Roland N. Horne
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Title: | Thomas Davies Barrow Professor |
Primary Affiliation: | Department of Energy Resources Engineering |
Office Location: | Green Earth Sci. 098 |
Phone: | 650-723-9595 |
Fax: | 650-725-2099 |
E-mail: | |
Presently my research focuses on the matching of models to various classes of reservoir responses. These "inverse problems" seek the values of unknown reservoir parameters by inference rather than direct measurement. Typical problems are: tracer analysis of fractures, computer-aided well test analysis, production schedule optimization, and automated history matching/decline analysis. In addition to this general class of problem, I have specific interest in geothermal reservoir engineering, and the multiphase flow of boiling fluids through porous materials and fractures.
I teach the undergraduate class, Fundamentals of Petroleum Engineering, as well as the graduate classes, Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, Well Test Analysis, and Optimization.
Professional Activities
School of Earth Sciences Teaching Award (2007); SPE Honorary Member (2007); Technical program chairman, World Geothermal Congress 2010 (2005-Present); chairman, Woods Institute Energy Committee (2005-2009); guest professor, China University of Petroleum (2007); visiting professor, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (2006); invited speaker, Xerox PARC Forum (2006); invited speaker, SPE Golden Gate Section (2006); invited speaker, Petronas R&D Forum, Malaysia (2006); panel member, PhD Review, Texas A&M University (2006); Committee of Authors, SPE Monograph on Well Testing (2001-06); visiting professor, Stanford Japan Center (2005); visiting scientist, Research Institute for Innovative Technology for the Earth, Kyoto, Japan (2005); invited speaker, Osaka University (2005); invited speaker, Kyoto University, (2005); technical program chairman, World Geothermal Congress 2005, Turkey (2001-05); technical program chairman, World Geothermal Congress 2010, Indonesia (2006-10); program committee, SPE Advanced Technology Workshop, Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia (2004); Board of Directors, International Geothermal Association (2001-04, 2007-10 and 2010-13) [President, 2010-2013]
- 1986 | DSc, Engineering, University of Auckland
- 1975 | Ph.D., Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, University of Auckland
- 1972 | B.E., Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, University of Auckland
Professional Experience
- 2010 – Present | Senior Fellow, Precourt Institute for Energy
- 2008 – Present | Thomas Davies Barrow Professor of Earth Sciences, Stanford University
- 2008 – 2010 | Senior Fellow by Courtesy, Woods Institute for the Environment
- 2006 – Present | Professor of Energy Resources Engineering, Stanford University
- 2005 | Visiting Scientist, Research Institute for Innovative Technology for the Earth (RITE), Kyoto, Japan (while on sabbatical)
- 1991 – 2006 | Professor of Petroleum Engineering, Stanford University
- 1990 | Visiting Scientist, Mobil Exploration and Production Services Inc. (while on sabbatical)
- 1989 | Visiting Professor of Petroleum Engineering, Heriot-Watt University (while on sabbatical)
- 1984 – 1991 | Associate Professor of Petroleum Engineering, Stanford University
- 1981 – 1984 | Assistant Professor of Petroleum Engineering, Stanford University
- 1980 | Acting Assistant Professor of Petroleum Engineering, Stanford University
- 1978 – 1979 | Lecturer, Geothermal Institute, University of Auckland
- 1977 – 1978 | Acting Assistant Professor of Petroleum Engineering, Stanford University
- 1976 – 1977 | Acting Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering, Stanford University
- 1974 – 1976 | Energy Research Fellow, University of Auckland
Honors & Awards
- 2011 | Patricius Medal
- 2009 – 2010 | SPE Distinguished Lecturer
- 2007 | SPE Honorary Member
- 2007 | School of Earth Sciences Teaching Award
- 2007 | Guest Professor, China University of Petroleum
- 2006 | GRC Henry J. Ramey, Jr., Geothermal Reservoir Engineering Award
- 2005 | Geothermal Resources Council Best Paper Award
- 2005 | John Franklin Carll Award
- 2002 | Elected Member, National Academy of Engineering
- 2002 | Geothermal Resources Council Best Paper Award (2) | 2000
Lester C. Uren Award - 2000 | SPE Distinguished Member
- 2000 | Geothermal Resources Council Best Paper Award
- 1997 – 1998 | SPE Distinguished Lecturer
- 1993 | Best Paper of 1993 Award, SPE Formation Evaluation
- 1992 | Best Paper of 1992 Award, Journal of Petroleum Technology
- 1989 | School of Earth Sciences Teaching Award
- 1982 | Society of Petroleum Engineers Distinguished Achievement Award for Petroleum Engineering Faculty
- 1977 | Fulbright-Hays Traveling Fellowship
University Service
- 2013 | Chairman | Connecting the Dots Forum
- 2012-2013 | Deputy Acting Director, Precourt Institute for Energy
- 2008 – Present | Faculty Panelist, Judicial Affairs
- 2005 – 2009 | Chairman, Woods Energy Committee
- 1995 – 2006 | Chairman, Department of Petroleum Engineering
Professional Activities
- 2013 | Keynote speaker, Iceland Geothermal Conference
- 2013 | Keynote speaker, World Future Energy Summit
- 2012 | Chair, Section 11, National Academy of Engineering
