The Buzz

General Humbio Announcements

Need answers about the internship requirement, the forms, the process?

This infomercial (3:48) answers the most common questions about proposing your internship and getting credit.  (Please note this change:  the presentation is now Virtual and is uploaded at a dedicated site by the end of the third week of the quarter chosen for presenting):

Still looking for an internship? This infomercial (2:33) has tips for finding your internship:

Also see  and please note the "Internship Checklist" at the bottom of the page that lists each step with internship-related information LINKS.  We want this info to be as helpful and convenient as possible, so your feedback is welcome. 

Lia - Student Services,, 725-0332 

HumBio students going abroad to non-BOSP programs need to provide their travel information at the International Affairs site:

The intent of this site is twofold:

1) To provide basic information to students who go abroad from Stanford on non-BOSP related programs

2) To collect information on these students in case of emergencies.

Suzanne will will hold office hours every Tuesday from 1-2:30 in the Student Advisors office. If you are interested in community based courses, research or internships, Suzanne is here to support you. She can help you find placements, clarify goals, align goals with academic concentration, identify research questions, or act as a sounding-board for their ideas. If you have questions, contact Suzanne directly: 

Suzanne M Gaulocher PhD, MPH

Director of Community Engaged Learning

Phone: 650-497-3657
Cell: 608-354-1864

Dear HumBio Students,

Do you know you can have a look at your fellow HumBio students' internship presentations on-line?

Find internship inspiration, ideas and insights at the following links for the current quarter's presentations (as well as last spring and winter):

Honors Corner

Are you writing a senior Honors Thesis next year? Are you interested in being part of an interdisciplinary network of thesis writers committed to seeing that academic knowledge is put in the service of solving public problems and aiding in community development?  

If so, consider applying for the 2015-16 Public Service Scholars Program (PSSP) sponsored by the Haas Center for Public Service. 

PSSP is a year-round, credit bearing academic program that supports students’ efforts to write a thesis that is both academically rigorous and useful—directly or indirectly—to specific community organizations or public interest constituencies.  Students participate in the PSSP during their senior year, concurrently with the honors program in their academic department or interdisciplinary program of study. Students from all majors are welcome to apply! 


Applications for the 2015–2016 Public Service Scholars Program (PSSP) are due Friday, May 15, 2015.

To learn more about PSSP, including past student projects, please visit our website (, or attend our upcoming information session on 4/17.

Please feel free to contact PSSP director Clayton Hurd at with any questions you may have. 








Applications were due Feb 6th.

Upcoming Events

When: October 10-11 2015, UC Davis
Full Pre-Health Professions Programming
- Medicine (MD/DO), Public Health, Pharmacy, Dentistry, Nursing, Veterinary Medicine, Physician Assistant, PhD & STEM, Physical and Occupational Therapy, Optometry, Chiropractic, Podiatric Medicine, Naturopathic Medicine
Featuring Deans of Admission from over 500 Health-Professions schools!
Conference will include:
- 150 Medical Schools, 35 Pharmacy Schools, 35 Dentistry Schools, 35 Nursing Schools, 25 Public Health Schools, 15 Veterinary Schools, 25 Graduate and STEM Schools, 15 Physician Assistant Schools, 15 Physical and Occupational Therapy Programs, 5 Optometry Programs
Conference Highlights
Over 25 Deans of Admission Panel and Q&A Sessions,  Over 350 Workshops! Interactive Workshops in suture, casting, ultrasound, intubation, and VetMed, Pre-Health Professions Fair (over 700 Programs Represented), Over 15 Health Professions Student Panels, Inspirational Stories, World Renown Speakers, Over 2000 Speakers (Deans of Medical and Health Professions Schools, Physicians, Pharmacists, Dentists, Public Health Professionals, Veterinarians, PAs, Researchers in STEM, Physical and Occupational Therapists, Optometrists, and more!), Over 400 Physicians in every specialty, Poster Session for College and Health Professions students
Pre-Registration: $25.00, Nov 1, 2014 to December 31, 2014
Early Registration: $35.00, January 1, 2015 to June 30, 2015
Regular Registration: $45.00 July 1, 2015 to August 31, 2015
Late Registration: $55.00 September 1, 2015 to October 9, 2015
At-Door Registration: $60.00 October 10, 2015 to October 11, 2015
Group Registration: $35.00, Nov 1, 2014 to Oct 4, 2015 (min 7 tickets)
All Inclusive Packages for $95.00 Registration Deadline: October 4, 2015 (or until sold out)
-Access to All Keynote Sessions
-Access to Over 350 Workshops
-Access to All sessions
-Access to Pre-Health Professions Fair
-Bus Transportation from:
UCSD, UC Riverside, UC Irvine, UCLA, USC, Mt. Sac, UC Merced, Fresno State, Stanford, UC Berkeley, UC Santa Cruz, UC Santa Barbara, and U of Oregon. Available and open to EVERYONE 
Limited Fee Waivers & Free Housing Available

For More Information and Registration, please visit:

This conference has sold out the last 12 years, so register early!

