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Stanford offers over 300 energy courses. Link below to current listings.

We hope to see you at the weekly cross-campus Energy Seminar on Mondays during the academic year at 4:30-5:20pm in NVIDIA Auditorium. Students may take the Energy Seminar for credit or drop in for talks of interest.

Incoming graduate and professional school students may enroll in a week-long energy course Energy@Stanford&SLAC, that runs September 8-11, 2015.

For lifelong learners, the Stanford Center for Professional Development offers an Energy Innovation and Emerging Technologies Certificate.

If you notice any omissions or inaccuracies in the listing please email: Thank you.

2015 - 2016 Academic Year

Department Course Code Course Titlesort icon Description General Education Requirement(s)
ENERGY 363 Doctoral Degree Research in Energy Resources Engineering Graduate-level work in experimental, computational, or theoretical research for Ph.D. students. Advanced technical report writing.
ENERGY 355 Doctoral Report on Energy Industry Training On-the-job training for doctoral students under the guidance of on-site supervisors. Students submit a report on work activities, problems, assignments, and results. May be repeated for credit....
MSE 391 Doctoral Research Seminar in Energy-Environmental Systems Modeling and Analysis Restricted to PhD students, or by consent of instructor. Doctoral research seminar covering current topics in energy and environmental modeling and analysis. Current emphasis on approaches to...
MSE 241 Economic Analysis Principal methods of economic analysis of the production activities of firms, including production technologies, cost and profit, and perfect and imperfect competition; individual choice, including...
ECON 159 Economic, Legal, and Political Analysis of Climate-Change Policy This course will advance students understanding of economic, legal, and political approaches to avoiding or managing the problem of global climate change. Theoretical contributions as well as...
AA 116Q Electric Automobiles and Aircraft Transportation accounts for nearly one-third of American energy use and greenhouse gas emissions and three-quarters of American oil consumption. It has crucial impacts on climate change, air... GER:DB-EngrAppSci, WAY-AQR, WAY-SMA
CEE 176B Electric Power: Renewables and Efficiency Renewable and efficient electric power systems emphasizing analysis and sizing of photovoltaic arrays and wind turbines. Basic electric power generation, transmission and distribution, distributed... GER:DB-EngrAppSci
ME 185 Electric Vehicle Design This project based class focuses on the design and prototyping of electric vehicles. Students learn the fundamentals of vehicle design in class and apply the knowledge as they form teams and work on...
PHYSICS 43 Electricity and Magnetism What is electricity? What is magnetism? How are they related? How do these phenomena manifest themselves in the physical world? The theory of electricity and magnetism, as codified by Maxwell's... GER: DB-NatSci, WAY-SMA
PHYSICS 63 Electricity, Magnetism, and Waves (Second in a three-part advanced freshman physics series: PHYSICS 61, PHYSICS 63, PHYSICS 65.) This course covers the foundations of electricity and magnetism for students with a strong high school... GER: DB-NatSci, WAY-FR, WAY-SMA
CHEMENG 432 Electrochemical Energy Conversion Electrochemistry is playing an increasingly important role in renewable energy. This course aims to cover the fundamentals of electrochemistry, and then build on that knowledge to cover applications...
MATSCI 209 Electronic and Optical Properties of Solids (MATSCI 199) The concepts of electronic energy bands and transports applied to metals, semiconductors, and insulators. The behavior of electronic and optical devices including p-n junctions, MOS-capacitors,...
MATSCI 199 Electronic and Optical Properties of Solids (MATSCI 209) The concepts of electronic energy bands and transports applied to metals, semiconductors, and insulators. The behavior of electronic and optical devices including p-n junctions, MOS-capacitors,... GER:DB-EngrAppSci
MATSCI 152 Electronic Materials Engineering Materials science and engineering for electronic device applications. Kinetic molecular theory and thermally activated processes; band structure; electrical conductivity of metals and semiconductors... GER:DB-EngrAppSci, WAY-SMA
ENERGY 256 Electronic Structure Theory and Applications to Chemical Kinetics (CHEMENG 444) Fundamentals of electronic structure theory as it applies to chemical reaction kinetics in homogeneous and heterogeneous reaction systems. Development and application of the theory of chemical...
CHEMENG 444 Electronic Structure Theory and Applications to Chemical Kinetics (ENERGY 256) Fundamentals of electronic structure theory as it applies to chemical reaction kinetics in homogeneous and heterogeneous reaction systems. Development and application of the theory of chemical...
