
SCOPE's projects engage faculty, researchers, and practitioners on a shared agenda of research, policy analysis, educational practice, and dissemination of ideas to improve quality and equality of education from early childhood through college. View the projects by area by choosing from the links below:

Professional Development and Technical Assistance
A wide range of district and schools across the country collaborate with SCOPE to develop their equity-oriented reform agendas. SCOPE supports two learning networks and numerous individual districts and organizations with customized professional learning and technical assistance on a myriad of efforts from implementing 9th- and 10th-grade academies to conducting equity studies to capacity building and principal mentoring to grant application.

Research and Policy Analyses
With support from our funders, SCOPE conducts research and policy analysis that examines and supports the development of schools and districts that are high quality and provide all students with the opportunities they need to succeed academically. We collaborate with practitioners and scholars from around the world and across multiple disciplines—including education, business, organizational behavior, design, and sociology—to develop and share cutting-edge knowledge. Our research encompasses the topic areas described on our web site and has informed practice and policy at the local, state, and federal levels.

Seminars and Colloquia
Collaborative multi-disciplinary conversations are vital to our mission to inform research, policy and practice on equity and opportunity in education. SCOPE fosters the growth of research into practice and policy by hosting and co-sponsoring convenings featuring our core researchers, affiliated scholars, and other leading members of the education community from across the globe to examine the latest research and pressing education issues.

To view projects by topic areas, choose from the list to the left.