Samuel`s House

For New Homebuyers > Housing Allowance Program (HAP) and HAP II

Housing Allowance Program (HAP)
and HAP II

HAP is a taxable fringe benefit that supplements income upon the purchase of a home. This program can be used alone or in combination with other purchase programs. If you are an Eligible Person who, with their spouse or domestic partner, are first time buyers and who have had no ownership interest in a residential property located within the qualifying limit in the three years prior to receipt of a written offer of employment from Stanford, you may apply for HAP for the purchase of a home.

HAP II is available to those faculty promoted to tenure or to Continuing Term who meet certain program requirements. These individuals may apply for HAP II upon the purchase of a new home or at the time of a significant remodel of an existing home.

For more information, download the HAP brochure. To apply for HAP or HAPII, complete the HAP application form. Return both the original signed application form and initialed exhibit to FSH. Faxes will not be accepted.


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Nothing on this site or in the documents it contains should be construed as an offer or commitment of any kind. Programs and eligibility requirements can be changed or discontinued without notice.

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