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Email Campaign

This community is intended to keep campus communicators who utilize email newsletter technology informed of updates, advancements, and workshops on the subject.
Meeting Frequency: 
Arthur Patterson

Email list:

Slide deck from initial Knowledge Sharing session on 11/20/14. Contains tips on avoiding spam and best practices used by News Service. 

28 Fun & Useful Ways to Grow Your LIst. This is intended for retail businesses, but some of the ideas carry over.

MailChimp Best Practices for Lists. Great information for managing mailing lists, regardless of the program/vendor you use.

Lynda classes on MailChimp and ConstantContact. Thes free classes provide a great overview on the basics these two services provide.

Exporting Mailman lists to MailChimp. Use this script and follow the steps in this presentation to ready Stanford Mailman lists for MailChimp. Thanks to Marco Wise for sharing this information.

Responsive design resources

Article on Responsive design email campaigns

MailChimp Responsive design basics

Free Responsive email templates 

Article on free templates

Zurb's free templates

Interesting Email design Vendors:

Campaign Monitor


Email design and coding best practices:

Stanford Identity Toolkit - resources, explanation and downloads

MailChimp HTML email basics

MailChimp mobile-friendly designs

Email design tips

Mobile Touch Template - in case people feel like getting really nerdy on mobile design