Community-Based Internship Preparation Workshop Series
Spring Quarter
Tuesdays, 12-1pm
Haas Center DK Room

5/5: Small group advising
✦Budgeting, housing, logistics, developing a professional network, phone & email etiquette, navigating organizations structures, having difficult conversations, managing conflicts, etc. Bring your questions! Advisors include staff from the Haas Center and the Career Development Center

5/12: Expecting the unexpected & surviving the worst case scenario
✦Things don’t always go as planned. Prepare ahead of time for a few worst cases
✦Cultivate your crisis problem-solving skills

5/19: Developing your plan for success
✦Making a plan isn’t enough--how do you implement and make sure it happens?
✦Get feedback on your internship learning plan

5/26: The role of reflection
✦How to learn when there’s no one there to teach you

✦How to avoid feeling adrift during your internship
 6/2: Sowing the seeds for future success
✦How to think, write, and talk about your internship experiences to highlight your strengths and successes when you get back

✦How to keep in touch effectively with your internship coworkers and supervisors

RSVP: or sign up for 1 unit on Axess (EARTHSYS 9/URBANST101)!

We still have many dates available for any Stanford community member to present their paper, grant or other entity at CIRGE (Center for Integration of Research on Genetics and Ethics) Writing Seminars throughout the 2014-15 academic year. Please feel free to email me for more information or visit the website ( to review past CIRGE writing seminars!  CIRGE Writing Seminars will take place on Tuesdays from 12pm - 1pm in the SCBE Conference Room.

Available dates:

*We’re happy to host an October writing seminar on10/15 if you have a paper draft near completion*

11/4/14, 12/2/14, 1/13/15, 2/3/15, 3/3/15, 4/7/15, 5/5/15, 6/2/15


Many thanks,

Tacy Abbott

Program Coordinator

MS Program in Human Genetics and Genetic Counseling

300 Pasteur Drive, Room A097, Stanford, CA 94305, MC 5208

P: 650.498.7522 | F: 650.498.4555 |


Course Alerts

NEW MS and Coterm in Community Health & Prevention Research- unanimously approved by the Stanford Faculty Senate in perpetuity, effective September 2015! Rising juniors and seniors are eligible to apply for the program. Come learn more at our information session on Thursday, June 11, 2015 from 2pm-3pm in Margaret Jacks Hall. Please RSVP at you there!

Stanford Prevention Research Center, Stanford School of Medicine

Capstone course series at the intersection of art + science
for seniors in the life sciences

Will you be a Senior next year?
Are you interested in the intersection of art and science?

If you answered “yes” to both questions, check out The Senior Reflection in Biology!  TSR (Bio196) is a capstone course series through which original creative works emerge from an interest in science.
Find us on the web at

We’re really excited to be offering a new class this summer called Learning & Memory: Theory and Applications (Psych 136S). Each week we’ll spend Monday
learning about the science of a specific topic in learning and memory, and on Wednesday we’ll talk about how this material can help us understand real
world problems and policies. This would be a great course to take if you’ve ever wondered things like:

- Can I train my brain to become smarter?
- How do memories that I'm not aware of influence my thoughts and actions?
- How do media and technology influence my memories?
- How well can we believe eyewitness testimony? How close are we to using mind-reading to figure out if a witness is lying?
- How can memory research help me become a better student and help teachers become better teachers?
- What goes wrong with memory in aging, depression, and other clinical populations?
A preliminary syllabus can be found on our course

Please feel free to email either of us with any questions.
Hope to see you this summer!
Stephanie Gagnon ( and Karen LaRocque

BOSP is launching a new winter quarter Biochemistry course at the Stanford Center in Paris! “Principles of Biochemistry” will be taught in English, and will allow STEM students who never thought it possible to study abroad, to do so. In addition, French Language Prerequisites will be waived for winter quarter STEM students enrolling in this course. Exciting on-site internships related to STEM fields are offered year round every quarter for qualified students as well.

BOSP is currently accepting 2nd round Winter applications — Deadline: May 10, 2015  

Apply Here! 

Are you a sophomore or junior interested in Health Policy?

We invite you to attend aStanford in Washington (SIW) info session to learn more about the opportunity to spend Winter quarter 2016 working and studying in our nation's capital.

Winter Quarter has a unique health policy focus. Applications are due Friday May 8th.

Previous Health Policy Internships have included: National Institute of Health, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services: Office of the Assistant Secretary of Planning & Evaluation Health Resources & Service Administration,Office of Health IT & Quality, Office of Minority Health, Brookings Institute Center for Health Reform, Surgeon General’s Office, U.S. Department of Agriculture (Food and Nutrition Services), National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases (Office of Global Research), John Snow, Inc., New America Foundation Health Policy Program, Pan-American Health Organization

STATS 60 fulfills the statistics requirement only for HumBio students declared before Sept 1, 2015 and only if taken in Academic Year  2014-15 or before.

If you already completed and are transferring in a statistics class from another institution that is equivalent to STATS 60, please do so before the end of Spring Quarter.  After Spring Quarter, statistics classes transferred into the major to satisfy the Stats requirement will only be allowed if the Stanford equivalent course is HumBio 85A/88/89, Stats 141/BioSci 141, CS 109, Educ 200C, Econ 102A, Soc 181B, or another upper level statistics class that is not Stats 60.  If in doubt, talk to Lia or the Stanford Registrar. 

HumBio 119/Bio 102: Demography: Health, Development, Environment will not be taught again.

During the last session of Anne Firth Murray’s Massive Open Online Course (MOOC)
on International Women's Health and Human Rights in July/August 2014, about 
8,000 people from more than 140 countries enrolled in the English version, and 
4,000 enrolled in the Chinese version. We hope that many people will sign up for 
the current session, which just went online on January 29, 2015, in both English and 
Chinese versions.
Please visit for more information and to enroll.

