 views

    You demanded it, and we suffered through watching it multiple times. We're scarred for life, but here's your sins video for Twilight, the modern vampire love story everyone either loves or loves to hate.

    Coming Friday: Another Conversation With Myself
    Next Tuesday: Another Sins Video
    Coming Soon: New Weirdness

    Which movie's sins should we recount next? Let us know in the comments below.

    Check out our other sins videos:
    The Amazing Spiderman's: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wy-v4c4is-w
    The Avengers: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gYVZjKgoKdg
    The Dark Knight Rises: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j2tE-BCwZtw
    Prometheus: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-BWnTW4rL0U
    The Hunger Games: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pn0LXWaPxnQ
    Looper: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XwDbqhl_p3g
    Avatar: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fq00mCqBMY8
    The Room: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mvuwldnG7c0
    Harry Potter/Sorcerer's Stone: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9rleGD8gGd4
    The Last Airbender: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KSOzeeoVQOY
    Inception: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nKI432lCZaU
    Skyfall: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xmoIDKqfY44

    *Copyrighted content used under the Fair Use exception for review and commentary.

  14. 14

    Everything Wrong With Battleship In 6 Minutes Or Less

    by CinemaSins 2,038,694 views

    Here are all the sins in the "film" Battleship. You can now stop asking for it, including the guy that keeps emailing every week.

    Coming Friday: A Conversation With Myself video
    Coming Tuesday: Another sins video, for another "comic book movie"
    Coming Soon: We're making a music video

    No movie is without sin. Which movie's sins should we recount next?

    Check out more movie sins videos:

    Check out our "Conversation With Myself" videos:

  15. 15

    Everything Wrong With The Dark Knight In 4 Minutes Or Less

    by CinemaSins 3,224,935 views

    Many of you have been asking us to do another "comic book" movie. Many of you have been asking us to do a "good" or universally-loved movie. So we did The Dark Knight, which ought to satisfy both groups. Here are all the sins of The Dark Knight.

    Coming Friday: A Conversation With Myself - Watch for a clue to what our next sins video will be
    Coming Next Tuesday: Another frequently requested sins video
    Coming Soon: Musical Madness

  16. 16

    Everything Wrong With The Hobbit An Unexpected Journey In 4 Minutes Or Less

    by CinemaSins 3,285,351 views

    By popular demand, we present a list of all the sins we found in The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey.

    Blu-Ray Contest!!

    The Blu-Ray comment contest is now over. Thanks for all your submissions. We'll be notifying the winner shortly.

    Coming Friday: A Conversation video, containing a clue to the next sins video.
    Coming Next Tuesday: Another sins video as usual.

    Remember, no movie is without sin. Which movie's sins should we recount next?

  17. 17

    Everything Wrong With Life of Pi In 4 Minutes Or Less

    by CinemaSins 1,903,888 views

    Even Oscar-winning movies have sins. Here are all the sins we found in Ang Lee's Life Of Pi.

    Coming Friday: Another conversation video, with a clue to the next sins video
    Coming Next Tuesday: Another sins video

    No movie is without sin. Which movie's sins should we recount next?

    The Blu-Ray contest is over. Thanks to everyone who participated. The winner will be notified soon.

  18. 18

    Everything Wrong With Les Miserables In 6 Minutes Or Less

    by CinemaSins 1,946,690 views

    Ah, Les Mis. A super-relatable lavish musical about an obscure French rebellion from two hundred years ago. We decided to go looking for sins, and yeah, we found a few.

    Coming Friday: A Conversation With Myself video, including a clue to the next sins video.
    Coming Next Tuesday: Another sins video.
    Coming Early May: Something unexpected, and perhaps even unwanted.

    The Les Mis Blu-Ray contest is now over. Thanks for all your submissions! We'll notify the winner shortly.

    Remember... no movie is without sin. Which movie's sins should we recount next?

    *Copyrighted content used under the Fair Use exception for review and commentary.

