Escondido Village Community Associate Program

Who are the EV CA's...?

The EV CA's are fellow students and residents of Escondido Village who have accepted the challenge of making student living in EV more fun, more comfortable, and more rewarding. The EV CA's can be found doing all kinds of things for residents, such as...

  • ...helping new students get acclimated to campus upon arrival.
  • ...planning and hosting events in their neighborhoods.
  • ...referring residents to helpful campus resources.
  • ...working with residents to resolve minor conflicts.
  • ...building a sense of community among residents in each neighborhood.
  • ...organizing EV-wide and campus wide parties and events.

What kind of events do CAs host...?

EV CA's organize all kinds of events for residents, from small neighborhood events to all-out holiday bashes and formal events. Check out some of the events CAs hosted over the last year.

Each CA also is part of one of the 5 EV Committees. The events sponsored by the committees are open to all EV residents and are advertised through the Village Newsletter. The committees are:

  • Community Service
  • Social
  • Education and Cultural
  • Sports and Outdoors
  • Health and Wellness

So you want to be a CA...

The EV CA program is open to all Stanford graduate students who are eligible to live in EV housing in the year for which they are applying. The application process is competitive, and successful applicants usually display attributes such as...

  • ...excitement about meeting new people.
  • ...strong organizational skills.
  • ...willingness to help people resolve conflicts.
  • ...sensitivity to customs of a diverse population.

The application process opens in March each year. If you are interested, talk to one of your neighborhood CAs for more information.

Last modified Thu, 2 Sep, 2010 at 23:08