HUMBIO 152 -  Viral Lifestyles will be offered a last time in Spring 2016.

Dear HumBio Students,

"WELLNESS" courses exist in "ExploreCourses" after this current Fall quarter, as ACTIVITY courses, and as such cannot count toward the HumBio major requirements.  Most of these classes are one unit and have been used in the Foundation in the past (and were under the Athletic Department before they were changed to "WELLNESS").  If you listed one of these courses on your course of study and planned to take it in an upcoming quarter, a Student Advisor can assist you in replacing the course for another - just stop by the Advising Office in Building 20.   (This does not affect the useage of Wellness courses in the course of study taken prior to Winter 14-15.)

The entire year of Organic Chemistry plus labs will be offered in a 9-week summer course and should satisfy the pre-med requirements for pre-med, pre-dent, pre-vet and other pre-health careers.  General Chemistry 31A and 31B are also offered.

Chemistry has been gradually integrating labs into the introductory lecture courses.  Next academic year, that integration will move to the 2nd course in organic chemistry (Chem 35).  Chem 35 is required for several majors, and for all pre-medical students who may be majoring or minoring in your department.  The changes for next year may affect the courses your majors or minors should choose this Spring (2014).

  Here are the specifics:
  1.       Beginning in Autumn 2014, Chem 35 will be increased from 4 units to 5 units and will include an integrated 3-hour lab and discussion section (replacing Chem 36).
  2.       Chem 36 will not be offered in Autumn 2014.
  3.       Chem 36 will be offered one final time in Spring 2015.
  4.       This Spring (2014), Chem 35 and Chem 36 will be offered as traditional, separate courses.
  5.       Students who take Chem 35 this Spring should probably also take Chem 36 this Spring.
  6.       A student who delays Chem 36 beyond this Spring will have only one last chance to take Chem 36 in Spring 2015.

  What this means for premedical students:
  ·         If you are registered to take Chem 33  this Spring, this change will not impact you. You will continue with the new sequence next year.
  ·         If you are currently enrolled in Chem 33,  and plan on taking Chem 35 this Spring, you must enroll in Chem 36 either in Spring 2014 or Spring 2015. Alternatively, you may choose to enroll in the new 5-unit integrated lecture/lab Chem 35 offering in the Fall of 2014.
  ·         If you completed Chem 33 prior to Winter 2014 and plan on taking Chem 35 this spring, you must enroll in Chem 36 either in Spring 2014 or Spring 2015.
  ·         If you completed Chem 33 prior to Winter 2014 and do NOT plan on taking Chem 35 this Spring, you must enroll in the new 5-unit integrated lecture/lab Chem 35 in Fall 2014 AND enroll in Chem 36 in Spring 2015.
  ·         Please note that either Chem 36 or the combined integrated Chem 33-35 sequence will be  pre-requisites for future enrollment in Chem 130, the last organic chemistry lab. There are no current plans of phasing out this course in the future and the current plan is to continue offering it during  autumn and winter quarters.

  Please address any questions regarding your particular situation or enrollment issues to Roger Kuhn, Student Services Manager at

Opportunities: Internships, Research, Jobs and More

Updates to the Buzz: 

Hey all, just writing to inform you we have shuffled around some things in the HumBio buzz.  Mostly, in our jobs and opporutnities section we have added a few categories/labels to help guide you in your job search.  We hope you find these categories helpful!  

  • Seniors: Includes more long term job opportunities for Seniors and other recent college graduates 
  • Research: Includes clinical, laboratory, and social science research opportunities
  • Paid: Includes paid opportunities primarily for undergraduates throughout the academic year
  • Tutor: Tutoring opportunities 
  • Summer: Includes summer jobs and opportunities for this upcoming summer in all fields for all ages 
  • Misc: Includes a variety of opporutnities like volunteering, internships, leadership positions, scholarships, and more 

Also, never forget to look at older versions of the buzz for more inspiration.  We constantly update and clean out the Buzz and delete old opporutnities to make room for the new but the old version of the Buzz can still be a great resource. 

The Solutions Science Lab in Department of Pediatrics/Disease Prevention group is hiring a full time Spanish-speaking Data Collection Research Assistant to join a multi-disciplinary team performing community-based intervention research trials for overweight children and their families.  Data Collectors would be trained to assess diet using NDS software, measure physical activity using accelerometers, take anthropometric measures (height, weight, waist, skinfold) following protocol to ensure consistency, assess adult health literacy, and to administer a variety of survey instruments.

This is a unique opportunity for a recent grad looking to learn about public health research and who wants to join a multi-disciplinary group conducting research in East Palo Alto and East Menlo Park.

TO APPLY:  please go to, click Job Search and search for job number:  66266.

Revolution Foods is hiring a Regional Partnership Manager to work in Oakland/SF. 

Read the job description here, but this position will have some unique and exciting elements. 


Desired Skills and Experience

You are self-motivated, a natural problem-solver, and people with whom you work see you as a leader.

You’re known for being extremely results-driven, connecting details to the bigger picture.

You’re skilled at prioritizing and managing multiple projects. You are responsive without fail, and address urgent priorities without dropping the ball on other essential tasks.

You’re a gifted communicator, at ease presenting to diverse groups, leading meetings with internal or external teams, or building trusting relationships one-on-one.

We work in a constantly changing environment that demands flexibility, good humor, and a willingness to pitch in and support each other – you are excited to be a great teammate and not afraid to “get your hands dirty!”