ENERGY 101A Energizing California A weekend field trip featuring renewable and nonrenewable energy installations in Northern California. Tour geothermal, bioenergy, and natural gas field sites with expert guides from the Department...
MSE 243 Energy and Environmental Policy Analysis Concepts, methods, and applications. Energy/environmental policy issues such as automobile fuel economy regulation, global climate change, research and development policy, and environmental benefit...
CHEMENG 120B Energy and Mass Transport General diffusive transport, heat transport by conduction, Fourier's law, conduction in composites with analogies to electrical circuits, advection-diffusion equations, forced convection, boundary...
ENERGY 101 Energy and the Environment (EARTHSYS 101) Energy use in modern society and the consequences of current and future energy use patterns. Case studies illustrate resource estimation, engineering analysis of energy systems, and options for... GER:DB-EngrAppSci, WAY-AQR, WAY-SMA
EARTHSYS 101 Energy and the Environment (ENERGY 101) Energy use in modern society and the consequences of current and future energy use patterns. Case studies illustrate resource estimation, engineering analysis of energy systems, and options for... GER:DB-EngrAppSci, WAY-AQR, WAY-SMA
CEE 176A Energy Efficient Buildings Quantitative evaluation of technologies and techniques for reducing energy demand of residential-scale buildings. Heating and cooling load calculations, financial analysis, passive-solar design... GER:DB-EngrAppSci
ENERGY 293C Energy from Wind and Water Currents This course focuses on the extraction of energy from wind, waves and tides.nThe emphasis in the course is technical leading to a solid understanding ofnestablished extraction systems and discussion...
POLISCI 25SC Energy in the Southwest (CEE 16SC, ENERGY 11SC) The technical, social, and political issues surrounding energy management and use in the West, using California, Nevada, and Arizona as a field laboratory. Students explore energy narratives, such as...
ENERGY 11SC Energy in the Southwest (CEE 16SC, POLISCI 25SC) The technical, social, and political issues surrounding energy management and use in the West, using California, Nevada, and Arizona as a field laboratory. Students explore energy narratives, such as...
CEE 16SC Energy in the Southwest (ENERGY 11SC, POLISCI 25SC) The technical, social, and political issues surrounding energy management and use in the West, using California, Nevada, and Arizona as a field laboratory. Students explore energy narratives, such as...
ENERGY 271 Energy Infrastructure, Technology and Economics (ENERGY 171) Oil and gas represents more than 50% of global primary energy. In delivering energy at scale, the industry has developed global infrastructure with supporting technology that gives it enormous...
ENERGY 171 Energy Infrastructure, Technology and Economics (ENERGY 271) Oil and gas represents more than 50% of global primary energy. In delivering energy at scale, the industry has developed global infrastructure with supporting technology that gives it enormous...
LAW 455 Energy Law The supply of a reliable, low-cost and clean energy supply for the United States is a key determinant of current and future prosperity. Perhaps as a result, electric utilities are among the most...
GSBGEN 336 Energy Markets and Policy Transforming the global energy system to reduce climate change impacts, ensure security of supply, and foster economic development of the world's poorest regions depends on the ability of commercial...
APPPHYS 79N Energy Options for the 21st Century Preference to freshmen. Choices for meeting the future energy needs of the U.S. and the world. Basic physics of energy sources, technologies that might be employed, and related public policy issues.... GER:DB-EngrAppSci, WAY-SMA
MSE 295 Energy Policy Analysis Design and application of formal analytical methods for policy and technology assessments of energy efficiency and renewable energy options. Emphasis is on integrated use of modeling tools from...
GSBGEN 538 Energy Policy, Markets, and Climate Change This course will consider world energy markets as well as national and international policy challenges for the energy sector, in the context of climate change and its probable impacts. Case studies...
CEE 107S Energy Resources: Fuels and Tools (CEE 207S) Energy is a vital part of our daily lives. This course examines where that energy comes from, and the advantages and disadvantages across different fuels. Contextual analysis of energy decisions for...
CEE 276C Energy Storage Integration - Vehicles, Renewables, and the Grid (CEE 176C) This course will provide in-depth introduction to existing energy storage solutions being used on the electric grid and in vehicles with a primary focus on batteries and electrochemical storage. We...
CEE 176C Energy Storage Integration - Vehicles, Renewables, and the Grid (CEE 276C) This course will provide in-depth introduction to existing energy storage solutions being used on the electric grid and in vehicles with a primary focus on batteries and electrochemical storage. We...
