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Approved Writing in the Major (WiM) Courses


  • INTNLREL 140A: International Law and International Relations


  • INTNLREL 140C: The U.S., U.N. Peacekeeping, and Humanitarian War
    HISTORY 201C: The U.S., U.N. Peacekeeping, and Humanitarian War


  • INTNLREL 174: Diplomacy on the Ground: Case Studies in the Challenges of Representing Your Country 
    HISTORY 252B: Diplomacy on the Ground: Case Studies in the Challenges of Representing Your Country


  • INTNLREL 200B: International Relations Honors Seminar


  • MS&E 193: Technology and National Security (Prior to September of 2014, course also called MS& E193W)


  • MS&E 197: Ethics and Public Policy


  • POLISCI 110C: America and the World Economy
    INTNLREL 110C: America and the World Economy
    Note: POLISCI 110X does not satisfy the WIM Requirement. For WIM credit, enroll in POLISCI 110C or INTNLREL 110C.


  • POLISCI 110D: War and Peace in American Foreign Policy
    INTNLREL 110D: War and Peace in American Foreign Policy
    Note: POLISCI 110Y does not satisfy the WIM Requirement. For WIM credit, enroll in POLISCI 110D or INTNLREL 110D


  • POLISCI 148: Chinese Politics: The Transformation and the Era of Reform
    POLISCI 348: Chinese Politics: The Transformation and the Era of Reform



List of all Approved WiM Courses (PDF)