Most importantly, you have a genuine passion for our core values: respect, care for all, learn/teach/grow, deliver excellence, and live our mission of real food for all.

Stanford Alumni Contact:  Lauren Finzer Dunford '09 at

John Snow, Inc. (JSI), a public health research and consulting organization with a focus on vulnerable and underserved populations, is recruiting for a Bachelor’s-level graduate to serve as a Project Associate for its domestic Health Services Division in San Francisco, CA. The Project Associate will be responsible for administrative and project support for a variety of domestic projects related to current U.S. public health and health policy issues, including but not limited to: health reform, social marketing and health communications, HIV/AIDS, reproductive and sexual health, obesity prevention, aging, and community health. The Project Associate will actively participate in organizing and contributing to proposals for new health-related projects at the local, state, and national levels. The Project Associate will also be responsible for performing some administrative office duties.

Interested applicants should apply through this link on

Homemade is a funded start-up launched out of Stanford in 2013 by co-founders Anna Rakoczy (LLM / LSM, Stanford, UC Berkeley) and Dr. Chloe Chien (MD / MBA, Stanford). The mission of Homemade is to reverse the epidemic of lifestyle diseases by helping individuals to adopt and maintain better eating habits.  We do this by offering in-person social cooking programs where we teach the joy of cooking and eating whole foods made from scratch in a community.  We have cooked over 15,000 meals with our members to date and helped hundreds of members to sustainably lose weight and improve their quality of life.  

We are on a rapid growth trajectory and looking for an exceptional individual who is self-driven, ambitious, enthusiastic and passionate about living a healthy life to join our team as our Customer Success Manager.  We prefer applicants with experience and proven success in consumer sales.  The individual will have the opportunity to work in a dynamic, fast paced, mission-driven organization with a positive and empowering company culture and opportunities to grow with the company as we scale.

For further information and to apply, please click here.
The Stanford Department of Radiation Oncology is hiring two full-time Assistant Clinical Research Coordinators (ACRCs). The positions are ideal for graduating seniors and both have a start date in mid-June. This is a unique opportunity to receive mentorship from faculty on the cutting edge of radiation oncology, work closely with research teams to produce world-class clinical research, and gain insight into academic medicine. Each ACRC will support the clinical research of two faculty physicians.
The ACRC will perform administrative support duties related to the collection of clinical data and/or the coordination of clinical studies, which may be prospective trials or retrospective analyses. Responsibilities may include: reviewing electronic medical records for data collection, administering research questionnaires to patients, consenting patients for blood draws, performing clerical duties, working with the Clinical Research Coordinators and Institution Review Board, and assisting in the analysis and preparation of research abstracts and manuscripts.General administrative support for the faculty, such as managing faculty calendars, scheduling meetings, and answering phone calls is also required. The ACRCs will work under the direction and supervision of the two principal investigators and the Radiation Therapy Division Manager.
TO APPLY: Please go to, click Job Search, and search for the following Job Numbers: 66282 and 66384.

Announcing an exciting job opportunity for a talented, energetic Stanford student looking to work in academic research before applying to medical or graduate school.  The Stem Cell and Diabetes Centers at UCSF are seeking highly motivated applicants for a full-time position as a research technician in the lab of a newly appointed Assistant Professor (who is also a Stanford graduate).

The primary focus of our laboratory is pancreatic development and Type I Diabetes, and we employ the tools of stem cell biology, developmental biology, genomics, and tissue engineering.  Ultimately, we aim to cure diabetic patients of their disease using cell replacement therapy.  This is a chance to truly be at the cutting edge of translational research in a highly collaborative scientific environment.  Specific duties include human embryonic stem cell culture, mouse husbandry, FACS analysis and genomics techniques.

Candidates must have strong organizational and communication skills, and hold a BA/BS in biological or biochemical sciences (or a related field) by the time they begin employment.  Preferred start date is June, 2015 or earlier.
Interested applicants should send a cover letter and CV with three professional references with telephone numbers and email addresses  Please include the words "Technician: Stem Cell Lab" in the subject line.

 Invitae is a genetic sequencing laboratory specializing in testing for hereditary cancers and other genetic disorders. We're growing quickly and looking for some bright Stanford students and alums to join our team. We have a few career postings and summer internship opportunities for our team that I would love to share with current Stanford Human Biology students. Please see below for info and to apply!

Health Coach/Behavior Change and UX designer (full-time or internship) with Lark, leaders in mobile health.

Lark is a team that cares deeply about its mission -- to help our users build life-long healthy habits, the right way. We were an early pioneer in the wearables space, with the first bluetooth-connected health wearable to be sold in the Apple Store. We are revolutionizing how people interact with their health data -- it's not about charts and graphs anymore, but personalized, one-on-one coaching with our intelligent Health AI. We base our design on well-researched behavior change interventions to create actual positive change for our users. Users love our app, and we're only at the beginning of what it can do. Come help us make the smartest,  most caring and effective health coach the world has ever seen.  We're a team of Stanford and MIT grads, and our office is only 10 minutes from campus -- you'll feel right at home!

The Health Coach/UX designer role is for someone who is passionate about creating real, lasting behavioral change in peoples' lives. You'll be writing and testing the AI interventions that lark serves as the core of its app. You'll be driving the most cutting edge user interface in the mobile health space. You should enjoy writing, and be great at empathetic, fun conversations around health.

Interns or full-time welcome.

