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Ran Abramitzky

Associate Professor of Economics
Office: 232 Landau Economics
Office Hours: Winter quarter - By email appointment
Phone: 650-723-9276

Adrien Auclert

Assistant Professor of Economics (July 2016); IES Fellow, Princeton University
Aggregate Consumption, Redistribution, Monetary and Fiscal Policy, Sovereign Debt

Kyle Bagwell

Donald L. Lucas Professor in Economics
Office: 338 Landau Economics
Office Hours: Winter quarter - By email appointment
Phone: 650-723-3251
Purpose and design of trade agreements; competition and cooperation under private information; collusion; advertising.

B. Douglas Bernheim

Edward Ames Edmonds Professor of Economics
Trione Chair, Department of Economics
Office: 335 Landau Economics
Office Hours: Winter quarter - By email appointment
Phone: 650-725-8732
Behavioral welfare economics, social motives for economic choices, financial education, policies affecting personal saving, theories of collusion

Nicholas Bloom

Professor of Economics
Office: 231 Landau Economics
Office Hours: Winter quarter - By email appointment
Phone: 650-725-7836

Michael J. Boskin

T.M. Friedman Professor of Economics
Office: 213 HHMB
Office Hours: Winter quarter - Tuesday 11:00 - 1:00 pm
Phone: 650-723-6482
Tax and Budget Theory and Policy, Applied Macroeconomics and Monetary Policy, Applied Microeconomics, Applied Econometrics

Timothy Bresnahan

Landau Professor in Technology and the Economy
Office: 325 Landau Economics
Office Hours: Winter quarter - Thursday 11:30 - 12:20 pm
Phone: 650-723-9471
Technical Change in 21st Century Economic Growth, Mass-Market Computing, Platform Competition in Computing (ancient and modern), Computing in White-Collar Automation, Entrepreneurship and Large Firms in Innovative Supply

Gabriel Carroll

Assistant Professor of Economics
Office: 245 Landau Economics
Office Hours: Winter quarter - By email appointment
Phone: 650-725-8703
Mechanism design, bounded rationality

Arun Chandrasekhar

Assistant Professor of Economics
Office: 234 Landau Economics
Office Hours: Winter quarter - By email appointment
Phone: 650-725-4918

Raj Chetty

Professor of Economics
Office Hours: Winter quarter - By email appointment
Intergenerational Mobility; Inequality; Tax and Transfer Policy; Behavioral Welfare Economics

Michael Dickstein

Assistant Professor of Economics

Dave Donaldson

Associate Professor of Economics
Office: 327 Landau Economics
Office Hours: Winter quarter - By email appointment
Phone: 650-725-3995
Economic geography, urban economics, migration, market integration, economics of networks

Mark Duggan

The Trione Director of SIEPR &
Wayne and Jodi Cooperman Professor of Economics
Office: 330 Landau Economics
Office Hours: Winter quarter: By email appointment
Phone: 650-723-3982
Research on the health care sector and government expenditure programs

Pascaline Dupas

Associate Professor of Economics
Office: 238 Landau Economics
Office Hours: Sabbatical 10/1/15 - 6/30/2016
Phone: 650-725-1870

Liran Einav

Professor of Economics
Office: 326 Landau Economics
Office Hours: Winter quarter - By email appointment
Phone: 650-723-3704

Matthew Gentzkow

Professor of Economics
Office: 321 Landau Economics
Office Hours: Winter quarter - By email appointment
Phone: 650-723-3721

Lawrence H. Goulder

Shuzo Nishihara Professor of Environmental and Resource Economics
Office: 328 Landau Economics
Office Hours: Winter quarter - Wednesday 3:00 - 4:30 pm
Phone: 650-723-3706
General equilibrium analysis of environmental and energy policies; measuring and promoting sustainable development

Avner Greif

Bowman Family Endowed Professor in Humanities and Sciences
Office: 261 Landau Economics
Office Hours: Winter quarter - Wednesday 1:00 - 2:00 pm
Phone: 650-725-8936

Robert E. Hall

Robert and Carole McNeil Professor of Economics
Office: 138 HHMB
Office Hours: Winter quarter - By email appointment
Phone: 650-723-2215
Most of my recent research has focused on the macro implications of the behavior of the labor market, including the response of employment to financial developments.

