
The body MR section aims to provide outstanding patient care, lead innovations in the practice of body MR, and train the next generation of clinician scientists. The overall direction of the group is development of a tight link between diagnosis and therapy to enable highly personalized care.

The Stanford Body MRI service aims to provide exams that are personally tailored for each patient. With state-of-the-art MRI technology and highly trained staff, we seek excellence in the care for your patients. Each faculty member is an internationally recognized expert in body MRI, and has experience developing new methods to improve diagnostic precision. Further, the section has a depth of subspecialty experience.

Clinical Services


The body MRI section in the Department of Radiology leverages a rapidly growing clinical volume, outstanding MRI equipment, and dedicated clinical and research faculty to create a unique environment for learning.  Trainees include residents, fellows, and visitors.


Body MRI research at Stanford is fostered by a tight link between research scientists in the Department of Radiology, the University, and throughout the Bay Area. Clinical scanners have platforms identical to dedicated research scanners, enabling rapid clinical translation. These efforts are supported by multiple NIH grants.