  19. 19

    Everything Wrong With Transformers In 7 Minutes Or Less

    by CinemaSins 2,639,192 views

    You asked for it. We watched it... many times. Surprise, surprise, it has some sins. So we listed them for you.

    Coming Friday: A new conversation video, with a clue to our next sins video.
    Coming Tuesday: Another sins video.

    Remember, no movie is without sin. Which movie's sins should we recount next?

  20. 20

    Everything Wrong With Iron Man In 4 Minutes Or Less

    by CinemaSins 2,558,788 views

    In honor of the release of Iron Man 3, we decided to revisit the first entry in the franchise. We found some sins in it, as we do with all movies.

    Coming Friday: The usual stuff
    Coming Tuesday: Another sins video

    No movie is without sin. Which movie's sins should we recount next?

  21. 21

    Everything Wrong With Iron Man 2 In 6 Minutes Or Less

    by CinemaSins 2,270,820 views

    Surprise mother------- (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5CfNarCjSHM)

    Instead of our regularly-scheduled Conversation With Myself video, we bring you the sins of Iron Man 2, in plenty of time for you to remember exactly how bad it was before you watch Iron Man 3.

    Don't worry, Conversation fans, the series will return next week.

    Coming Tuesday: A much requested sins video for a more recent film.
    Next Friday: A conversation with myself about movies
    In May: something something Gandalf

    No movie is without sin. Which movie's sins should we recount next?

  22. 22

    Everything Wrong With Django Unchained In 4 Minutes Or Less

    by CinemaSins 1,858,150 views

    You asked for it, so we watched it many times. Now we're desensitized to violence and the n-word.

    Here are all the sins we found in Tarantino's latest, Django Unchained.

    Coming Friday: The return of Conversations With Myself About Movies
    Next Tuesday: Another sins video you've been begging us to do.
    Coming this month: There's magic in the air.

    No movie is without sin! Which movie's sins should we recount next?

  23. 23

    Everything Wrong With Star Trek (2009) In 5 Minutes Or Less

    by CinemaSins 1,607,986 views

    To boldly go where many of you have been asking us to go... J.J. Abrahms' Star Trek. Does it have sins? Of course! Did we do a Bonus Round of lens flare? No we did not, because that would be too obvious. And also it's already been done. If you really want to see that much lens flare, go check out this guy's video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wYgG9MhV5Q0

    This Friday: Another Conversation video.
    Next Tuesday: Another Sins video.
    Very soon: Things get musical.

    No movie is without sin. Which movie's sins should we recount next?

  24. 24

    Everything Wrong With Jurassic Park In 3 Minutes Or Less

    by CinemaSins 2,667,695 views

    After much demand, we decided to point the sin-counter at the dinosaur classic, Jurassic Park. And no, one of the sins isn't that the kids don't die.

    Coming Friday: A Conversation about Star Trek Into Darkness.
    Coming Next Tuesday: Another Sins video.
    In The Coming Weeks: Musical wizard stupidity.

    No movie is without sin. Which movie's sins should we recount next?

  25. 25

    Everything Wrong With Mortal Kombat In 7 Minutes Or Less

    by CinemaSins 1,457,722 views

    We take a look through the microscope at the mother of all video game adaptations, Mortal Kombat. Boy, are you guys that thought we were doing Green Lantern going to be disappointed.

    Also, you guys might enjoy this week's Honest Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MOTk1Gi5zoA

    Coming Friday: A conversation about Fast & Furious
    Coming Next Tuesday: Another sins video

    No movie is without sin. Which movie's sins should we recount next?

  26. 26

    Everything Wrong With Green Lantern In 6 Minutes Or Less

    by CinemaSins 2,193,839 views

    After too many requests to count, we finally broke down and subjected ourselves to multiple viewings of Green Lantern on our weekly quest to find sins.

    Coming Friday: Another Conversation video
    Coming Next Tuesday: Another Sins video

  27. 27

    Everything Wrong With Superman Returns In 6 Minutes Or Less

    by CinemaSins 2,669,716 views

    In anticipation of the upcoming Man Of Steel, we revisit the most recent Superman adaptation, Superman Returns. Did we find any sins? If you have to ask, you must be new here.