ME 25N Energy Sustainability and Climate Change One of the primary global challenges of the 21st century is providing the energy required to meet increasing demands due to population growth and economic development. A related challenge is...
ME 370A Energy Systems I: Thermodynamics Thermodynamic analysis of energy systems emphasizing systematic methodology for and application of basic principles to generate quantitative understanding. Exergy, mixtures, reacting systems, phase...
ME 370B Energy Systems II: Modeling and Advanced Concepts Development of quantitative device models for complex energy systems, including fuel cells, reformers, combustion engines, and electrolyzers, using thermodynamic and transport analysis. Student...
ME 370C Energy Systems III: Projects Refinement and calibration of energy system models generated in ME 370B carrying the models to maturity and completion. Integration of device models into a larger model of energy systems....
ECON 17N Energy, the Environment, and the Economy Examines the intimate relationship between environmental quality and the production and consumption of energy. Assesses the economics efficiency and political economy implications of a number of... WAY-SI
ENGR 25E Energy: Chemical Transformations for Production, Storage, and Use (CHEMENG 25E) An introduction and overview to the challenges and opportunities of energy supply and consumption. Emphasis on energy technologies where chemistry and engineering play key roles. Review of energy... GER:DB-EngrAppSci
CHEMENG 25E Energy: Chemical Transformations for Production, Storage, and Use (ENGR 25E) An introduction and overview to the challenges and opportunities of energy supply and consumption. Emphasis on energy technologies where chemistry and engineering play key roles. Review of energy... GER:DB-EngrAppSci
ENERGY 362 Engineer's Degree Research in Energy Resources Engineering Graduate-level work in experimental, computational, or theoretical research for Engineer students. Advanced technical report writing. Limited to 15 units total, or 9 units total if 6 units of 361...
ENERGY 110 Engineering Economics The success of energy projects and companies is judged by technical, economic and financial criteria. This course will introduce concepts of engineering economy, e.g., time value of money, life...
ENGR 30 Engineering Thermodynamics The basic principles of thermodynamics are introduced in this course. Concepts of energy and entropy from elementary considerations of the microscopic nature of matter are discussed. The principles... GER:DB-EngrAppSci, WAY-AQR, WAY-SMA
ENERGY 267 Engineering Valuation and Appraisal of Oil and Gas Wells, Facilities, and Properties (ENERGY 167) Appraisal of development and remedial work on oil and gas wells; appraisal of producing properties; estimation of productive capacity, reserves; operating costs, depletion, and depreciation; value of...
ENERGY 167 Engineering Valuation and Appraisal of Oil and Gas Wells, Facilities, and Properties (ENERGY 267) Appraisal of development and remedial work on oil and gas wells; appraisal of producing properties; estimation of productive capacity, reserves; operating costs, depletion, and depreciation; value of... GER:DB-EngrAppSci
ENERGY 227 Enhanced Oil Recovery The physics, theories, and methods of evaluating chemical, miscible, and thermal enhanced oil recovery projects. Existing methods and screening techniques, and analytical and simulation based means...
EARTHSYS 12SC Environmental and Geological Field Studies in the Rocky Mountains (ESS 12SC, GS 12SC) The Rocky Mountain area, ecologically and geologically diverse, is being strongly impacted by changing land-use patterns, global and regional environmental change, and societal demands for energy and...
HUMBIO 4B Environmental and Health Policy Analysis Connections among the life sciences, social sciences, public health, and public policy. The economic, social, and institutional factors that underlie environmental degradation, the incidence of... GER:DB-SocSci
ECON 250 Environmental Economics Theoretical and empirical analysis of sources of and solutions to environmental problems, with application to local pollution challenges and global environmental issues such as climate change. Topics...
ECON 155 Environmental Economics and Policy Economic sources of environmental problems and alternative policies for dealing with them (technology standards, emissions taxes, and marketable pollution permits). Evaluation of policies addressing... GER: DB-NatSci, WAY-SI
CEE 273C Environmental Engineering Applications of Membrane Technology Introduction to membrane technology and processes with applications in R&D, water/wastewater treatment, and renewable energy. Membrane separation principles, reverse osmosis, nanofiltration,...
CEE 173C Environmental Engineering Applications of Membrane Technology (CEE 273C) Introduction to membrane technology and processes with applications in R&D, water/wastewater treatment, and renewable energy. Membrane separation principles, reverse osmosis, nanofiltration,...