If you're interested, please send your resume to

Breathe California Golden Gate Public Health Partnership is seeking interns to assist them with communications and special events. Communications-focused is preferred but not necessarily public health experience.
Support for International Change is an organization stationed in Tanzania that is dedicated to teaching about HIV/AIDS. American volunteers go every year for 8 weeks spending time in villages teaching as well as living with their host families. 
SIC is a great way to fulfill your HumBio Internship Requirement!  SIC is hugely important to continue the fight against HIV/AIDS and to get the word out there. Education is key to battle this illness and YOU CAN HELP!
Applications are still open!
Contact Ben Rosellini at for more information and also look at the fliers posted in the HumBio building!
Tuko Pamoja Kuushinda Ukimwi!
(We are together to fight AIDS!)

Interested in behavioral research for your internship?

The Behavioral Lab at the Graduate School of Business is looking for research assistants to help conduct behavioral studies and support their full-time staff. We are a social psychology laboratory that focuses on organizational behavior and marketing research. Look us up at, and contact lab director Nicholas Hall at if interested!

The Solutions Science Lab in the Department of Pediatrics has developed a MOOC to teach Junior Girl Scout Troop leaders how to implement a successful research-based energy reduction program.  The program is called GLEE--Girls Learning Environment and Energy.

We are asking Stanord students who are traveling home over the summer to meet with their local Girl Scout Council to describe the GLEE MOOC and learnhow they can promote the MOOC to their Girl Scout Troop leaders.  Girl Scout experience is helpful but not mandatory.

Here's how it would work:

1. Attend a 1 hr training prior to going home.

2. Spend 30-60 minutes reviewing GLEE website and MOOC.

3. We help find a contact at your local Girl Scout Concil.

4.  When home, you request a time to present the GLEE MOOC (show a 3 min video, descrive the MOOC with a provided PPT)

5. You send us a summary of your work.

If interested or want to learn more, contact June Flora:

The Pediatric Bipolar Disorders Program is looking for a student intern who will work closely with the study coordinators and Principal Investigators, Manpreet Singh, MD, MS and Kiki Chang, MD, for various research studies involving children with mood disorders. The ideal candidate is a student majoring in Psychology or Human Biology with an interest in research and psychopathology. Experience with Microsoft Excel is required as the student will have to do some data entry. Past experience working with children and adolescents would be a plus but not necessary. We ask for a commitment of at least 15-20 hours a week (and the rare weekend) from our summer research assistants and at least 5 hours a week during the academic year.  Academic credit offered/volunteer position.

Responsibilities will include, but are not limited to, some data entry and clerical work, administering assessments (eg. IQ testing, neurocognitive tasks, etc.), and co-piloting MRI scans. Upon further training and education on our studies and psychiatric disorders, responsibilities will also include screening prospective participants over the phone, scheduling, and handling study visits on their own without a study coordinator. This position gives a unique opportunity to undergraduate students to work in a psychiatry research setting, work with participants directly, and sit in on therapy session or diagnostic interviews.

Please send a resume/CV and at least one paragraph stating your qualifications and the reasons why you’re interested for this position to Saloni Shah at We look forward to hearing from you!

San Francisco’s Recreation and Park Department houses the Urban Agriculture program, a new interagency program supporting the public with the infrastructure to steward and produce food, animals and flowers on our open green spaces.  To support further programming and growth of the program, the program coordinator seeks individual(s) for an unpaid summer internship who have experience with public policy, environment, planning or public health.  The purpose of this study is to assess the impacts of urban agriculture.  Areas of impact to be surveyed include social, environmental, health, community and economic benefits.  Intern(s) will create surveying tools, assess and collect data, and create a report of the findings.  Intern(s) will travel to various urban agriculture sites citywide and meet with a range of stakeholders.  Report will be used to create policies, investment opportunities and further governmental support for this new city endeavor.  This would be the first analysis of its kind in San Francisco. 
Program coordinator seeks intern(s) who is/are:
Self-directed and independent
Interested in engaging with a wide variety of different users of urban agriculture
Capable of being socially engaging
Enthusiastic about real-life applications of data analysis towards creating effective public programs
Able to commute via public transit, private vehicle or bus around San Francisco
Able to have his/her/their own computer or have access to one
A strong written and verbal communicator
Program coordinator will meet with intern(s) once a week to receive updates and check in on progress of project.  There is no pay or office space associated with this internship, but intern is welcome to the office supplies and infrastructure as needed via the coordinator and as is available.  Coordinator will provide guidance, flexible support and assistance whenever needed. 
Project will start early summer and conclude by Fall 2015, for an average of 20-40 hours a week, TBD.
Interested parties should send a resume and their preference of time commitment (20, 30 or 40 hours a week) by May 31, 2015 to:
Company Description: Kurbo is a digital health startup based in the heart of Palo Alto.  We make a mobile-based weight loss program for kids, teens & families.  Our program consists of a fun mobile app (food tracker, games, challenges) and live expert coaching.  Kurbo is based on and licensed from the Packard Pediatric Weight Control Program at Stanford. 
Start Date: May or June 2015
Job Description: Kurbo seeks a dynamic, self-starter to assist our team with marketing and communications efforts.  This paid internship is an excellent opportunity to gain valuable and real-world experience with the various aspects of marketing a mobile product in a fast paced, high-tech, venture funded startup.
To Apply: Please email your resume, cover letter, and a writing sample (see below for instructions) to 
Writing Sample Instructions:  Pretend you are writing a post for Kurbo’s Facebook page.  Please find a recent news article, blog, video or recipe (or any content you think is relevant to Kurbo’s audience).  Write the accompanying text you would use to post the content to our page.  50 words max.

