A joint Fermilab/SLAC publication
Artwork by Sandbox Studio, Chicago

Symmetry gets a new look


Welcome to the Symmetry redesign!

Notice something different?

Today marks the launch of a brand new Symmetry magazine. We’ve simplified and updated our webpages to help you find what you’re looking for, to guide your attention to our best art and photography, and to give you a better reading experience.

  • We’ve cleared away clutter on the article pages, providing more space for images and videos and creating a smoother reading experience. We think your eyes will appreciate the line breaks we added between paragraphs.
  • For our growing smart-phone audience, we paid special attention to the mobile site, moving links that used to crowd the beginning of an article page to the bottom of the text.
  • We redesigned the homepage and divided its content into news and feature stories. Links to particle physics articles on other sites, formerly located in a sidebar called “trending on the web,” have been integrated into the news area to give you a quick overview of what’s happening in the world of particle physics.
  • You can expand both the news and features sections to look through older articles, and you can find a chronological list of articles of both types in the archive.
  • We combined our image bank with the archive and added videos as well. The updated archive allows you to filter searches by content type, topic and date.
  • The new subscribe page gives you the option to receive updates from Symmetry via newsletter, social media or RSS feed.
  • With this redesign, we fully embrace our identity as an online publication. For our growing audience, we replaced the “masthead” page with an “about” page. We combined the little-used “departments” and “science topics” menus into a single drop-down menu of our most popular topics (with additional filters available on the archive page).

Not everything about the new site is new. We’ll continue to publish great content every week. Symmetry is still the place to hear the latest particle physics news, meet the people behind the science, have fun and get the background you need to understand the language of particle physics.

We hope you’ll enjoy it! Please contact us on social media or by email to let us know what you think.

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