- Invariant modeling in large-eddy simulation of turbulence.
M. Oberlack - Validation of large-eddy simulation in a plain asymmetric diffuser.
M. Fatica, H.-J. Kaltenbach and R. Mittal - Progress in large-eddy simulation of trailing-edge turbulence and aeroacoustic.
M. Wang - Resolution requirements in large-eddy simulations of shear flows.
J. S. Baggett, J. Jimenez and A. G. Kravchenko - A general theory of discrete filtering for LES in complex geometry.
O. V. Vasilyev and T. S. Lund - On the use of discrete filters for large eddy simulation.
T. S. Lund - Wall models in large eddy simulation of separated flow.
W. Cabot - Perspectives for ensemble average LES.
D. Carati - Anisotropic grid-based formulas for subgrid-scale models.
G.-H. Cottet and A. A. Wray - Some modeling requirements for wall models in large eddy simulation.
J. S. Baggett - Numerical simulation of 3D turbulent boundary layers using the V2F model.
S. Parneix and P. Durbin - Accurate modeling of impinging jet heat transfer.
M. Behnia, S. Parneix and P. Durbin - Application of turbulence models to high-lift airfoils.
G. Kalitzin - Advances in structure-based turbulence modeling.
S. C. Kassinos and W. C. Reynolds - Incorporating realistic chemistry into direct numerical simulations of turbulent non-premixed combustion.
W. K. Bushe, R. W. Bilger and G. R. Ruetsch - Effects of small-scale structure on turbulent mixing.
G. R. Ruetsch and J. H. Ferziger - Turbulent premixed combustion in the laminar flamelet and the thin reaction zone regime.
H. Wenzel - Large eddy simulation of combustion instabilities in turbulent premixed burners.
D. Veynante and T. Poinsot - On the generation of vorticity at a free-surface.
T. Lundgren and P. Koumoutsakos - Active control of turbulent channel flow.
P. Koumoutsakos - A generalized framework for robust control in fluid mechanics.
T. Bewley, R. Temam and M. Ziane - Combined immersed-boundary/B-spline methods for simulations of flow in complex geometries.
J. Mohd-Yusof - DNS of shock boundary-layer interaction -- preliminary results for compression ramp flow.
N. A. Adams