- 2012 | Program Cochair, SPE Advanced Technology Workshop on Well Testing
- 2011 - 2012 | Vice Chair, Section 11, National Academy of Engineering
- 2012 | Invited Speaker, Lockheed
- 2012 | Department Review, Geothermal Institute, University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland
- 2012 | Department Review, Engineering Science, University of Auckland, New Zealand
- 2012 | Keynote Speaker, GeoTherm Conference, Offenburg, Germany
- 2012 | Distinguished Lecture, TAMU Qatar
- 2011 | Keynote Speaker, Australian Geothermal Energy Conference
- 2011 | Keynote Speaker, New Zealand Geothermal Workshop
- 2011 | Keynote Speaker, Middle East Oil Conference, Bahrain
- 2011 | Invited Speaker, Idaho Society of Professional Engineers
- 2011 | Invited Speaker, Fermilab
- 2011 | Invited Speaker, Hewlett Packard
- 2011 | Invited Speaker, UC Davis
- 2011 – 2015 | Technical Program Chairman, World Geothermal Congress 2015, Australia
- 2010-2013 | President, International Geothermal Association
- 2010 - 2011 | Secretary, Section 11, National Academy of Engineering
- 2009 – 2010 | Cochairman, SPE Forum, Petrophysics Meets WellTesting
- 2008 | Invited speaker, China University of Petroleum, Qingdao
- 2008 | Keynote speaker, New Zealand Geothermal Conference
- 2008 | Invited Speaker, Daqing Petroleum Co., China
- 2007 – Present | Editorial Board, Geothermics
- 2007 – Present | Board of Directors, International Geothermal Association (Relected)
- 2007 | Invited Speaker, National Geothermal Association of the Philippines, Manila
- 2007 | Invited Speaker, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand
- 2007 | Inivited Speaker, China University of Petroleum, Qingdao
- 2007 | Invited Speaker, Peking University
- 2007 | Inivited Speaker, China University of Petroleum, Dongying
- 2007 | Invited Speaker, Petroleum Society of CIM, Canada
- 2006 – 2007 | Cochairman, SPE Advanced Technology Workshop on Reservoir Testing, Indonesia
- 2006 | Invited speaker, International R&D Forum on Oil, Gas and Petrochemicals, Malaysia
- 2006 | Invited Speaker, Xerox PARC Forum
- 2006 | Invited Speaker, SPE Golden Gate Section
- 2006 | Visiting Professor, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
- 2006 | Panel Member, PhD Review, Texas A&M University
- 2005 – 2010| Technical Program Chairman, World Geothermal Congress 2010
- 2005 | Invited Speaker, Kyoto University
- 2005 | Invited Speaker, Osaka University
- 2005 | Visiting Scientist, Research Institute for Innovative Technology for the Earth, Kyoto, Japan
- 2005 | Visiting Professor, Stanford Japan Center
- 2004 | Program Committee, SPE Advanced Technology Workshop, Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia
- 2003 | Invited Speaker, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand
- 2003 | Invited Speaker, Petroleum Business Institute, Moscow, Russia
- 2003 | Invited Speaker, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan
- 2002 – 2003 | Cochairman, SPE Asia-Pacific Forum, Phuket, Thailand
- 2001 – 2004 | Chairman, Membership, International Geothermal Association
- 2001 – 2006 | Committee of Authors, SPE Monograph on Well Testing
- 2001 – 2005 | Technical Program Chairman, World Geothermal Congress 2005, Turkey
- 2001 | Invited Speaker: BP Institute, Cambridge, England
- 2001 | Invited Speaker: University of Tokyo, Japan
- 2001 | Invited Speaker: Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada
- 2001 | Invited Speaker: University of Texas, Austin
- 2001 | Program Committee, SPE Asia-Pacific Forum, Nusa Dua, Indonesia
- 2001 | Program Committee, SPE Advanced Technology Workshop, Chiba, Japan
- 2001 | Program Committee, SPE Annual Meeting 2002
- 2001 – 2004 | Board of Directors, International Geothermal Association (Relected) | 2000
Advisory Board, University of Auckland School of Engineering, New Zealand - 2000 – 2001 | Chairman, Association of Petroleum Engineering Department Heads
- 2000 | Program Committee, SPE Annual Meeting 2001
- 1999 | Program Committee, SPE Annual Meeting 2000
- 1999 – 2000 | Secretary, Association of Petroleum Engineering Department Heads
- 1998 | Invited Speaker: Canadian Institute of Mining, Petroleum Division, Calgary
- 1998 | Keynote Speaker: Society of Petroleum Engineers Asia-Pacific Forum, Nusa Dua, Indonesia
- 1998 – 2001 | Board of Directors, International Geothermal Association
- 1998 – 2001 | Chairman, Programing and Planning, International Geothermal Association
- 1997 | Invited Speaker: Schlumberger Conference on Permanent Downhole Gauges, Paris
Courses Taught
- 2013 (Spring) | ENERGY 175 Well Test Analysis [Enrolled 19]
- 2013 (Spring) | ENERGY 269 Geothermal Reservoir Engineering [Enrolled 12]
- 2012 (Fall) | ENERGY 120 Fundamentals of Petroleum Engineering [Enrolled 14]
- 2012 (Fall) | ENERGY 293A Fundamentals of Energy Processes [Enrolled 59]
- 2012 (Spring) | ENERGY 175 Well Test Analysis [Enrolled 19]
- 2011 (Fall) | ENERGY 120 Fundamentals of Petroleum Engineering [Enrolled 14]
- 2011 (Fall) | ENERGY 293A Fundamentals of Energy Processes [Enrolled 59]
- 2011 (Spring) | ENERGY 269 Geothermal Reservoir Engineering [Enrolled 13]
- 2011 (Spring) | ENERGY 175 Well Test Analysis [Enrolled 23]
- 2010 (Fall) | ENERGY 120 Fundamentals of Petroleum Engineering [Enrolled 18]
- 2009 (Winter) | ENERGY 301 The Energy Seminar [Enrolled 53]
