This guide includes information about resources available in the Stanford Archives to support research into the history of Black students at Stanford University.
Despite being a historically white institution, Stanford has a rich history of Black student life. However, prior to the mid-1960’s, Stanford admitted few Black students, and offered limited support to those who were admitted. Users will find few records of Black students in the Archives dating before the mid-1960's. The change in admissions and support came about through direct action of Black students and other students of color. Please see the FAQ for more information.
Note that while the materials shared here are intended to be representative of Library collections, this guide is not meant to be exhaustive; additional materials may be discovered and accessed via Searchworks, the Online Archive of California (OAC), and Spotlight. For access to physical materials, please refer to guidelines for accessing materials through Special Collections & University Archives on the Stanford Libraries website.
Guide created by Mario Pamplona.