    Special thanks to our friends at Honest Trailers for stopping by and pitching in on this one. Go check out their videos: http://youtube.com/ScreenJunkies

    Coming Friday: The usual.
    Coming Next Tuesday: The usual.

    No movie is without sin. Which movie's sins should we recount next?

  28. 28

    Everything Wrong With Cinema Sins In 3 Minutes Or Less

    by CinemaSins 2,034,997 views

    This week we bring you everything wrong with... us. Because no movie, or YouTube channel, is without sin. In our case, the sins are pretty obvious, so this video was easy to make.

    Oh yeah, also check out: http://cinemasins.com

    Conversations With Myself will return next week with a look at Man Of Steel.

  29. 29

    Everything Wrong With Superman The Movie In 5 Minutes Or Less

    by CinemaSins 1,298,416 views

    After listing the sins of Superman Returns last week, we thought it only fair to go back in time several decades and point the sin counter at one of the most beloved of all superhero movies: Superman The Movie. The year, 1978. The star, Christopher Reeve. The sins... not as plentiful.

    Also, we've given you a choice near the end of this video to see the regular ending, a Cinema Sins bonus round ending, or a musical bonus round ending. Each has its own sin total and its own outtake. For mobile users, the links to each are here:

    Standard CinemaSins Bonus Round:

    Musical Bonus Round:

    Oh yeah, we also have a website now: http://cinemasins.com. More to come over there in the coming months.

  30. 30

    Everything Wrong With A Good Day To Die Hard In 6 Minutes Or Less

    by CinemaSins 943,892 views

    The latest "Die Hard" movie goes under the sin-counter's microscope. Take a look back at one of the year's first action films, and remember why almost no one liked it.

    Check out our new series, launched yesterday, called Movie Recipes: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7mm4-xurbyA

    No Movie Is Without Sin. Which movie's sins should we recount next?

  31. 31

    Everything Wrong With Independence Day In 6 Minutes Or Less

    by CinemaSins 1,434,957 views

    In special celebration of the approaching American 4th of July holiday, we bring you all the sins we could find in the 1990's action classic, Independence Day. Welcome to Earth!

    Have you seen our new Movie Recipes series?
    Great Gatsby Cocktail: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7mm4-xurbyA
    Forrest Gump Casserole: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IaeyBhKoUgQ

    Remember, no movie is without sin. Which movie's sins would you like to see recounted?

    Coming Friday: More Answering Fan Mail
    Next Monday: Another Movie Recipe
    Next Tuesday: Another Sins Video

  32. 32

    Everything Wrong With Pirates Of The Caribbean - The Curse Of The Black Pearl

    by CinemaSins 2,101,734 views

    In observance of Johnny Depp & Gore Verbinski's new summer action film, The Lone Ranger, we take a look at their first big hit together, the original Pirates Of The Caribbean - The Curse Of The Black Pearl. Arrrgh there any sins?

    Did you see yesterday's Movie Recipe?: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OgXQZvtTgi4
    Or Friday's mailbag video?: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vTSL0ytNoJs

  33. 33

    Everything Wrong With Godzilla In 7 Minutes Or Less

    by CinemaSins 1,425,267 views

    The year: 1998. The film: Godzilla. The reviews: disastrous. Seeing as how giant robots will soon be fighting giant monsters on the big screen in Pacific Rim, we thought it would be appropriate to go back and revisit one of the most notorious giant-monster movies of the last few decades: Roland Emmerich's Godzilla.

    Have you seen this week's Movie Recipe?

    No movie is without sin. Which movie's sins should we recount next?

  34. 34

    Everything Wrong With Men In Black 3 In 6 Minutes Or Less

    by CinemaSins 1,576,893 views

    Since R.I.P.D. comes out soon, and since R.I.P.D. is basically Men In Black 4, we thought it would be fun to go back to last year and see what sins we could find in Men In Black 3.

    Remember, no movie is without sin.
    Which movie's sins should we recount next?