Passionate about food and nutrition? Are you a hardcore ops nerd? Branding/marketing maven? Interested in getting some hands on experience growing and scaling an early stage startup in the on-demand sector? Do you just want a free lunch everyday?

Farm Hill is hiring for two summer intern positions: Growth Intern and Operations Intern.
Farm Hill is growing fast (5X in the last few months) and we're looking for help this summer as we expand across the South Bay and prep for launch in San Francisco.
More info about Farm Hill and the roles below! Email if you're interested in learning more! There may or may not be a free lunch in it for you :)
Let's eat!
Mark & Marc
About Farm Hill:
Farm Hill is a mission-driven food startup trying to revolutionize the fast casual segment with an entirely healthy menu & direct delivery model. We curate extraordinarily fresh, healthy, and delicious bento-box style meals and deliver them directly to customers. Our mission is to make *real* food accessible to all: meals composed of whole vegetables, whole grains, healthy proteins, without any added sugar or refined grains. Getting truly healthy food should be easier and taste better. That’s why we created Farm Hill.
Growth Intern: Help us test, measure, and evaluate our growth tactics and brand messaging. You'll be tasked with helping us figure out what's working, dreaming up new partnerships and growth tactics, and planning for how to scale our different growth channels (direct sales, referral rewards programs, advertising/marketing, partnerships, etc.). 
Operations Intern: When you're making a physical product and growing 10% every week, there's a lot of processes that need attention. From sourcing produce and cooking meals to hiring and training several new employees every week, there's a number of projects to work on here. This is a dream job for hardcore ops nerds that love process and complex systems. As a bonus, you'll get to spend some time with our advisor and lean manufacturing guru, Andy Switky, the former head of manufacturing at IDEO.
Company Description: Kurbo is a digital health startup based in the heart of Palo Alto.  We make a mobile-based weight loss program for kids, teens & families.  Our program consists of a fun mobile app (food tracker, games, challenges) and live expert coaching.  Kurbo is based on and licensed from the Packard Pediatric Weight Control Program at Stanford. 
Start Date: May or June 2015
Job Description: Kurbo seeks a dynamic, self-starter to assist our team with data and analytics.  Because our app tracks food and exercise, we have data galore!  Our rich data will give you an intimate look into our users lives and health.  We’re looking for someone to help develop metrics, analyze trends, and report progress for our consumer and B2B business.  This paid internship is an excellent opportunity to gain valuable and real-world experience with the various aspects of data analytics in a fast paced, high-tech, venture funded startup.
To Apply: Please email your resume and cover letter to  Please be sure to talk about a recent data science or other analytical project in your cover letter.
Company Description:  Kurbo is a digital health startup based in the heart of Palo Alto.  We make a mobile-based weight loss program for kids, teens & families.  Our program consists of a fun mobile app (food tracker, games, challenges) and live expert coaching.  Kurbo is based on and licensed from the Packard Pediatric Weight Control Program at Stanford.
Start Date: May or June 2015
Job Description: Kurbo seeks a dynamic, self-starter to join us as a product intern.  The Kurbo app is constantly evolving in exciting ways and we’re looking for someone to help develop stories, wireframe concepts, and influence product strategy.  This paid internship is an excellent opportunity to gain valuable and real-world experience with the various aspects of product management in a fast paced, high-tech, venture funded startup.
To Apply: Please email your resume and cover letter to  Please be sure to talk about any relevant experience in your cover letter.

Research on Gender and Development: Professors Eran Bendavid and Marcella Alsan seek a student to assist with coding of primary and secondary school reforms in a subset of countries in the developing world. The excel template is provided.

The Eating Disorders Research Program, Stanford University Department of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
Lab website:
Overview of research: The children of mothers with histories of eating disorders are at an increased risk of developing feeding, eating, and related psychopathologies themselves. Parent-Based Prevention (PBP) is a promising intervention program to reduce the negative outcomes in the toddlers of mothers with lifetime eating disorders. We are now conducting a randomized control trial that assesses the feasibility of this prevention program.
Professors: James Lock, MD, PhD and Cara Bohon, PhD; Supervising researcher: Shiri Sadeh-Sharvit, PhD (Visiting Instructor)
Contact information:
Duties: The Research Assistant will have an opportunity for close involvement in the translation of empirical knowledge to intervention programs. We are looking for Research Assistants who would take part in recruiting participants, analyses of audio and video tapes of sessions, development of a treatment manual and preparation of materials for publication. Hours are flexible.
Qualifications of applicant: Applicant should be motivated, organized, creative and resourceful. Prior research experience in not a prerequisite.
Compensation: Course credit through PSYC-199-05 (29614), BOHON; or an internship.
This position is great for students who are interested in the psychological processes in families, development of young children and prevention programs. Students will have a chance to learn about pioneering clinical interventions and expand their skills in designing, conducting and analyzing studies.
To apply, send an email with your CV, weekly availability, and why you are interested in this position, to Shiri Sadeh-Sharvit at

For students interested in education or research in the fields of: Neurology, Psychiatry, Psychology, Neurobehavior, Rehab Medicine, Medical Anthropology, Epidemiology, Public Health:

Physicians from the departments of Neurology, Psychiatry and Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation are spearheading an effort to coordinate the care of patients with Functional Neurological Disorder with motor manifestations. Function Neurological Disorder (FND) is the name conferred on a syndrome of neurological symptoms that cannot be explained by current medical diagnostic tests. Other names for this disorder which are no longer used because of the stigma attached include “hysteria,” “conversion disorder,” or “psychogenic neurological disorder.” Recent functional imaging studies suggest that there are derangements of motor initiation and absence of inhibitory activity in the brain in patients with functional paralysis, calling into question the amount of volition these patients have over their conditions. 

