
Albuquerque Public Schools: Implementing Smaller Learning Communities

SCOPE provides technical assistance and professional development for Albuquerque Public Schools as they implement their federal Small Schools Grant.

Austin High Schools: Redesigning for Equity

In 2004, SCOPE researchers and the Austin Independent School District joined together to redesign the district's 11 comprehensive high schools.

California Linked Learning Initiative: District Leadership Series

SCOPE is working with district, school, industry, non-profit, and higher educational leaders in California to help build and advance the field of Linked Learning.

Developing Learning Academies: John O'Connell High School (SFUSD)

SCOPE is working with the John O'Connell High School staff in the San Francisco Unified School District to provide professional development to support the school's learning academies.

Fulton High School (Knox County Schools) Professional Development

SCOPE is working with Knox County Schools' Fulton High School in Tennessee to develop four small learning community academies through a federal grant. The high school is strengthening project-based learning within academy teams.

Innovation Lab Network Performance Assessment Project

SCOPE aims to make research on performance assessments available to policymakers in an understandable and accessible form.

Instructional Leadership Corps

California public school teachers and site-based leaders provide professional development to support effective standards implementation. 

Leadership for Equity & Accountability in Schools and Districts (LEADS)

LEADS applied cutting-edge knowledge from scholars and practitioners in education, business, and design to the complex challenges confronting urban school systems. It served six districts around the country.

National Board for Professional Teaching Standards Turnaround Study

This project is designed to build and study the development of teacher learning communities organized around the standards defined by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards. 

San Juan Unified School District: Professional Development for Second Language Education

SCOPE is providing technical assistance to the San Juan Unified School District, as well as specific ongoing professional development for a cadre of district staff as the district expands its second language education work.