    Have you seen this week's Movie Recipe, Iron Man 3 Birthday Cake? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fVna7SkbyJ0

  35. 35

    Everything Wrong With X-Men In 5 Minutes Or Less

    by CinemaSins 2,221,123 views

    Just in time for The Wolverine, we bring you all the sins we could find in Bryan Singer's original X-Men movie.

    Also, check out the sins of X2: X-Men United: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d45Jp7s98ao

    No movie is without sin. Which movie's sins would you like to see recounted?

    Tomorrow: Something unexpected.

  36. 36

    Everything Wrong With X2: X-Men United In 4 Minutes Or Less

    by CinemaSins 1,197,893 views

    Say what?! Back-to-back sins videos? We're doubling down this week on X-men movies, following up yesterday's effort with a rundown of all the sins we could find in X2: X-Men United.

    Did you see our sins video on the first X-Men movie? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mtf587LEKUU

    No Conversation video this Friday, but something fun tomorrow. New Recipe video on Monday... Man of Steel.

    No movie is without sin. Which movie's sins should we recount next?

  37. 37

    Everything Wrong With X-Men: The Last Stand In 9 Minutes Or Less

    by CinemaSins 1,765,080 views

    Oops. We did it again. Another surprise sins video, today capping off the original X-Men trilogy with X-Men: The Last Stand. That's three in one week, for those keeping score at home. So all of you who say we need to do more sins videos instead of our other series... you guys can chill the hell out now... at least for a week.

    No video tomorrow, Conversations should return next week.

    Monday: Man of Steel Movie Recipe
    Tuesday: Yup, another sins video

    No movie is without sin. Which movie's sins should we recount next?

    Have you seen our other X-Men sins videos?
    X-men: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mtf587LEKUU
    X2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d45Jp7s98ao

  38. 38

    Everything Wrong With Percy Jackson & The Olympians: The Lightning Thief

    by CinemaSins 1,499,851 views

    It's in the top 5 requested film all time for our channel, and today we finally grant your wish: a sins video of Percy Jackson & The Olympians: The Lightning Thief, just in time for the sequel, which you probably couldn't pay us to watch at this point.

    No movie is without sin. Which movie's sins should we recount next?

  39. 39

    Everything Wrong With District 9 In 3 Minutes Or Less

    by CinemaSins 1,149,492 views

    Well, it was bound to happen sooner or later. Today we have a new "Lowest Sin Count" movie, as we gear up for Elysium by taking a look at director Neill Blomkamp's District 9. There were sins, as there always are, but not very many.

    Remember, a sin count is not directly related to any kind of overall quality score. It's just a list of sins.

    No movie is without sin. Which movie's sins should we recount next?

  40. 40

    Everything Wrong With Kick-Ass In 7 Minutes Or Less

    by CinemaSins 2,427,890 views

    Many of you have been asking for this film for a long time. In a nod to the release of Kick-Ass 2, we finally bring you everything we could find wrong with the original Kick-Ass.

    Have you seen our trailer for the upcoming Anthony Weiner biopic? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tSFwnDgOhmI

    No movie is without sin. Which movie's sins should we recount next?

  41. 41

    Everything Wrong With Batman Begins In 6 Minutes Or Less

    by CinemaSins 1,647,532 views

    The people have spoken, and the people wanted the damn Dark Knight trilogy completed. So this week we bring you the sins of Batman Begins. Hopefully you're happy now, but probably not.

    For those of you asking, Conversations & Recipes are both on short hiatus, and will likely return sometime soon. Or not. In the meantime, we have some other stupid sh*t we've might show you. Or not.

    Remember, no movie is without sin. Which movie's sins should we recount next?

  42. 42

    Everything Wrong With Training Day In 4 Minutes Or Less

    by CinemaSins 555,775 views

    In honor of Ethan Hawke starring in some new crime, car-based thing... we bring you the sins of Training Day, starring Denzel Washington, the stoner from The Cabin In The Woods, Dr. Dre... and other people.