- 2009 (Fall) | ENERGY 120 Fundamentals of Petroleum Engineering [Enrolled 24]
- 2009 (Spring) | ENERGY 269 Geothermal Reservoir Engineering [Enrolled 13]
- 2009 (Spring) | ENERGY 175 Well Test Analysis [Enrolled 23]
- 2009 (Spring) | ENERGY 301 The Energy Seminar [Enrolled 48]
- 2008 (Fall) | ENERGY 301 The Energy Seminar [Enrolled 65]
- 2008 (Fall) | ENERGY 120 Fundamentals of Petroleum Engineering [Enrolled 19]
- 2008 (Spring) | ENERGY 301 The Energy Seminar [Enrolled 34]
- 2008 (Spring) | ENERGY 175 Well Test Analysis [Enrolled 17]
- 2008 (Winter) | ENERGY 301 The Energy Seminar [Enrolled 32]
- 2007 (Summer) | ENERGY 363 DOC RES PET ENGR [Enrolled 1]
- 2007 (Summer) | ENERGY 355 PH D INDUSTRY TRAINING [Enrolled 1]
- 2007 (Summer) | ENERGY 255 MS ENERGY INDUSTRY TRAINING [Enrolled 2]
- 2007 (Spring) | ENERGY 301 THE ENERGY SEMINAR [Enrolled 32]
- 2007 (Spring) | ENERGY 801 TGR PROJECT [Enrolled 1]
- 2007 (Spring) | ENERGY 363 DOC RES PET ENGR [Enrolled 3]
- 2007 (Spring) | ENERGY 361 MSTRS RES PET ENGR [Enrolled 1]
- 2007 (Spring) | ENERGY 269 GEOTHERM RES ENG [Enrolled 4]
- 2007 (Spring) | ENERGY 193 UNDERGRAD RESEARCH PROBLEMS [Enrolled 1]
- 2007 (Spring) | ENERGY 175 WELL TEST ANALYSIS [Enrolled 16]
- 2007 (Fall) | ENERGY 301 THE ENERGY SEMINAR [Enrolled 26]
- 2007 (Fall) | ENERGY 363 DOC RES PET ENGR [Enrolled 4]
- 2007 (Fall) | ENERGY 361 MSTRS RES PET ENGR [Enrolled 2]
- 2007 (Fall) | ENERGY 193 UNDERGRAD RESEARCH PROBLEMS [Enrolled 1]
- 2007 (Fall) | ENERGY 120 FUNDAMENTALS OF PETR ENGINRG [Enrolled 20]
- 2007 (Winter) | EEES 400 RESEARCH IN EEES [Enrolled 1]
- 2007 (Winter) | ENERGY 802 TGR DISSERTATION [Enrolled 1]
- 2007 (Winter) | ENERGY 363 DOC RES PET ENGR [Enrolled 2]
- 2007 (Winter) | ENERGY 361 MSTRS RES PET ENGR [Enrolled 2]
- 2007 (Winter) | ENERGY 360 ADV PETROLEUM ENGR [Enrolled 1]
- 2006 (Fall) | Energy 120 Fundamentals of Petroleum Eng [Enrolled 10]
- 2006 (Fall) | Energy 360 ADV Petroleum Eng [Enrolled 1]
- 2006 (Fall) | Energy 361 Masters Res Pet Engr [Enrolled 1]
- 2006 (Fall) | Energy 363 Doc Res Pet Engr [Enrolled 2]
- 2006 (Fall) | EEES 400 Research in EEES [Enrolled 1]
- 2006 (Fall) | Energy 802 TGR Dissertations [Enrolled 1]
- 2005 (Winter) | PetE 361 Masters Res Pet Engr [Enrolled 4]
- 2005 (Winter) | PetE 363 Doc Res Pet Engr [Enrolled 2]
- 2005 (Winter) | PetE 801 TGR Project [Enrolled 1]
- 2005 (Winter) | PetE 802 TGR Dissertation [Enrolled 2]
- 2005 (Spring) | PetE 175 Well Test Analysis [Enrolled 14]
- 2005 (Spring) | PetE 361 Masters Res Pet Engr [Enrolled 2]
- 2005 (Spring) | PetE 363 Doc Res Pet Engr [Enrolled 4]
- 2005 (Spring) | PetE 269 Geotherm Res Eng [Enrolled 9]
- 2005 (Spring) | PetE 802 TGR Dissertation [Enrolled 2]
- 2005 (Summer) | PetE 802 TGR Dissertation [Enrolled 3]
- 2005 (Summer) | PetE 355 Ph.D Indust Train [Enrolled 1]
- 2004 (Fall) | PetE 363 Doc Res Pet Engr [Enrolled 4]
- 2004 | PetE 284 Optimization [Enrolled 19]
- 2004 | ES 102 Renewable Greener Energy [Enrolled 11]
- 2004 | PetE 120 Fundamentals of Petroleum Engineering [Enrolled 8]
- 2004 | PetE 102 Renewable Greener Energy [Enrolled 7]
- 2004 | PetE 175 Well Test Analysis [Enrolled 21]
- 2003 | PetE 801 TGR Project [Enrolled 1]
- 2003 | PetE 175 Well Test Analysis [Enrolled 22]
- 2003 | PetE 102 Renewable and Greener Energy [Enrolled 7]
- 2003 | PetE 284 Optimization [Enrolled 19]
- 2003 (Fall) | PetE 361-63 Petroleum Engineering Research [Enrolled 7]
- 2002 | PetE 802 TGR Dissertation [Enrolled 3]
- 2002 | PetE 360-63 Petroleum Engineering Research [Enrolled 24]
- 2002 | PetE 175 Well Test Analysis [Enrolled 15]
- 2002 | PetE 221 Multiphase Flow [Enrolled 21]
- 2002 | PetE 120 Fundamentals of Petroleum Engineering [Enrolled 9]
- 2001 | PetE 285 Research Seminar [Enrolled 1]
- 2001 | PetE 269 Geothermal Reservoir Engineering [Enrolled 5]
- 2001 | PetE 255 Industry Training [Enrolled 1]
- 2001 | PetE 175 Well Test Analysis [Enrolled 19]
- 2001 | PetE 801/2 TGR Project/Dissertation [Enrolled 2]
- 2001 | PetE 360-65 Petroleum Engineering Research [Enrolled 13]
- 2001 | PetE 120 Fundamentals of Petroleum Engineering [Enrolled 10]
- 2000 | PetE 801/2 TGR Project/Dissertation [Enrolled 4]
- 2000 | PetE 360-65 Petroleum Engineering Research [Enrolled 16]
- 2000 | PetE 255 Industry Training [Enrolled 1]
- 2000 | PetE 285 Research Seminar [Enrolled 1]
- 2000 | PetE 193 Research Problems [Enrolled 1]
- 2000 | PetE 175 Well Test Analysis [Enrolled 13]
- 1999 | PetE 802 Ph.D. TGR Dissertation [Enrolled 10]
- 1999 | PetE 360-65 Petroleum Engineering Research [Enrolled 14]
- 1999 | PetE 175 Well Test Analysis [Enrolled 20]
- 1999 | PetE 120 Fundamentals Petroleum Engineering [Enrolled 18]
- 1998 | PetE 802 Ph.D. TGR Dissertation [Enrolled 4]
- 1998 | PetE 801 M.S. TGR Project [Enrolled 2]
- 1998 | PetE 360-65 Petroleum Engineering Research [Enrolled 27]
- 1998 | PetE 355 Ph.D. Energy Industry Training [Enrolled 1]
- 1998 | PetE 255 M.S. Energy Industry Training [Enrolled 1]
- 1998 | PetE 281 Applied Mathematics: Reservoir Engr. [Enrolled 16]
- 1998 | PetE 175 Well Test Analysis [Enrolled 21]
- 1998 | PetE 120 Fundamentals Petroleum Engineering [Enrolled 27]
- 2013* | Alaskar, M., Ames, M., Connor, S., Liu, C., Li, K., and Horne, R.N.: 2012. Nanoparticle and Microparticle Flow in Porous and Fractured Media--An Experimental Study. SPE J. 17 (4): 1160-1171. SPE-146752-PA.