As part of this multidisciplinary effort, we have at least two projects we could use some help with. We would prefer a student who could envision staying on with us long-term and gain their own expertise and perhaps start their own project. However, we recognize how busy Stanford students can be and would also accept short-term commitments. 

1) Online Continuing Medical Education (CME) Course: We will be applying for a grant to create an Online CME course for primary care providers (physicians, nurses, physician assistants) to introduce them to the disorder, explain the psychological and sociological struggles these patients face, help practitioners become more comfortable addressing the needs of these patients, and teaching them about the latest research on FND etiology and treatment. We are considering additional grant proposals to help mental health providers in the community learn different techniques (cognitive behavioral therapy, dialectical behavioral therapy) to treat this disorder and how to tailor these techniques to this population. 

2) Clinical research: Although neurologists are the physicians who diagnose this disorder, psychiatrists are the ones who treat them. Only a subset of patients diagnosed with the disorder (due to issues with acceptance and the stigma of psychiatric intervention) see mental health providers, and we believe this population is more severely affected and may also possess more insight than the patients who do not. However, we really don’t know. All of the research in FND is on the patients who see Psychiatry. Therefore, we have a selection bias coloring our assumptions about the disorder. We would like to start by getting an idea of how many FND patients the general neurologists see, and once we identify a suitable population of FND patients we can learn more about the natural history of the disorder and the epidemiology. We may also be analyzing how and why these patients respond to treatment, how effective certain treatments are, and learn more about the natural history of the syndrome. 

CONTACT if interested.

Professor Jon Krosnick, Professor of Communication, Political Science, and (by courtesy) Psychology, is inviting applications from Stanford freshmen, sophomores, and juniors to work either:

15 hours per week during Spring quarter 2015 as paid research collaborators
as full-time (40 hours per week) paid research collaborators in his lab during the summer of 2015.

The students will join a team of other undergrads, graduate students, post-docs, and visiting scholars to work with Professor Krosnick on a range of projects for the purpose of generating academic publications.  Dr. Krosnick's research is in three main areas: (1) the psychology of politics generally, including the study of voting and elections, news media influence, and more, (2) what the public thinks and wants with regard to global warming, and (3) how to ask questions optimally to obtain accurate, unbiased responses in surveys.

How to Apply: Email your resume and a cover letter and an unofficial copy of your Stanford transcript (and high school transcript if you're a freshman) to Professor Krosnick (

Bulimia nervosa (BNand binge eating disorder (BEDare serious mental disorders associated with adverse psychological and physical consequences. Treatment options to date offer limited success, leaving at least 50-70of patients still symptomatic after treatment. The purpose of the study is to evaluate whether a medication currently FDA approved for the treatment of obesity will demonstrate efficacy—compared to placebo when re-purposed for patients with bulimia and binge eating. Prior clinical experience has shown positive results but a  next step includes demonstrating efficacy in a randomized double blinded clinical trial. We are interested in having students be involved with this study by participating in things like recruitment, telephone screening of subjects, scheduling, data organization and management, etc. Greater involvement (such as participating in abstracts, etc) is possible depending on time/availability. We're particularly interested in students who may wish to extend their involvement to include full-time research over the summer. For any questions, please email Dr. Debra Safer, Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences at  or call 650-723-7928. Thanks!

The children of mothers with histories of eating disorders are at an increased risk of developing feeding, eating, and related psychopathologies themselves. ParentBased Prevention (PBP) is a promising intervention program to reduce the negative outcomes in the toddlers of mothers with lifetime eating disorders. We are now conducting a randomized control trial that assesses the feasibility of this prevention program. Lab website:

This position is great for students who are interested in the psychological processes in families, development of young children and prevention programs. Students will have a chance to learn about pioneering clinical interventions and expand their skills in designing, conducting and analyzing studies. Professors: James Lock, MD, PhD and Cara Bohon, PhD; Supervising researcher: Shiri Sadeh-Sharvit, PhD (Visiting Instructor) Contact information: 

Duties: The Research Assistant will have an opportunity for close involvement in the translation of empirical knowledge to intervention programs. We are looking for Research Assistants who would take part in recruiting participants, analyses of audio and video tapes of sessions, development of a treatment manual and preparation of materials for publication. Hours are flexible. Qualifications of applicant: Applicant should be motivated, organized, creative and resourceful. Prior research experience is not a prerequisite. Compensation: Course credit: PSYC-199-05 (29614), BOHON

To apply, send an email with your CV, weekly availability, and why you are interested in this position, to Shiri Sadeh-Sharvit at

The Wildlands Studies Program, California State University, Monterey Bay offers a series of environmental and cultural ecology field studies this winter/spring that we invite you to join.  You can choose among six wildlife, wildland and cultural ecology field studies searching for solutions to environmental and cultural challenges.  Each program grants 12 upperdivision transferable units of credit. These programs are open and accepting applications now.  Field studies take place in wildland locations throughout Peru, Costa Rica/Panama, Chile, Thailand, Tropical Australia and Nepal.
Please note that summer 2015 programs in Belize, Fiji, South Africa, Baja Mexico, California’s Big Sur and Channel Island ecosystems, The Yellowstone Rockies, Vancouver Island and Canada’s Banff National Park are also open for application.
All of our programs are described at our website:   Our email address is  If you have questions about any of our programs, please feel free to get back in touch with us.