    New Cinema Sins Schedule (for at least the near future):
    Tuesdays: New sins video
    Wednesdays: Mixture of recurring series (Conversations, Recipes), one-offs, and new sh*t.
    Thursdays: 2nd new sins video

    Yes, that means there's another sins video coming in two days. You won't believe what we chose to watch over and over again.

    Remember, no movie is without sin. Which movie's sins would you like to see us recount next?

  43. 43

    Everything Wrong With Justin Bieber: Never Say Never

    by CinemaSins 1,599,567 views

    Justin Bieber: Never Say Never. Some say it was robbed of several awards. Those people are stupid.

    For our first Thursday Sins Video entry, we thought we'd have a little fun with the pop superstar's concert documentary. The upside? you get to watch this video. The downside? We had to watch this movie so many times we'll be humming Bieber songs for weeks.

    Go to http://audible.com/cinemasins to get your first audio book free today!

    And don't miss our Video Diary, where we show you a typical Cinema Sins day:

    Next Tuesday: A new sins video.
    Next Wednesday: Something else.
    Next Thursday: Another new sins video.

    Remember... no movie is without sin. What movie's sins would you like to see recounted next?

  44. 44

    Everything Wrong With Pitch Black In 7 Minutes Or Less

    by CinemaSins 740,012 views

    In honor of the release of Riddick, a movie absolutely no one was asking for, we decided to point the sin cannon at Pitch Black, the first installment of the Riddick series.

    If you wish to follow us on Twitter or tweet nasty insults at us, you can do that: @cinemasins.

    Did you somehow miss our Bieber video? Shame on you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PDqYtFZAU5U

    Remember, no movie is without sin. What movie's sins would you like to see us recount next?

  45. 45

    Everything Wrong With The Chronicles Of Riddick In 8 Minutes Or Less

    by CinemaSins 689,379 views

    Riddick week continues, as we explore the sin offerings found in the second film in the franchise, The Chronicles Of Riddick. It's a lot like The Chronicles of Narnia, only there are fewer resurrected lions and more cheesy lines of dialogue.

    Next Tuesday: Another sins video.
    Next Wednesday: Something else that will definitely not be a drunk video game video.
    Next Thursday: Another sins video.

    Remember, no movie is without sin. Which movie's sins would you like to see us recount next?

  46. 46

    Everything Wrong With Harry Potter & The Chamber Of Secrets

    by CinemaSins 1,685,951 views

    Well after many months of making you wait, we finally return to the Harry Potter series for the second installment, running down the list of sins in Harry Potter & The Chamber Of Secrets. Yes, there were many. Yes, it was more than we expected. No, we aren't doing Prisoner Of Azkhaban next week.

    Go back and relive the sins of the first film, Harry Potter & The Sorcerer's (Philosopher's) Stone: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9rleGD8gGd4

    Tomorrow: A new Conversation video.
    Thursday: Another sins video--very much requested of late.

    Remember, no movie is without sin. Which movie's sins would you like to see recounted next?

  47. 47

    Everything Wrong With Daredevil In 8 Minutes Or Less

    by CinemaSins 1,251,964 views

    Since the news of Ben Affleck's casting as Batman in the next Man of Steel film, we've been bombarded with requests to take a look at his last foray into superhero territory: Daredevil. So in order to shut those people up, we did it. (Also... this video took forever to process... it pissed us off).

    Check out our debate about the casting of Affleck as Batman: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S9XZrVtk2g8

    Oh, and 800,000 subs? You gotta be kidding. You guys f*cking rule, you know? Well... most of you.

    No movie is without sin. Which movie's sins should we recount next?

  48. 48

    Everything Wrong With The Wizard Of Oz

    by CinemaSins 1,103,398 views

    You kept asking us to do a classic, and now look what we've done. The sins of The Wizard Of Oz, one of the most cherished films of all time, which is also being released on IMAX 3D this Friday.


    Tomorrow: Something.
    Thursday: Another sins video, another film you've been demanding lately.

    Remember, no movie is without sin. Which movie's sins should we recount next?

