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Superhero Sins Videos

  1. 1

    Everything Wrong With The Amazing Spiderman In 2 Minutes Or Less

    by CinemaSins 3,639,364 views

    Listing all the sins for The Amazing Spiderman (in 2 minutes or less) and handing down an ultimate verdict for the film.

    Which movie's sins should we recount next? Comment below to suggest one, or Subscribe above to be the first to know what we choose. New films, old films, classic films, beloved films... no movie is without sin!

    *Copyrighted content used under the Fair Use exception for review and commentary.

  2. 2

    Everything Wrong With The Avengers In 3 Minutes Or Less

    by CinemaSins 5,279,798 views

    Marvel's The Avengers was one of the biggest movies of the year, but it wasn't without sin. Cinema Sins lists all the sins for The Avengers (in 3 minutes or less) and hands down an ultimate verdict for the film.

    Which movie's sins should we recount next? Comment below to suggest one, or Subscribe above to be the first to know what we choose. New films, old films, classic films, beloved films... no movie is without sin!

    See The Amazing Spiderman's sins: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wy-v4c4is-w

    *Copyrighted content used under the Fair Use exception for review and commentary.

  3. 3

    Everything Wrong With The Dark Knight In 4 Minutes Or Less

    by CinemaSins 3,224,935 views

    Many of you have been asking us to do another "comic book" movie. Many of you have been asking us to do a "good" or universally-loved movie. So we did The Dark Knight, which ought to satisfy both groups. Here are all the sins of The Dark Knight.

    Coming Friday: A Conversation With Myself - Watch for a clue to what our next sins video will be
    Coming Next Tuesday: Another frequently requested sins video
    Coming Soon: Musical Madness

  4. 4

    Everything Wrong With The Dark Knight Rises In 3 Minutes Or Less

    by CinemaSins 4,585,955 views

    For all its popularity and massive box office earnings, The Dark Knight Rises is still a film with many sins. We've listed them for you.

    Which movie's sins should we recount next? Comment below to suggest one, or Subscribe above to be the first to know what we choose. New films, old films, classic films, beloved films... no movie is without sin!

    See The Amazing Spiderman's sins: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wy-v4c4is-w
    See The Avengers' sins: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gYVZjKgoKdg

    *Copyrighted content used under the Fair Use exception for review and commentary.

  5. 5

    Everything Wrong With Iron Man In 4 Minutes Or Less

    by CinemaSins 2,558,788 views

    In honor of the release of Iron Man 3, we decided to revisit the first entry in the franchise. We found some sins in it, as we do with all movies.

    Coming Friday: The usual stuff
    Coming Tuesday: Another sins video

    No movie is without sin. Which movie's sins should we recount next?

  6. 6

    Everything Wrong With Iron Man 2 In 6 Minutes Or Less

    by CinemaSins 2,270,820 views

    Surprise mother------- (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5CfNarCjSHM)

    Instead of our regularly-scheduled Conversation With Myself video, we bring you the sins of Iron Man 2, in plenty of time for you to remember exactly how bad it was before you watch Iron Man 3.

    Don't worry, Conversation fans, the series will return next week.

    Coming Tuesday: A much requested sins video for a more recent film.
    Next Friday: A conversation with myself about movies
    In May: something something Gandalf

    No movie is without sin. Which movie's sins should we recount next?

  7. 7

    Everything Wrong With Green Lantern In 6 Minutes Or Less

    by CinemaSins 2,193,839 views

    After too many requests to count, we finally broke down and subjected ourselves to multiple viewings of Green Lantern on our weekly quest to find sins.

    Coming Friday: Another Conversation video
    Coming Next Tuesday: Another Sins video

  8. 8

    Everything Wrong With Superman Returns In 6 Minutes Or Less

    by CinemaSins 2,669,716 views

    In anticipation of the upcoming Man Of Steel, we revisit the most recent Superman adaptation, Superman Returns. Did we find any sins? If you have to ask, you must be new here.

    Special thanks to our friends at Honest Trailers for stopping by and pitching in on this one. Go check out their videos: http://youtube.com/ScreenJunkies

    Coming Friday: The usual.
    Coming Next Tuesday: The usual.

