PHYSICS 43: Electricity and Magnetism
What is electricity? What is magnetism? How are they related? How do these phenomena manifest themselves in the physical world? The theory of electricity and magnetism, as codified by Maxwell's equations, underlies much of the observable universe. Students develop both conceptual and quantitative knowledge of this theory. Topics include: electrostatics; magnetostatics; simple AC and DC circuits involving capacitors, inductors, and resistors; integral form of Maxwell's equations; electromagnetic waves. Principles illustrated in the context of modern technologies. Broader scientific questions addressed include: How do physical theories evolve? What is the interplay between basic physical theories and associated technologies? Discussions based on the language of mathematics, particularly differential and integral calculus, and vectors. Physical understanding fostered by peer interaction and demonstrations in lecture, and discussion sections based on interactive group problem solving. Prerequisite:
PHYSICS 41 or equivalent.
MATH 42 or
MATH 51 or
CME 100 or equivalent. Recommended corequisite:
MATH 52 or
CME 102.
Terms: Spr
Units: 4
UG Reqs: GER: DB-NatSci, WAY-SMA
Grading: Letter or Credit/No Credit
Kasevich, M. (PI)
PHYSICS 43A: Electricity and Magnetism: Concepts, Calculations and Context
Additional assistance and applications for
Physics 43. In-class problems in physics and engineering. Exercises in calculations of electric and magnetic forces and field to reinforce concepts and techniques; Calculations involving inductors, transformers, AC circuits, motors and generators. Highly recommended for students with limited or no high school physics or calculus. Co-requisite:
Terms: Spr
Units: 1
Grading: Letter or Credit/No Credit
Church, S. (PI)
Nanavati, C. (PI)
PHYSICS 43N: Understanding Electromagnetic Phenomena
Preference to freshmen. Expands on the material presented in
PHYSICS 43; applications of concepts in electricity and magnetism to everyday phenomena and to topics in current physics research. Corequisite:
PHYSICS 43 or advanced placement.
Terms: Spr
Units: 1
Grading: Satisfactory/No Credit
Chu, S. (PI)
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