  49. 49

    Everything Wrong With Star Trek Into Darkness In 7 Minutes Or Less

    by CinemaSins 810,694 views

    Alright, alright. We get it. You want to see the sins of Star Trek Into Darkness. So here... enjoy. We are now all trekked out for the time being.

    If you enjoy the Eminem gag at the end, here's a 20-minute loop: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3eM-P1bEQYI

    If you somehow missed our sins video for the first Star Trek: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DiQ9piVgtWM

    And don't miss this week's other sins video, The Wizard Of Oz: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wka3yoC-cLA

    Next Tuesday: A new sins video.
    Next Wednesday: Something else.
    Next Thursday: A new sins video.

    Remember, no movie is without sin. Which movie's sins would you like to see us recount next?

  50. 50

    Everything Wrong With Premium Rush In 6 Minutes Or Less

    by CinemaSins 567,408 views

    In observance of Joseph Gordon-Levitt's directorial debut, Don Jon, opening this Friday, we bring you all the sins we could find in Premium Rush, which may go down in history as the second best bike messenger thriller ever made.

    Tomorrow: Another video diary ("everything wrong with my day")
    Thursday: Another sins video, something many of you have been pestering us to cover.

    Remember, no movie is without sin. Which movie's sins should we recount next?

  51. 51

    Everything Wrong With Now You See Me In 8 Minutes Or Less

    by CinemaSins 1,075,376 views

    Abracadabra, b*tches. You asked for it. Then you demanded it. Then you got all Occupy on our asses. So fine. Here are the sins of Now You See Me, the magic movie that wants to be a modern day Prestige, but ends up being more of a modern day Illusionist... meets Burt Wonderstone.

    Tuesday: New sins video - another requested 2013 film
    Wednesday: Something else
    Thursday: New sins video

    Remember, no movie is without sin. Which movie's sins should we recount next?

    Tweet us: http://twitter.com/cinemasins

  52. 52

    Everything Wrong With World War Z In 6 Minutes Or Less

    by CinemaSins 1,120,955 views

    World War Z. It's supposed to be incredible, but we've never read it. Oh yeah, apparently there's a movie about it too, so we went looking for (non-book-based) sins in that instead.

    Tomorrow: Something. Maybe.
    Thursday: Scary sins!
    Soon: Something about t-shirts, for those of you asking.
    Always: The books do not matter.

    Remember: No movie is without sin. Which movie's sins should we recount next?

  53. 53

    Everything Wrong With Insidious In 8 Minutes Or Less

    by CinemaSins 734,887 views

    It's October, so we figured it was a decent time to start covering some horror films. And we're starting with the most-requested one from fans: Insidious, a movie that is super scary as long as you don't stop to think about anything.

    Next Tuesday: Sins video.
    Next Wednesday: Something else.
    Next Thursday: Another sins video.

    Remember, no movie is without sin. Which movie's sins should we recount next?

  54. 54

    Everything Wrong With Iron Man 3 According To Our Viewers

    by CinemaSins 978,420 views

    Iron Man 3 was plenty sinful, so much so that we turned over to our fans the keys to the sin counter. This entire video--every sin, every outtake, the bonus round, and even the sentencing--is fan-suggested.

    Special thanks to our pals at Screen Junkies for contributing some sins. Check them out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e3r4FklA4gI&feature=c4-overvi­ew-vl&list=PL86F4D497FD3CACCE

    We received over 20,000 individual sin submissions from over 5,000 participants. Note to self: next time, hire interns.

    If your sin didn't make the final cut, it definitely doesn't mean we hate you. Probably. There were a TON of great sins that we couldn't squeeze into this video, and all in all we were very impressed with the submissions. If we ever decide to retire, the Internet nitpicker's club will be in fine hands with you folks around. If you guys enjoy this, we'll have to do it again sometime soon.

    Tomorrow: Something odd and fun.
    Thursday: Something else Iron Man 3 related.

    Remember, no movie is without sin. Which movie's sins should we recount next?

  55. 55

    The Island Of Misfit Sins - Iron Man 3

    by CinemaSins 436,302 views

    Some of the submitted sins for our fan-created EWW Iron Man 3 video were a little... strange. But memorable. We collected a few of our favorites for you here on the island of misfit sins.