- 2013* | Juliusson, E., and R. N. Horne (2013), Characterization of Fractured Reservoirs Using Tracer and Flow-Rate Data, Water Resour. Res., 49, doi:10.1002/wrcr.20220.
- 2011* | McClure, M.W., and R. N. Horne: “Investigation of Injection-Induced Seismicity Using a Coupled Fluid Flow and Rate/state Friction Model,” Geophysics. Vol. 76, No. 6 (November-December 2011); P. WC183–WC200, 10.1190/GEO2011-0064.1
- 2011* | Awotunde, A. A., and R. N. Horne: "A Wavelet Approach to Adjoint State Sensitivity Computation for Steady State Differential Equations," Water Resour. Res., 47, (2011), W03502, doi:10.1029/2010WR009165.
- 2011* | Dastan, A., and R. N. Horne: "Robust Well-Test Interpretation by Using Nonlinear Regression With Parameter and Data Transformations," SPE Journal, (2011), doi:10.2118/132467-PA.
- 2010* |Duru, O.O., and Horne, R.N.: "Modeling Reservoir Temperature Transients and Reservoir-Parameter Estimation Constrained to the Model," SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering, 13(6), (2010), pp. 873-883. doi: 10.2118/115791-PA.
- 2010* | Dastan, A., and Horne, R.N.: "Significant Improvement in the Accuracy of Pressure Transient Analysis Using Total Least Squares," SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering, 13(4), (2010), pp. 614-625. doi: 10.2118/125099-PA.
- 2010 | Egill Juliusson and Roland N. Horne: “Characterization of Fractures in Geothermal Reservoirs,” Proceedings of the World Geothermal Congress, April 25-30, 2010, Nusa Dua, Indonesia.
- 2010 | Zhe Wang, Mark W. McClure and Roland N. Horne: “Modeling Study of Single-Well EGS Configurations,” Proceedings of the World Geothermal Congress, April 25-30, 2010, Nusa Dua, Indonesia.
- 2010 | J.D. Villacorte, R.C.M. Malate and R. N. Horne: “Application of Nonparametric Regression on Well Histories of Geothermal Production Fields in the Philippines,” Proceedings of the World Geothermal Congress, April 25-30, 2010, Nusa Dua, Indonesia.
- 2009 | Alghareeb, Z.M., Horne, R.N., Yuen, B.B., and Shenawi, S.H.: “Proactive Optimization of Oil Recovery in Multilateral Wells Using Real Time Production Data,” paper 124999-MS, SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, 4-7 October 2009, New Orleans, Lo
- 2009 | Duru, O.O., and Horne, R.N.: "Simultaneous Interpretation of Pressure, Temperature, and Rate Data for Improved Model Identification and Reservoir Parameter Estimation," SPE-124827-MS, presented at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, 4-7 Oc
- 2009 | Dastan, A., and Horne, R.N.: "Significant Improvement in the Accuracy of Pressure Transient Analysis Using Total Least Squares," SPE-125099-MS, presented at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, 4-7 October 2009, New Orleans, Louisiana.
- 2009 | Sandler, J., Li, Y., Horne, R.N., and Li, K.: “Effects of Fracture and Frequency on Resistivity in Different Rocks,” paper 119872-MS, SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, 4-7 October 2009, New Orleans, Louisiana.
- 2009 | Nomura, M., and Horne, R.N.: " Data Processing and Interpretation of Well Test Data as a Nonparametric Regression Problem," SPE-120511-MS, presented at the SPE Western Regional Meeting, 24-26 March 2009, San Jose, California.
- 2009* | Stacey, R.W., C.M., Li, K., and Horne, R.N.: “Investigating Electrical-Impedance Tomography as a Technique for Real-Time Saturation Monitoring,” SPE Journal, 14(1), (2009), pp. 135-143, doi: 10.2118/103124-PA
- 2009* | Szucs, P., and Horne, R.N.: “Applicability of the ACE Algorithm for Multiple Regression in Hydrogeology,” Computational Geosciences, 13, (2009) 123-134, doi:10.1007/s10596-008-9112-z., 2009.
- 2008 | Awotunde, A.A., and Horne, R.N.: "A Multiresolution Analysis of the Relationship between Spatial Distribution of Reservoir Parameters and Time Distribution of Data Measurements," SPE-115795-PP presented at the 2008 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhi
- 2008 | Shi, C., and Horne, R.N.: "Improved Recovery in Gas-Condensate Reservoirs Considering Compositional Variations," SPE-115786-PP presented at the 2008 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition held in Denver, CO, U.S.A., 21–24 September 2008.
- 2008 | Duru, O.O., and Horne, R.N.: "odeling Reservoir Temperature Transients and Matching to Permanent Downhole Gauge Data for Reservoir Parameter Estimation," SPE-115791-PP presented at the 2008 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition held in Denver, CO
- 2008 | Ahn, S., and Horne, R.N.: "Analysis of Permanent Downhole Gauge Data by Cointerpretation of Simultaneous Pressure and Flow Rate Signals," SPE-115793-PP presented at the 2008 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition held in Denver, CO, U.S.A., 21–24
- 2008* | Li, K. and Horne, R.N.: “Numerical Simulation without Using Experimental Data of Relative Permeability,” Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, doi:10.1016/j.petrol.2008.03.002, 2008.
