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GLAM Fellowships

2016-2018 GLAM Postdoctoral Fellowships


The Geballe Laboratory for Advanced Materials (GLAM) at Stanford University invites applications for the 2016 GLAM Postdoctoral Fellowships. We seek early-career scientists of exceptional ability who will flourish in, and contribute to, the highly interactive and collaborative research environment of GLAM. The appointment includes 2 years of support with a competitive salary and benefits, and $5,000 annually in discretionary funds to cover research and/or travel expenses.

Candidates are asked to submit online a curriculum vitae including publication list, and a two page research statement that details proposed research and possible collaborations within GLAM. Candidates are also required to identify one or more host faculty within GLAM, with whom they have discussed their proposed research and who will be asked to submit a nomination letter on their behalf. Candidates should also arrange to have two letters of reference submitted online.  For administrative queries, please contact C. Sanchez (  See below for more details, application schedule, and list of frequently asked questions.

Competition Schedule 2016-2018

July 1, 2015: Application period begins

12:00 noon Pacific Standard Time (PST), October 30, 2015: Application deadline. Candidates are responsible for making sure that all components of their application are submitted before the deadline, including letters of recommendation.

November 2015: Committee reviews applications

Early December 2015: Offers made to successful candidates. Fellowship alternates also informed. All other candidates notified.

January 15, 2016: Decision deadline for Fellowship offers.

Required Application Materials

Applicants are responsible for ensuring that all of the following items are submitted online by 12:00 noon PST on October 30, 2015

  • Name
  • Current position
  • Current Institution
  • Bachelors Degree (subject/institution/graduation date)
  • If applicable: PhD (thesis title/institution/department/thesis advisor/ graduation date)
  • Name and email of proposed faculty host in GLAM
  • Letter from proposed faculty host in GLAM (to be submitted by GLAM faculty)
  • Optional: Name of proposed co-host at GLAM + Letter
  • CV including publication list
  • Research statement (2 pages; can include figures and references, but doesn’t have to; please use a font size such that the document is readable; see FAQ)
  • Names, Institutions and Email address of 2 referees
  • 2 letters of recommendation (to be submitted by referees)
  • Optional: copy or preprint of most relevant recent publication

Click here to begin your application.

Visit our Frequently Asked Questions page

Stanford University is an affirmative action and equal opportunity employer, committed to increasing the diversity of its workforce. It welcomes applications from women, members of minority groups, veterans, persons with disabilities, and others who would bring additional dimensions to the university's research and teaching mission.