    Next Tuesday: Scary sins
    Next Wednesday: Odd sins
    Next Thursday: Even more sins!

  56. 56

    Everything Wrong With Carrie In 5 Minutes Or Less

    by CinemaSins 756,465 views

    Before you check out Chloe Grace Moretz in the new Carrie remake this weekend, we thought it would be wise to revisit the original telekinetic outcast. So we turned the sin counter on, pointed it at the 70's horror classic from Brian de Palma, and let it do its thing. Were there sins? Of course there were.

    Tomorrow: Sins you do not expect.
    Thursday: Sins you might expect, but probably not.

    Remember, no movie is without sin. Which movie's sins should we recount next?

  57. 57

    Everything Wrong With The Loneliest Robot In Great Britain

    by CinemaSins 355,889 views

    In Grand Theft Auto V, there are a ton of cool things you can do like play a round of golf, watch TV, OR... you can pay $20 (game money), sit in a theater, and watch an actual movie. We chose The Loneliest Robot In Great Britain, and even at just 10 minutes in length... it's a doozy.

    If you'd like to see the full movie of The Loneliest Robot In Great Britain to give you some context, you can do that here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5aw4HIXuGIc

    Tomorrow: Action Sins!

    Remember, no movie is without sin... even a fake movie inside of a video game. Which movie's sins should we recount next?

  58. 58

    Everything Wrong With The Expendables In 8 Minutes Or Less

    by CinemaSins 796,770 views

    Before Arnold & Sly teamed up on Escape Plan (which sounds like a Katherine Heigl movie), they teamed up--ever so briefly--in The Expendables. Yes, it may surprise you to learn that Sly's homage to 80's action movies contains some sins. It is, after all, a movie.

    Next Tuesday: Scary Sins
    Next Wednesday: Something Else
    Next Thursday: More Scary Sins

    Remember, no movie is without sin. Which movie's sins should we recount next?

  59. 59

    Everything Wrong With Paranormal Activity In 7 Minutes Or Less

    by CinemaSins 772,986 views

    Still on a horror kick for October, and today we're pointing out all the sins we found in Paranormal Activity, the hit found-footage movie that spawned 11,000 sequels in four years--oh, look, there's another one coming out in January!

    Tomorrow: Nothing--we did our mid-week video on Monday. You can watch it here if you want: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z9U-np4_TW8
    Thursday: More horror sins.

    Don't forget to cast your vote for our 1 Million Subscribers Sins Celebration video:

    Remember, no movie is without sin. Which movie's sins should we recount next?

  60. 60

    Everything Wrong With Saw In 8 Minutes Or Less

    by CinemaSins 925,250 views

    Still counting horror sins, and today we cover Saw, probably our third-favorite movie named after a household tool. And yes, there are some sins in there.

    Uploading & processing issues kept us from publishing this video on time, but at least it's finally up now. We may have lost a whole day, but it was totally worth it... maybe.

    Next Tuesday: Horror sins.
    Wednesday: More GTA V fun, we think.
    Thursday: More sins!

  61. 61

    Everything Wrong With Halloween (2007 Rob Zombie Remake)

    by CinemaSins 537,482 views

    Just in time for Halloween comes... the sins of Halloween. But not just any Halloween--no, we pointed the sin counter at Rob Zombie's 2007 Halloween remake.

    Tomorrow: More GTA V Movie References
    Thursday: Not quite done with horror sins yet

    Remember, no movie is without sin. Which movie's sins should we recount next?

  62. 62

    Everything Wrong With The Conjuring In 7 Minutes Or Less

    by CinemaSins 538,398 views

    In our final sin celebration of horror movies for this year, we take a look at The Conjuring, a film many of you know as "that exorcism movie with the Office Space guy."

    Next Tuesday: Super sins.
    Next Thursday: Your 1-million-subs fan vote winner, Titanic.

    Remember, no movie is without sin. Which movie's sins should we recount next?

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