- 2008* | Li, K. and Horne, R.N.: “Estimation of Wettability in Gas-liquid-rock Systems,” Geothermics (2008), doi:10.1016/j.geothermics.2008.03.002.
- 2007* | Li, K. and Horne, R.N.: “Systematic Study of Steam-Water Capillary Pressure,” Geothermics, 36 (2007) 558–574, doi:10.1016/j.geothermics.2007.08.002.
- 2007* | Li, K. and Horne, N.R.: “Modeling of Oil Production by Gravity Drainage,” Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, doi: 10.1016/j.petrol.2007.06.002, 2007.
- 2007* | Horne, R.N.: “Listening to the Reservoir—Interpreting Data From Permanent Downhole Gauges,” J. Petroleum Tech., (December 2007), 98-106.
- 2007* | Li, K., and Horne, R.N.: “Comparison and Verification of Production Prediction Models,” Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 55 (3-4), February 2007, 213-220. doi:10.1016/j.petrol.2006.08.015
- 2007 | Rai, H., and Horne, R.N.: “Analyzing Simultaneous Rate and Pressure Data From Permanent Downhole Gauges,” SPE 110097-PP presented at the 2007 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition held in Anaheim, CA, U.S.A., 11–14 November 2007.
- 2007* | Chen, C.Y., Li, K. and Horne, R.N.: “Experimental Study of Phase Transformation Effects on Relative Permeabilities in Fractures,” SPEREE (October 2007), 10(5), pp. 514-526.
- 2006* | Li, K., and Horne, R.N.: “Fractal Modeling of Capillary Pressure Curves for The Geysers Rocks,” Geothermics, 35 (2006), 198–207.
- 2006* | Li, K., Chow, K. and Horne, R.N.: “Influence of Initial Water Saturation on Recovery by Spontaneous Imbibition in Gas/Water/Rock Systems and the Calculation of Relative Permeability,” SPEREE (August 2006), 9(4), 295-301.
- 2006* | Li, K., and Horne, R.N.: “Comparison of Methods to Calculate Relative Permeability from Capillary Pressure in Consolidated Water-Wet Porous Media,” Water Resour. Res., 42, (2006), W06405, doi:10.1029/2005WR004482.
- 2006* | Li, K., and Horne, R.N.: “Generalized Scaling Approach for Spontaneous Imbibition: An Analytical Model,” SPEREE (June 2006), 9(3), 251-258.
- 2006 | Stacey, R.W., C.M., Li, K., and Horne, R.N.: ìElectrical Impedance Tomography (EIT) Technique for Real-Time Saturation Monitoring,î SPE 103124 presented at the
- 2006 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition held in San Antonio, Texas, U.S.A., 24ñ27 S
- 2006 | Sahni, I., and Horne, R.N.: ìStochastic History Matching and Data Integration for Complex Reservoirs Using a Wavelet-Based Algorithm,î SPE 103107 presented at the 2006 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition held in San Antonio, Texas, U.S.A., 24ñ2
- 2006 | Shi, C.M., Li, K., and Horne, R.N.: ìOptimizing the Productivity of Gas-Condensate Wells,î SPE 103255 presented at the 2006 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition held in San Antonio, Texas, U.S.A., 24ñ27 September 2006.
2006* | Sahni, I. and Horne, R.N.: ìGenerating Multiple History-Matched Reservoir Model Realizations Using Wavelets,î SPEREE (June 2006), 9(3), 217-226. - 2006* | Ozdogan, U. and Horne, R.N.: ìOptimization of Well Placement With a History Matching Approach,î SPEREE (April 2006), 9(2), 135-145.
- 2006* | Chen, C.Y., and Horne, R.N.: "Two-Phase Flow in Rough-Walled Fractures: Experiments and a Flow Structure Model", Water Resources Research, (2006), 42, W03430, doi:10.1029/2004WR003837.
- 2005* | Li, K., and Horne, R.N.: “An Analytical Model for Production Decline-Curve Analysis in Naturally Fractured Reservoirs,” SPEREE (June 2005), 8(3), 197-204.
- 2005* | Sahni, I., and Horne R.N.: "Multiresolution Wavelet Analysis for Improved Reservoir Description," SPEREE (February 2005), 8(1), 53-69.
- 2005* | Fourar, M., Lenormand R., Karami-Fard M., and Horne R.N.: "Inertia Effects in High-Rate flow Through Heterogeneous Porous Media," Transport in Porous Media (2005), 60(3), 353-370.
- 2005* | Li, K. and Horne, R.N.: "Extracting Capillary Pressure from Spontaneous Imbibition Data in Oil-Water-Rock Systems," SPEJ (December 2005), 10(4).
- 2004* | Li, K. and Horne, R.N.: ìExperimental Study of Gas Slippage in Two-Phase Flow,î SPEREE (December 2004), 409-415.
- 2004* | Li, K. and Horne, R.N.: ìAn Analytical Scaling Method for Spontaneous Imbibition in Gas-Water-Rock Systems,î SPEJ (September 2004), 9(3).
- 2004* | Li, K. and Horne, R.N.: ìSteam-Water and Air-Water Capillary Pressures: Measurement and Comparison,î J. of Canadian Petroleum Technology (July 2004), V.43, No. 7.
- 2004* | Chen, C.Y., Horne, R.N., and Fourar, M.: "Experimental Study of Liquid-Gas Flow Structure Effects on Relative Permeabilities in a Fracture", Water Resour. Res., Vol. 40, No. 8, August 2004.
- 2004 | Chen, C.Y., Li, K. and Horne, R.N.: ìExperimental Study of Phase Transformation Effects on Relative Permeabilities in a Fracture,î SPE 90233, presented at the 2004 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Houston, TX, U.S.A., 26-29 September 2004.
- 2004 | Reyes, J.L.P., Li, K. and Horne, R.N.: ìApplication of a New Mechanistic Decline Curve Method to Kern County Oil Fields,î SPE 90212, presented at the 2004 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Houston, TX, U.S.A., 26-29 September 2004.
- 2004 | Sahni, I. and Horne, R.N.: ìGenerating Multiple History-Matched Reservoir Model Realizations Using Wavelets,î SPE 89950, presented at the 2004 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Houston, TX, U.S.A., 26-29 September 2004.