Han Hong

Professor of Economics
Office: 228 Landau Economics
Office Hours: Winter quarter - Tuesday 2:00 - 3:00 pm
Phone: 650-723-9766

Caroline M. Hoxby

Scott and Donya Bommer Professor in Economics
Office: 246 Landau Economics
Office Hours: Please email Ely Estoesta at: for an appointment
Phone: 650-725-8719

Matthew O. Jackson

William D. Eberle Professor of Economics
Office: 241 Landau Economics
Office Hours: Winter quarter - By email appointment
Phone: 650-723-3544
Social and Economic Networks, Social Interactions, Mechanism Design

Gregor Jarosch

Assistant Professor of Economics (July 2016)
Equilibrium Search Models and their Quantitative Applications

Patrick Kehoe

Visiting Professor, University of Minnesota
Office: 336 Landau Economics
Office Hours: Winter quarter - Tuesday & Thursdays 6:30 - 7:45 pm or by email appointment

Pete Klenow

Ralph Landau Professor in Economics Policy
the Gordon Moore Senior Fellow at SIEPR
Office: 364 Landau Economics
Office Hours: Winter quarter - By email appointment
Phone: 650-725-8169

Fuhito Kojima

Associate Professor of Economics
Office: 239 Landau Economics
Office Hours: Winter quarter - By email appointment
Phone: 650-725-2620

Pablo Kurlat

Assistant Professor of Economics
Office: 331 Landau Economics
Office Hours: Winter quarter - By email appointment
Phone: 650-724-4902

Brad Larsen

Assistant Professor of Economics
Office: 332 Landau Economics
Office Hours: Winter quarter - By email appointment
Phone: 650-721-2851
Bargaining, Auctions, E-Commerce/Online Marketplaces, Licensing, Entry/Price Regulation

Jonathan Levin

Holbrook Working Professor of Price Theory
Office: 322 Landau Economics
Office Hours: Winter quarter - By email appointment
Phone: 650-723-5962
Economics of the Internet, Auctions and Marketplaces, Contracting and Organizations, Health Insurance, Privatization

Thomas E. MaCurdy

Professor of Economics
Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution
Office: 222 Landau Economics
Office Hours:
Phone: 650-723-3983

Kalina Manova

Assistant Professor of Economics

Paul Milgrom

Shirley R. and Leonard W. Ely, Jr. Professor in Humanities and Sciences
Office: 243 Landau Economics
Office Hours: Winter quarter - By email appointment
Phone: 650-723-3397

Melanie Morten

Assistant Professor of Economics
Office: 233 Landau Economics
Office Hours: Winter quarter - By email appointment
Phone: 650-727-9491

Muriel Niederle

Professor of Economics
Office: 334 Landau Economics
Office Hours: Winter quarter - By email appointment
Phone: (650) 723-7359

John H. Pencavel

Pauline K. Levin – Robert L. Levin and Pauline C. Levin Abraham Levin Professor in Humanities and Sciences
Office: 262 Landau Economics
Office Hours: Winter quarter - By email appointment
Phone: 650-723-3981
Labor Economics, Labor History

Petra Persson

Assistant Professor of Economics
Office: 230 Landau Economics
Office Hours: Winter quarter - By email appointment
Phone: 650-723-2176

Monika Piazzesi

Professor of Economics
Office: 343 Landau Economics
Office Hours: Winter quarter - By email appointment
Phone: (650) 723-9289

Luigi Pistaferri

Professor of Economics
Office: 223 Landau Economics
Office Hours: Winter quarter - By email appointment
Phone: (650) 724-4904

Joseph P. Romano

Professor of Economics
Professor of Statistics
Office: 227 Landau Economics
Office Hours: Winter quarter - Monday 10:30 - 11:30 in Landau Econ Bldg / Tuesday 2:30 - 3:30 in Stats Bldg
Phone: (650) 723-6326

Alvin Roth

Craig and Susan McCaw Professor of Economics
Office: 344 Landau Economics
Office Hours: Winter quarter - By email appointment
Phone: 650-725-9147

Florian Scheuer

Assistant Professor of Economics
Office: 341 Landau Economics
Office Hours: Sabbatical 9/1/15 - 6/30/2016
Phone: 650-725-3987

Martin Schneider

Professor of Economics
Office: 340 Landau Economics
Office Hours: Winter quarter - By email appointment
Phone: (650) 721-6320

Ilya Segal

Roy and Betty Anderson Professor in the Humanities and Sciences
Office: 242 Landau Economics
Office Hours: Winter quarter: Monday and Wednesday 11:00 - 12:00 noon
Phone: (650) 724-4905

John B. Shoven

Charles R. Schwab Professor of Economics
The Trione Director of SIEPR
Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution
Office: 221 Landau Economics
Office Hours: Winter quarter - By email appointment
Phone: 650-723-3273

John B. Taylor

Mary and Robert Raymond Professor of Economics
Office: 248 Landau Economics
Office Hours: Winter quarter - Monday 2:00 - 3:30 & Wednesday 10:30 - 12:00 noon
Phone: (650) 723-9677
Building and testing models for the evaluation and design of monetary, fiscal and international policy.

Frank Wolak

Holbrook Working Professor of Commodity Price Studies
Office: 363 Landau Economics
Office Hours: Winter quarter - By email appointment
Phone: 650-723-3944