EARTHSYS 46Q Environmental Impact of Energy Systems: What are the Risks? (GS 46Q) In order to reduce CO2 emissions and meet growing energy demands during the 21st Century, the world can expect to experience major shifts in the types and proportions of energy-producing systems....
BIO 15N Environmental Literacy Preference to freshmen. Lack of public understanding of the details of most environmental problems is cited as a cause of environmental deterioration. Good citizenship requires literacy about the... GER: DB-NatSci, WAY-SMA
CHEMENG 274 Environmental Microbiology I (CEE 274A, CHEMENG 174) Basics of microbiology and biochemistry. The biochemical and biophysical principles of biochemical reactions, energetics, and mechanisms of energy conservation. Diversity of microbial catabolism,...
CHEMENG 174 Environmental Microbiology I (CEE 274A, CHEMENG 274) Basics of microbiology and biochemistry. The biochemical and biophysical principles of biochemical reactions, energetics, and mechanisms of energy conservation. Diversity of microbial catabolism,...
CEE 274A Environmental Microbiology I (CHEMENG 174, CHEMENG 274) Basics of microbiology and biochemistry. The biochemical and biophysical principles of biochemical reactions, energetics, and mechanisms of energy conservation. Diversity of microbial catabolism,...
CEE 171 Environmental Planning Methods Intended primarily for juniors and seniors; first year graduate students welcome. Course introduces key environmental policy design and implementation concepts and provides opportunities to work with... GER:DB-EngrAppSci
GS 43Q Environmental Problems Preference to sophomores. Components of multidisciplinary environmental problems and ethical questions associated with decision making in the regulatory arena. Students lead discussions on... GER: DB-NatSci
BIO 13N Environmental Problems and Solutions Preference to freshmen. Students do independent investigations of current environmental problems, analyzing differing views of them and discussing possible solutions. Each student gives seminar... GER: DB-NatSci
CHEMENG 60Q Environmental Regulation and Policy Preference to sophomores. How environmental policy is formulated in the U.S. How and what type of scientific research is incorporated into decisions. How to determine acceptable risk, the public's... GER:DB-EngrAppSci
ENGR 90 Environmental Science and Technology (CEE 70) Introduction to environmental quality and the technical background necessary for understanding environmental issues, controlling environmental degradation, and preserving air and water quality.... GER:DB-EngrAppSci, WAY-AQR
CEE 70 Environmental Science and Technology (ENGR 90) Introduction to environmental quality and the technical background necessary for understanding environmental issues, controlling environmental degradation, and preserving air and water quality.... GER:DB-EngrAppSci, WAY-AQR
OIT 538 Environmental Science for Managers - Accelerated This course satisfies the MBA distribution requirement in Optimization and Simulation Modeling (OSM). It is challenging but doable for students without an undergraduate degree in science or...
OIT 539 Environmental Science for Managers - Advanced Fundamental science of ecosystems, climate and energy. Spreadsheet modeling, optimization, and Monte Carlo simulation applied to resource management and environmental policy. Similar to OIT 338, but...
OIT 540 Environmental Science for Managers II This course provides an introduction to renewable sources of electricity and fuel, and is required for the joint MBA-MS in Environment and Resources degree. nnnStudents are strongly encouraged, but...
ENGR 105 Feedback Control Design Design of linear feedback control systems for command-following error, stability, and dynamic response specifications. Root-locus and frequency response design techniques. Examples from a variety of... GER:DB-EngrAppSci
GSBGEN 363 Fiscal Policy One of every four dollars in the American economy will be spent by the federal government this year. This course will examine how federal spending, taxes, deficits and debt affect the U.S. economy...
ENERGY 120A Flow Through Porous Media Laboratory Laboratory measurements of permeability and porosity in rocks. Applications to subsurface fluid mechanics. Course is intended as an accompaniment to Energy 120.
ME 131B Fluid Mechanics: Compressible Flow and Turbomachinery Engineering applications involving compressible flow: aircraft and rocket propulsion, power generation; application of mass, momentum, energy and entropy balance to compressible flows; variable area... GER:DB-EngrAppSci
ME 260 Fuel Cell Science and Technology Emphasis on proton exchange membrane (PEM) and solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC), and principles of electrochemical energy conversion. Topics in materials science, thermodynamics, and fluid mechanics....
ME 399 Fuel Cell Seminar Interdisciplinary research in engineering, chemistry, and physics. Talks on fundamentals of fuel cells by speakers from Stanford, other academic and research institutions, and industry. The potential...