- 2004 | Ozdogan, U. and Horne, R.N.: ìOptimization of Well Placement With a History Matching Approach,î SPE 90091, presented at the 2004 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Houston, TX, U.S.A., 26-29 September 2004.
- 2004* | G?yag?ler, B., and Horne, R.N.: "Uncertainty Assessment of Well Placement Optimization", SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering, 7(1), February, 2004, 24-32.
- 2004* | da Cruz, P.S., Horne, R.N., and Deutsch, C.V.: "The Quality Map: A Tool for Reservoir Uncertainty Quantification and Decision Making", SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering, 7(1), February, 2004, 6-14.
- 2003 | Li, K. and Horne, R.N.: Prediction of Oil Production by Gravity Drainage, SPE 84184, presented at the 2003 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Denver, Colorado, U.S.A., 58 October 2003.
- 2003 | Li, K. and Horne, R.N.: A Decline Curve Analysis Model Based on Fluid Flow Mechanisms, presented at the 2003 SPE/AAPG Western Regional Meeting, Long Beach, California, 1924 May 2003.
- 2003 | Li, K. and Horne, R.N.: ""Extracting Capillary Pressure from Spontaneous Imbibition Data in Oil-Water-Rock Systems,"" SPE 80553, presented SPE Asia-Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition, Jakarta, Indonesia, April 15-17, 2003.
- 2003 | Li, K. and Horne, R.N.: A Wettability Evaluation Method for Gas-Liquid-Rock and Liquid-Liquid-Rock Systems, SPE 80233, presented at the 2003 SPE International Symposium on Oilfield Chemistry held in Houston, Texas, U.S.A., 58 February 2003.
- 2003 | Li, K. and Horne, R.N.: Numerical Simulation without Specifying Relative Permeability Functions, SPE 79716, Proceedings of the 2003 SPE Reservoir Simulation Symposium held in Houston, Texas, U.S.A., 35 February 2003.
- 2003* | G?yag?ler, B., Horne, R.N., and Tauzin, E.: ""Automated Reservoir Model Selection in Well Test Interpretation"", SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering, 6(2), April
- 2003, 100-107.
- 2002 | Li, K. and Horne, R.N.: A General Scaling Method for Spontaneous Imbibition, SPE 77544, Proceedings of the 2002 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, San Antonio, TX, USA, September 29 to October 02, 2002.
2002* | Archer, R.A., and Horne, R.N.: Green Element Method and Singularity Programming for Numerical Well Test Analysis, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 26 (6), 2002, 537-546 - 2002 | Phan, V.Q., and Horne, R.N.: ""Fluvial Channel Parameter Estimation Constrained to Static, Production, and 4D Seismic Data"", paper SPE 77518 presented at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition held in San Antonio, Texas, 29 September2 October
- 2002 | Chen, C.Y., Diomampo, G.P., Li, K., and Horne, R.N.: ""Steam-Water Relative Permeability in Fractures"", Geothermal Resources Council Transactions 26 (2002).
- 2002 | Li, K., and Horne, R.N.: ""A Capillary Pressure Model for Geothermal Reservoirs"", Geothermal Resources Council Transactions 26 (2002).
- 2002 | Reyes, J.L.P., and Horne, R.N.: ""Analysis of The Geysers Well Field Performance Data to Infer In-Situ Water Satruation"", Geothermal Resources Council Transactions 26 (2002).
- 2002* | Athichanagorn, S., Horne, R.N., and Kikani, J.: ""Processing and Interpretation of Long-Term Data Acquired from Permanent Pressure Gauges"", SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering, 5(5), October 2002, 384-391.
- 2002* | G?yag?ler, B., Horne, R.N., Rogers, L., and Rosenzweig, J.J.: ""Optimization of Well Placement in a Gulf of Mexico Waterflooding Project, SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering, 5(3), June 2002, 229-236.
- 2001* | Archer, R.A., and Horne, R.N.: Green Element Method and Singularity Programming for Numerical Well Test Analysis, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 26 (6), 2002, 537-546
- 2001* | Li, K., and Horne, R.N.: ""An Experimental and Analytical Study of Steam-Water Capillary Pressure"", SPE Reservoir Evaluation and Engineering, 4(6), December 2001, 477-482.
- 2001* | Sullera, M.M., and Horne, R.N.: ""Inferring Injection Returns form Chloride Monitoring Data"", Geothermics, 30, (2001), 591-616.
- 2001* | Pan, Y., and Horne, R.N.: ""Generalized Macroscopic Models for Fluid Flow in Deformable Porous Media I: Theories"", Transport in Porous Media, Vol.45, No.1, pp.1-27, 2001.
- 2001* | Li, K., and Horne, R.N.: ""An Experimental and Analytical Study of Steam-Water Capillary Pressure"", SPE Reservoir Evaluation and Engineering, 4(6), December
- 2001, 477-482.
- 2001* | Pan, Y., and Horne, R.N.: ""Generalized Macroscopic Models for Fluid Flow in Deformable Porous Media II: Numerical Results and Applications"", Transport in Porous Media, Vol.45, No.2, pp. 195-213, 2001.
- 2001 | Guyaguler, B., and Horne, R.N.: ""Uncertainty Assessment of Well Placement Optimization"", paper SPE 71625 presented at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, held in New Orleans, LA, 30 September - 3 October, 2001.
- 2001 | Guyaguler, B., Horne, R.N., and Tauzin, E.: ""Automated Reservoir Model Selection in Well Test Interpretation"", paper SPE 71569 presented at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, held in New Orleans, LA, 30 September - 3 October, 2001.
- 2000* | Wang, C., and Horne, R.N.: ""Boiling Flow in a Horizontal Fracture"", Geothermics, 29, 2000, 759-772.
- 2000* | Pan, Y., and Horne, R.N.: ""Resonant Behavior of Saturated Porous Media"", Journal of Geophysical Research, (2000), 11021-11029.
- 2000* | Guyaguler, B., and Horne, R.N.: ""Optimization of Well Placement"", Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 122, June 2000, 64-70.
