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Matt Hill

  • Matt Hill uploaded and replied to a comment from Pym Cat

    Ruby the Wombat going crazy in the kitchen may quench the wombat thirst. I hope you have a good weekend. Cheers.

    Bathing Ruby our baby wombat

    • 1 year ago
    History: Ruby was rescued out of the pouch of her dead mother who was lying beside a country road in NSW. She was approx 4 and a half months old. Now 3 months later she is strong and healthy. And s...
  • Matt Hill uploaded and replied to a comment from yawafrifa

    Both Ruby and Nixon built up an incredible playful relationship. Keep an eye out for the clip that has a couple of minutes of their best wrestling footage. Have a good weekend. Cheers.

    Our Wombat Ruby and Rottweiler Nixon.MOV

    • 1 year ago
    Ruby the Wombat getting to know our Rottie! This is the beginning of quite a unique friendship. More to come......To use this video in a commercial player or in broadcasts, please email licensing@s...
  • Matt Hill uploaded, replied to a comment from gemc8 and liked

    Yes, but as they are nocturnal, interaction is in the darkness. Understandibly she is still cautious with moving out into an open area at this stage. It would be handy to have night vision! Have a good weekend.

    Ruby the Wombat using the cat door

    • 5 months ago
    Raising our orphaned wombat has created some great highlights. At six months this was the day she learnt how to come into the house from her secure yard via the cat door. To use this video in a com...
  • Matt Hill uploaded and commented

    Hi, without sounding too nerdy, Wombats and Koala's are plant-eating marsupials and pigs are omnivorous mammals. So it may be bit of a stretch to say they both are related. Thanks for asking the question though. Have a good weekend. Cheers.

    Ruby the Wombat's first near miss with the cat

    • 3 weeks ago
    Prior to making it outside, and working out the cat door to get back in. Ruby the Wombat had to work out how to survive inside. After finding her feet this was the first of her near misses with Soo...
  • Matt Hill uploaded and posted

    Hi everyone, thanks for your great comments, support and subscribing. As requested here is a longer clip, I hope you enjoy it. Have a great weekend.

    Ruby the Wombat goes crazy in the kitchen

    • 2 weeks ago
    As Ruby got older, her personality started to shine. It's plain to see she was going to be a laugh and a handful to control. In this clip you can clearly see my other half is Ruby's main point of f...
  • Matt Hill subscribed to a channel
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