Grant information

CREEES offers up to $2000 in support for Stanford graduate and professional school students conducting research travel in the US, Russia, Central and East Europe, the Caucasus, or Central Asia.



To be considered for a CREEES Summer Travel/Research Grant, an applicant must:

  • Be enrolled in a graduate program or professional school at Stanford and plan to continue their studies in the following academic year.
  • Be focusing their research on Russia, Central and East Europe, the Caucasus, or Central Asia.

Preference goes to advanced graduate students conducting dissertation research, and to all other projects advanced beyond an initial exploratory phase and conducted by Stanford graduate and professional school students. There is an additional preference to students who have not previously received CREEES funding.

The CREEES grant does not prohibit a student from receiving another fellowship during the grant award period, but students are prohibited from receiving fellowship funds for the same travel and research expenses. For instance, the CREEES travel and research grant will not pay for airfare if the other funding source covers the student's same expenses. A CREEES travel and research grant will not be awarded to a student who is receiving sufficient support from another funding source.



Applications for Summer 2016 are open. Deadline: February 22, 2016.

Summer Travel/Research Grant application

A complete Summer Travel/Research Grant application must include the following:

  1. Summer 2016 Travel/Research Grant application webform (available above).
  2. A budget of projected travel/research costs.
  3. Statement of Purpose (instructions in application webform).
  4. An unofficial transcript
  5. One letter of recommendation from your Stanford faculty advisor.

Please note: Recipients are required to submit research reports upon completion of the summer research.

Applications should be submitted electronically via webform. Questions can be directed to CREEES.