    No movie is without sin. Which movie's sins should we recount next?

  9. 9

    Everything Wrong With Superman The Movie In 5 Minutes Or Less

    by CinemaSins 1,298,416 views

    After listing the sins of Superman Returns last week, we thought it only fair to go back in time several decades and point the sin counter at one of the most beloved of all superhero movies: Superman The Movie. The year, 1978. The star, Christopher Reeve. The sins... not as plentiful.

    Also, we've given you a choice near the end of this video to see the regular ending, a Cinema Sins bonus round ending, or a musical bonus round ending. Each has its own sin total and its own outtake. For mobile users, the links to each are here:

    Standard CinemaSins Bonus Round:

    Musical Bonus Round:

    Oh yeah, we also have a website now: http://cinemasins.com. More to come over there in the coming months.

  10. 10

    Everything Wrong With X-Men In 5 Minutes Or Less

    by CinemaSins 2,221,123 views

    Just in time for The Wolverine, we bring you all the sins we could find in Bryan Singer's original X-Men movie.

    Also, check out the sins of X2: X-Men United: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d45Jp7s98ao

    No movie is without sin. Which movie's sins would you like to see recounted?

    Tomorrow: Something unexpected.

  11. 11

    Everything Wrong With X2: X-Men United In 4 Minutes Or Less

    by CinemaSins 1,197,893 views

    Say what?! Back-to-back sins videos? We're doubling down this week on X-men movies, following up yesterday's effort with a rundown of all the sins we could find in X2: X-Men United.

    Did you see our sins video on the first X-Men movie? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mtf587LEKUU

    No Conversation video this Friday, but something fun tomorrow. New Recipe video on Monday... Man of Steel.

    No movie is without sin. Which movie's sins should we recount next?

  12. 12

    Everything Wrong With X-Men: The Last Stand In 9 Minutes Or Less

    by CinemaSins 1,765,080 views

    Oops. We did it again. Another surprise sins video, today capping off the original X-Men trilogy with X-Men: The Last Stand. That's three in one week, for those keeping score at home. So all of you who say we need to do more sins videos instead of our other series... you guys can chill the hell out now... at least for a week.

    No video tomorrow, Conversations should return next week.

    Monday: Man of Steel Movie Recipe
    Tuesday: Yup, another sins video

    No movie is without sin. Which movie's sins should we recount next?

    Have you seen our other X-Men sins videos?
    X-men: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mtf587LEKUU
    X2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d45Jp7s98ao

  13. 13

    Everything Wrong With Kick-Ass In 7 Minutes Or Less

    by CinemaSins 2,427,890 views

    Many of you have been asking for this film for a long time. In a nod to the release of Kick-Ass 2, we finally bring you everything we could find wrong with the original Kick-Ass.

    Have you seen our trailer for the upcoming Anthony Weiner biopic? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tSFwnDgOhmI

    No movie is without sin. Which movie's sins should we recount next?

  14. 14

    Everything Wrong With Batman Begins In 6 Minutes Or Less

    by CinemaSins 1,647,532 views

    The people have spoken, and the people wanted the damn Dark Knight trilogy completed. So this week we bring you the sins of Batman Begins. Hopefully you're happy now, but probably not.

    For those of you asking, Conversations & Recipes are both on short hiatus, and will likely return sometime soon. Or not. In the meantime, we have some other stupid sh*t we've might show you. Or not.

    Remember, no movie is without sin. Which movie's sins should we recount next?

  15. 15

    Everything Wrong With Daredevil In 8 Minutes Or Less

    by CinemaSins 1,251,964 views

    Since the news of Ben Affleck's casting as Batman in the next Man of Steel film, we've been bombarded with requests to take a look at his last foray into superhero territory: Daredevil. So in order to shut those people up, we did it. (Also... this video took forever to process... it pissed us off).

    Check out our debate about the casting of Affleck as Batman: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S9XZrVtk2g8

    Oh, and 800,000 subs? You gotta be kidding. You guys f*cking rule, you know? Well... most of you.

    No movie is without sin. Which movie's sins should we recount next?

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