During this 10-day course, teachers go into the field as a scientists in Mexico! Secondary and community college STEM and social science educators work with scientists on research projects focusing on ecology, sustainability, and conservation science at the Los Tuxtlas Research Station in Veracruz, Mexico, developing projects with Stanford teaching experts to take back to their classrooms. Teachers will have the opportunity to work with science educators from the Graduate School of Education's Center to Support Excellence in Teaching (CSET) to develop unit plans, lessons, or units for use in their classrooms. Throughout the following year, teachers will reconnect to present classroom outcomes of their projects at follow-up coaching sessions with CSET science educators. For more information, visit the CLAS Teacher Institute Abroad - Mexico


Education Partnership for Internationalizing Curriculum (EPIC)

CLAS partners with Stanford Global Studies (SGS) and our fellow SGS Title VI National Resource Centers, the Center for East Asian Studies (CEAS) and the Center for Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies (CREEES), in the Education Partnership for Internationalizing Curriculum (EPIC). EPIC focuses on strengthening the internationalization of curricula and the professionalization of language instruction at community colleges and K-12 institutions and includes the following programs for community college instructors:

Fellows Program
This competitive fellowship program brings together 8-10 community college faculty from Foothill College and the College of San Mateo (with possible expansion to additional colleges in future years) to work collaboratively with colleagues at Stanford for one academic year on projects aimed at internationalizing course curricula and producing innovative curricular materials for use in community college classrooms.

Professional Development Training Workshops
The Stanford Program on International and Cross-Cultural Education (SPICE) and Stanford Global Studies will offer exciting professional development opportunities for community college instructors who wish to internationalize their courses by incorporating recent area studies research and materials into the curriculum. 

Foreign Language Professional Development Workshop: Modified Oral Proficiency Interview (MOPI)
EPIC partners with the Stanford Language Center (SLC) to offer Modified Oral Proficiency Interview (MOPI) workshops for instructors of less commonly taught languages. Conducted by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL), MOPI workshops provide instructors with an introduction to the techniques of administering and rating the Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) at the Novice and Intermediate levels. Participation in a Modified OPI Assessment Workshop is the first step toward becoming an ACTFL Certified OPI Tester with Limited Certification.

For more information on these programs, visit


SHREI, the Stanford Human Rights Education Initiative, was created as a collaborative effort between California-based community college educators and Stanford Global Studies Division (SGS), the Stanford Program on International and Cross-Cultural Education (SPICE), and the Program on Human Rights (PHR). The Initiative has explored innovative ways to bring human rights education and understanding into community college settings and laid the foundation for the Education Partnership for Internationalizing Curriculum (EPIC, see above). SHREI resources, including videos, curricular materials, fellow projects, and workshops and symposia materials, can be found on the SHREI web site at For information on future workshops, symposia, and fellows programs, see EPIC above.

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