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Energy Use at Night for 2013

Current Activities

This is a progress report on the integrated assessment modeling (IAM) community research program on IAM model development, diagnostics and inter-comparisons (PIAMDDI). This program is dedicated to improving the science of integrated assessment by doing cutting edge research in critical areas of IAM development and integrating that research...

Dec 14 2015 to Dec 16 2015
EMF will update its oil disruption risk evaluation that was last done in 2005. The project will develop a risk assessment framework and use expert opinion to evaluate the likelihood of at least one foreign oil disruption over the next ten years.
The EMF 33 Bio-Energy and Land Use study is motivated by the need for information and analysis to help answer two critical questions: (1) How feasible are very low temperature change scenarios rely heavily on massive deployments of advanced bio-energy technologies, and (2) Massive bio-energy expansion could have many large negative side effects on...
The purpose of this modeling exercise is to use energy-economic models to assess emissions, energy and economic outcomes from a plausible range of US policies to reduce greenhouse gases (GHGs). In addition to standard emphasis on the effects of such policies on emissions, energy prices and macroeconomic performance, an economic issue of...
This working group will extend its analysis on the important energy transition towards higher shale oil and natural gas resources, building upon findings from the previous EMF 26 study.
Critical interactions can occur between policies aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions and those targeted on reducing emissions of criteria pollutants like sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides, mercury, volatile organic compounds and particulate matter. These interactions have to do with the level of the emissions or concentration targets set,...


Energy Seminar

The 2015-16 Energy Seminar series is gearing up to start on September 21st with an exciting lineup of speakers.


Learn more about the Integrated Assessment Modeling Consortium here.