PSYCH 266: Current Debates in Learning and Memory
Memory is not a unitary faculty, but consists of multiple forms of learning and remembering. The cognitive and neural architectures of memory, focusing on the application of functional brain imaging (primarily fMRI and ERP). Recommended: 45
Terms: not given this year
Units: 1-3
Repeatable for credit
Grading: Letter or Credit/No Credit
PSYCH 267: Human Memory: Facts, Fallacies, and Fragile Powers
Seminar. Applications of memory concepts in everyday life and in social and clinical settings. Topics include personal identity, childhood amnesia, autobiographic memory, emotions and memory, memory distortions, illusions, self-serving biases, recovery of repressed memories, false memories, implicit memories, and unconscious influences on social behavior, with applications to psychopathology.
Terms: not given this year
Units: 1-3
Grading: Satisfactory/No Credit
PSYCH 269: Graduate Seminar in Affective Science
May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: graduate standing in Psychology. (Gotlib)
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr
Units: 1
Repeatable for credit
Grading: Satisfactory/No Credit
Zaki, J. (PI)
PSYCH 270: The Psychology of Everyday Morality (PSYCH 179)
(Graduate students register for 270.) For graduate students, coterms, and senior Psychology majors. Traditional approaches focusing on how morality colors mundane human activities such as eating and on morality as defined by actors themselves rather than social scientists. Moral hypocrisy, food and disgust, taboo trade-offs, moral reproach, and prejudice with compunction. Limited enrollment. Prerequisite: 70 and consent of instructor.
Terms: not given this year
Units: 4
Grading: Letter or Credit/No Credit
PSYCH 271: Writing About Psychology
Writing clear and compelling prose is a vital skill for any psychologist, but one that is often not formally taught. This graduate seminar will provide a chance for students to think systematically about writing for audiences within and outside of psychology, and to concretely improve pieces of writing that matter to them. The course will take the form of a "writer's workshop", in which each student will bring two pieces of writing¿one empirical, and one intended for a popular audience, to be discussed by the class. All class members will discuss each piece of writing twice, providing constructive feedback for the target student to revise her or his work. The workshop will be supplemented by general discussions of writing principles and examples of good writing in psychology.
Terms: not given this year
Units: 3
Grading: Letter or Credit/No Credit
PSYCH 272: Special Topics in Psycholinguistics
May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: consent of instructor.
Terms: not given this year
Units: 1-3
Repeatable for credit
Grading: Letter or Credit/No Credit
PSYCH 273: Graduate Seminar on Language, Cognition, and Perception
Current topics and debates. Readings from psychology, linguistics, neuroscience, ethology, anthropology, and philosophy. May be repeated for credit.
Terms: not given this year
Units: 3
Repeatable for credit
Grading: Satisfactory/No Credit
PSYCH 274: Graduate Research Workshop on Psychological Interventions (EDUC 287)
Psychological research has the potential to create novel interventions that promote the public good. This workshop will expose students to psychologically 'wise' intervention research and to support their efforts to conduct such interventions, especially in the context of education, broadly conceived, as well as other areas. The first part of the class will address classic interventions and important topics in intervention research, including effective delivery mechanisms, sensitive behavioral outcomes, the role of theory and psychological process, and considerations of the role of time and of mechanisms that can sustain treatment effects over time. In the second part of the class, students will present and receive feedback on their own ongoing and/or future intervention research. Prerequisite: Graduate standing in Psychology or Education, or consent of instructor.
Terms: Win
Units: 3
Grading: Letter or Credit/No Credit
Cohen, G. (PI)
Walton, G. (PI)
PSYCH 275: Graduate Research
Intermediate-level research undertaken with members of departmental faculty. Prerequisite: consent of instructor.nn (Staff)
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr, Sum
Units: 1-15
Repeatable for credit
Grading: Satisfactory/No Credit
Ambady, N. (PI)
Bandura, A. (PI)
Boroditsky, L. (PI)
Bower, G. (PI)
more instructors for PSYCH 275 »
Ambady, N. (PI)
Bandura, A. (PI)
Boroditsky, L. (PI)
Bower, G. (PI)
Carstensen, L. (PI)
Clark, H. (PI)
Cohen, G. (PI)
Crum, A. (PI)
Dweck, C. (PI)
Eberhardt, J. (PI)
Fernald, A. (PI)
Flavell, J. (PI)
Frank, M. (PI)
Gardner, J. (PI)
Goodman, N. (PI)
Gotlib, I. (PI)
Grill-Spector, K. (PI)
Gross, J. (PI)
Gweon, H. (PI)
Hastorf, A. (PI)
Heaney, C. (PI)
Horowitz, L. (PI)
Knutson, B. (PI)
Krumboltz, J. (PI)
Lepper, M. (PI)
Maccoby, E. (PI)
Markman, E. (PI)
Markus, H. (PI)
McClelland, J. (PI)
McClure, S. (PI)
Miller, D. (PI)
Monin, B. (PI)
Norcia, A. (PI)
Poldrack, R. (PI)
Ramscar, M. (PI)
Rosenhan, D. (PI)
Ross, L. (PI)
Shepard, R. (PI)
Steele, C. (PI)
Thomas, E. (PI)
Tormala, T. (PI)
Tsai, J. (PI)
Tversky, B. (PI)
Wagner, A. (PI)
Walton, G. (PI)
Wandell, B. (PI)
Wine, J. (PI)
Winters, J. (PI)
Zaki, J. (PI)
Zimbardo, P. (PI)
PSYCH 277: Psychology of Pedagogy (EDUC 248)
How can methods and insights from psychology inform education practice, particularly in a higher education context? This course aims to develop your skills as critical consumers and producers of empirical findings on teaching and learning. Course involves a quarter-long project to develop a pedagogical research proposal, supplemented and informed by readings, guided discussions, and group workshops.
Terms: not given this year
Units: 1-3
Repeatable for credit
Grading: Letter or Credit/No Credit
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