Parasol Co is a lifestyle brand seeking to give moms worldwide access to high-quality baby products that don’t compromise on design. We are seeking freelance researchers to fill our research needs to help develop basic baby products that are rooted in scientific research.  Our products include diapers, diaper bags, bottles, diaper rash cream, and baby wipes. The researcher will conduct whitepaper research on the materials and ingredients used in the products so that we can ensure our products are functional and safe.  To that end, we need part-time researchers on a contract, per-project basis. 

What’s in it for you?  Researchers will be compensated based on experience.

Interested?  Email with your resume and a brief introduction.  More information at

Homemade is hiring a Kitchen Assistant.  Homemade is a funded Stanford startup launched in 2013, and we teach people how to cook and eat real food!  

We are looking for a hardworking, reliable and enthusiastic individual to join our team as a Kitchen Assistant in our cooking classes.  Duties include setting up the kitchen before class, cleaning and packing up after class, simple ingredient and food preparation and lots of dish washing! :)


Kitchen or restaurant experience is a plus.  However, we will consider and train any individual with a willingness to learn.  We also seek individuals who feel they embody a healthy lifestyle. Position requires the ability to lift/carry heavy items and be on your feet for 4-5 hour shifts.    

The Kitchen Assistant position is for 16 hrs per week, from 5-9pm on Monday to Thursday, in Menlo Park.  Pay rate is $15/hr.  There is also the possibility for the role to expand into another role (our last intern is now our full time head of sales).
Applicants can send their covering letter, resume and photo to

Are you interested in scandals in science?  
Professors in Psychology, Communication, Political Science seek a Stanford undergraduate to collaborating in conducting research on scandals in science and on threats to accuracy in scientific research.  The goal of the work will be to document ways in which science has gone wrong in the past and the ways to do science optimally in the future, so scientists can be as successful as possible in their work.  This job will involve working closely with faculty who are studying this issue and to investigate the growing scholarly literatures on the topic and news coverage of scientific scandals.

The student who is hired will be paid hourly for all work done throughout the remainder of the 2014-2015 academic year.  Benefits of the position include collaborating with faculty to coauthor reports and publications.  The faculty can write letters of recommendation for you describing your role in the collaboration.  

To apply, please send your resume, your unofficial Stanford Transcript, and a cover letter explaining why you're interested in the position and what skills you bring to Professor Jon Krosnick (  Applications will be reviewed upon receipt, and the position will be filled as soon as a qualified candidate is identified.

Shadab Hussain, a doctoral student at the Stanford Graduate School of Education, is currently conducting an online survey project focusing on the healthy development of bicultural college students, who are in the developmental stage of emerging adulthood. Filling out this survey will contribute to current research by helping to identify risk and protective factors associated with positive and negative development of emerging adulthood. Your participation as a Stanford student is greatly appreciated!


Any Stanford undergraduate student between the ages of 18-25 is eligible to participate.

The questionnaire will take about 25-30 minutes to complete, so please leave that time allotted when starting the questionnaire.  After completing the questionnaire, you have the option to be entered into a drawing to win several Amazon gift cards for $100, $50 or $25. Anyone is eligible to enter the drawing by contacting Shadab Hussain with your first and last name and e-mail address.

To complete the questionnaire, please click on the following link:

Contact the principal investigator, Shadab Hussain (bcresearchlab@lists.stanford.eduwith any questions.  
Thank you so much for your time and help!

The American Philosophical Association Committee for Pre-College Instruction in Philosophy (CPIP) is sponsoring a session on Children, Food, and Philosophy to be held at the APA Eastern Division Meeting January 6-9, 2016 in Washington, D.C.  The CPIP invites presentation proposals about the intersection between children and food.  This may include any of the following topics: ethics and food, food justice from farm to table, food activism, the aesthetics of food, local food, the global food system, or food and health.

Send title of presentation, abstract (500 words), and academic or professional affiliation to:

Dr. Beth Dixon


Dr. Sara Goering

Deadline for submission is May 15th, 2015

Looking for Summer Internships around the Environment or Activism?

Sign up here to receive bi-weekly opportunities from Green Corps and our alumni!

We have over 350 alumni working with groups like Greenpeace, Food & Water Watch, the Sierra Club, Chesapeake Climate Action Network, National Wildlife Federation, Union of Concerned Scientists and more. Many of these alumni will be looking for spring and summer interns and are participating in the Green Corps Alumni Internship Network. Click here to add your name to our mailing list about these opportunities that will be happening across the country.

Email with any questions!

Are you interested in bioethics or medical humanities?
Do you like to talk and debate about complicated ethical dilemmas that affects everyone in some way, shape, or form?
Would you like to meet and talk to community leaders and professors in various fields like bioethics, medicine, law, public policy, and philosophy?
Do you want to help build a previously non-existing community for Stanford undergrads, and make connections across multiple campus and community disciplines?
A undergraduate bioethics group with the aim of promoting supportive discussion about current and seminal cases in bioethics through debate, film, and education is in the works of being formed. 
If you're interested, please fill out the short form here.
If you have any questions, do send a message to Vivian Lam, at