- 2000 | Belen, R.P., Jr.. and Horne, R.N.: ""Inferring In-Situ and Immobile Water Saturations from Field Measurements"", Geothermal Resources Council Transactions 24 (2000).
- 2000 | Horne, R.N., Satik, C., Mahiya, G., Li, K., Ambusso, W., Tovar, R., Wang, C., and Nassori, H.: ""Steam-Water Relative Permeability"", presented at the World Geothermal Conference, Japan, May 2000.
- 2000* | Landa, J.L., Kamal, M.M., Jenkins, C.D., and Horne, R.N.: ""Reservoir Characterization Constrained to Well Test Data: A Field Example"", SPE Reservoir Evaluation and Engineering, 3(4), August 2000, 325-334.
- 2000 | Archer, R.A., and Horne, R.N.: ""The Green Element Method for Numerical Well Test Analysis"", paper SPE62916 presented at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition held in Dallas, TX. 1-4 October, 2000.
- 2000 | Lu, P., and Horne, R.N.: "" A Multiresolution Approach to Reservoir Parameter Estimation Using Wavelet Analysis "", paper SPE62985 presented at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition held in Dallas, TX. 1-4 October, 2000.
- 2000 | Wang, P., and Horne, R.N.: ""Integrating Resistivity Data with Production Data to Improve Reservoir Modeling"", paper SPE59425, presented at the 2000 SPE Asia Pacific Conference on Integrated Modeling for Asset Management, Yokohama, Japan, 25-26 April, 20
- 1999 | Li, K., and Horne, R.N.: ""Accurate Measurement of Steam Flow Properties,"" GRC Trans. 23 (1999).
- 1999* | Gilly, P., and Horne, R.N.: ""Analysis of Pressure/Flow-Rate Data With the Pressure-History-Recovery Method"", SPE Reservoir Evaluation and Engineering, 2(4), August 1999, 314-324.
- 1999 | Phan, V.Q., and Horne, R.N.: ""Determining Depth-Dependent Reservoir Properties Using Integrated Data Analysis"", SPE56423, presented at the 74th Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Houston, TX, 3-6 October 1999.
- 1999 | Athichanagorn, S., and Horne, R.N.: ""Processing and Interpretation of Long-Term Data Acquired from Permanent Pressure Gauges"", SPE56419, presented at the 74th Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Houston, TX, 3-6 October 1999.
- 1999 | da Cruz, P.S., Horne, R.N., and Deutsch, C.V.: ""The Quality Map: A Tool for Reservoir Uncertainty Quantification and Decision Making"", SPE56578, presented at the 74th Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Houston, TX, 3-6 October 1999.
- 1999 | Archer, R., Horne, R.N., and Onyejekwe, O.: ""Petroleum Reservoir Engineering Applications of the Dual Reciprocity Boundary Element Method and the Green Element Method"", presented at the 21st World Conference on the Boundary Element Method, 25-27 August
- 1998 | Pan, Y., and Horne, R.N.: ""Improved Methods for Multivariate Optimization of Field Development Scheduling and Well Placement Design"", J. Petroleum Tech. (December 1998).
- 1998 | Archer, R., and Horne, R.N.: ""Flow Simulation in Heterogeneous Reservoirs using the Dual Reciprocity Boundary Element Method and the Green Element Method"", presented at ECMOR VI Conference, Peebles, Scotland, Sept 8-11, 1998.
Advisee Degrees
- 2013 | Yang Liu, "Interpreting Pressure and Flow Rate Data from Permanent Downhole Gauges Using Data Mining Approaches" PhD ConocoPhillips
- 2012 | Sanghui Ahn, "Pressure Pulse Testing in Heterogeneous Reservoirs" PhD, Samsung
- 2012 | Kara Bennett, "Power Generation Potential from Coproduced Fluids in the Los Angeles Basin" MS, Peace Corps
- 2012 | Carla Co, "Characterization of Geothermal Feedzones and Interwell Connectivity" MS, Stanford PhD program
- 2012 | Egill Juliusson, "Characterization of Fractured Geothermal Reservoirs Based on Production Data" PhD, Landsvirkjun
- 2012 | Zhe Wang, "The Uses of Distributed Temperature Survey (DTS) Data" PhD, Shell
- 2012 | Mark McClure, "Modeling and Characterization of Hydraulic Stimulation and Induced Seismicity in Geothermal and Shale Gas Reservoirs" PhD, Assistant Professor, UT Austin
- 2011 | Obinna Duru, "Reservoir Analysis and Parameter Estimation Constrained to Temperature, Pressure and Flowrate Histories" PhD ExxonMobil
- 2011 | Sarah Pistone, "The Significance of CO2 Solubility in Deep Subsurface Environments" MS Calpine
- 2011 | Morgan Ames, "Nanosensors as Reservoir Engineering Tools to Map Insitu Temperature Distributions in Geothermal Reservoirs" MS, Stanford PhD
- 2010 | Abeeb Awotunde, "Relating Time Series in Data to Spatial Variation in the Reservoir, Using Wavelets" PhD KFUPM
- 2010 | Aysegul Dastan, "A New Look at Nonlinear Regression Algorithms” PhD Chevron
- 2010 | Maytham Ibrahim Al-Ismail, MS 2010, "Gas-Condensate Well Testing" MS Saudi Aramco
- 2010 | Voke Origbo, "Determining Aberrant Data Segments in Permanent Downhole Gauge Data" MS
- 2010 | Hai Xuan Vo, "Gas-Condensate Well Testing" MS
- 2009 | Chunmei Shi: Flow Behavior of Gas-Condensate Wells Ph.D. BP
- 2009 | Zhe Wang: Modeling Study of a Single-Well Enhanced Geothermal System (EGS) M.S. Stanford PhD
- 2009 | Yang Liu: The Cointerpretation of Flow Rate and Pressure Data from Permanent Downhole Gauges Using Wavelet and Data Mining Approaches M.S. Stanford PhD
- 2009 | Zeid M. Al-Ghareeb: Monitoring and Control of Smart Wells M.S. Saudi Aramco
- 2009 | Mark W. McClure: Fracture Stimulation in Enhanced Geothermal Systems M.S. Stanford PhD
- 2008 | Nilufer Atalay: Downhole Enthalpy Measurement in Geothermal Wells with Fiber Optics M.S. Chevron
- 2008 | Obinna Duru: Modeling of Reservoir Temperature Transients, and Parameter Estimation Constrained to a Reservoir Temperature Model M.S. Stanford PhD
- 2008 | Robert W. Stacey: The Impact of Dynamic Dissolution on Carbon Dioxide Sequestration in Aquifers Eng. GeothermEx
- 2007 | Olubusola Thomas: Reservoir Analysis Based on Compositional Gradients Ph.D. Chevron
- 2007 | Nicholas Speyer: Experimental Measurement of Two-Phase Relative Permeabilities in Synthetic Vertical Fractures M.S. Unknown
- 2006 | Ayseg¸l Dastan: Direct Measurement of In-Situ Water Saturation in Geothermal Rocks M.S. PhD student
- 2006 | Egill J?lÌusson: An Investigation of Void Fraction and Dispersed-Phase Velocity Measurement Techniques M.S. Iceland
- 2006 | Zhun Li: Gas Flow During Well Testing M.S. Schlumberger
- 2006 | Isha Sahni: Multiresolution Reparameterization and Partitioning of Model Space for Reservoir Characterization Ph.D. ExxonMobil
- 2006 | Robert W. Stacey: Electrical Impedance Tomography M.S. PhD student
- 2006 | Masahiko Nomura: Processing and Interpretation of Pressure Transient Data from Permanent Downhole Gauges Ph.D. Teikoku Oil, Japan
- 2005 | Anson Villaluz: Relative Permeability of Fractured Rock M.S. unknown
- 2005 | Chih-Ying (Allan) Chen: Liquid-Gas Relative Pemeabilities in Fractures: Effects of Flow Structures, Phase Transformation and Surface Roughness Ph.D. Formosa Petrochemical Corp.
- 2005 | Himansu Rai: Analyzing Rate Data from Permanent Downhole Gauges M.S. Chevron
- 2005 | Chunmei Shi: Flow Behavior of Gas-Condensate Wells M.S. Stanford PhD program
- 2004 | Umut Ozdogan: Optimization of Well Placement Under Time-Dependent Uncertainty M.S. ChevronTexaco
- 2003 | Jericho L.P. Reyes: Estimating Water Saturation at The Geysers Based on Historical Pressure and Temperature Production Data M.S. Caithness Geothermal
- 2003 | Oliuwatoyin Badru: Optimization of Production Using Quality Maps M.S. ChevronTexaco
- 2003 | Isha Sahni: Analysis of Permeability Distributions Using Wavelets M.S. Stanford PhD
- 2003 | Ashish Dabral: Green Well Tests M.S. unknown
- 2003 | Rajeev Lal: Well Testing in Gas-Condensate Reservoirs M.S. PhD student
- 2003 | Jang-Hyun Lee: Analyzing Permanent Downhole Gauge Data M.S. SK corporation
- 2002 | ChunTang Xu: Experiments in Cyclic Pressure Variation M.S. Stanford PhD
- 2002 | Martin Cocco: Effects of Relative Permability on Parameter Estimation M.S. Argentina
- 2002 | Olubusola Thomas: Interpreting Permanent Downhole Gauge Data without Knowing the Reservoir Model M.S. Stanford PhD
- 2002 | Baris Guyaguler: Optimization of Production Using Hybrid Genetic Algorithms Ph.D. ChevronTexaco
- 2002 | Vinh Phan: Integration of Data from Multiple Sources to Determine Depth Dependent Properties Ph.D. BP
- 2002 | Mark D. Habana: Relative Permeability of Fractured Rock M.S. Sempra Energy Solutions, San Diego
- 2001 | Pengbo Lu: Reservoir Parameter Estimation Using Wavelet Analysis Ph.D. Onetta
- 2001 | Bruno Roussennac: Gas Condensate Well Test Analysis M.S. Shell
- 2001 | Khong Chee Kin: Permanent Downhole Gauge Data Interpretation M.S. Schlumberger
- 2001 | Peter O'Connor: Constant-Pressure Measurement of Steam-Water Relative Permeability M.S. Center for Energy and Climate Solutions
- 2001 | Brian Arcedera: Time Series Analysis of Production Data M.S. Philippine Geothermal Inc.
- 2001 | Gracel Diomampo: Relative Permeability Through Fractures M.S. Shell
- 2000 | Paulo da Cruz: Reservoir Management Decision-Making in the Presence of Geological Uncertainty Ph.D. Petrobras
- 2000 | Rosalind Archer: Computing Flow and Pressure Transients in Heterogeneous Media using Boundary Element Methods Ph.D. Texas A&M
- 2000 | Robb Barnitt: Boiling Radial Flow in Fractures of Varying Wall Porosity M.S. unknown
- 2000 | Rodolfo Belen Jr.: Inferring Immobile and In-Situ Water Saturation from Laboratory and Field Measurements M.S. Unocal Geothermal
- 1999 | Robert DuTeau: Experimental Investigation of Boiling Heat Convection in a Fracture M.S. Kansas State University
- 1999 | Samer Al-Ashgar: M.S. Saudi Aramco
- 1999 | Glenn Mahiya: Experimental Measurement of Steam-Water Relative Permeability M.S. Unocal
- 1999 | Suwat Athichanagorn: Development of an Interpretation Methodology for Long-Term Pressure Data from Permanent Downhole Gauges Ph.D. Chulalongkorn Univ.
- 1999 | Yan Pan: Reservoir Analysis using Intermediate Frequency Excitation Ph.D. Chevron
- 1999 | Pengju Wang: Integrating Resistivity Data into Parameter Estimation Problem M.S. Stanford PhD program
- 1998 | Marilou Guerrero: Estimation of Relative Permeability from a Dynamic Boiling Experiment M.S. Arco Alaska
- 1998 | Meiqing He: Application of X-Ray Tomography to Measurement of Fractures in Rocks M.S. DataPath Systems
- 1998 | Vinh Phan: Inferring Depth-Dependent Reservoir Properties from Integrated Analysis Using Dynamic Data M.S. Stanford Ph.D. Program
- 1998 | Ma. Michelle Sullera: Inferring Injection Returns from Chloride Monitoring Data M.S. Arco E&P Technology
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