Blog topic: Web archiving

Josh Schneider

Josh Schneider Web Archivist Assignment

June 13, 2019
by Robert G Trujillo

Josh Schneider has a new assignment as Web Archivist for Stanford Libraries

Stanford Libraries has been engaged in web archiving for over a decade with an emphasis on collecting the “” and federal, state and local government domains and has determined that we need to have a more strategic and purposeful initiative.  Accordingly Special Collections has reassigned Josh Schneider from his current role as Assistant University Archivist, to this new role as Stanford’s first full time Web Archivist. 

Stanford record in Who's on Frist

Who’s on First at Stanford

Here at the Stanford Libraries, we are a big fan of Who’s on First. While the comedy routine by Abbott and Costello is pretty good, here we are talking about the gazetteer project Who’s on First created by the team at Mapzen. The Who’s on First (WoF) gazetteer is a “big list of places” comprising one of the largest and richest compilations of Open and permissively licensed geospatial data.

Get the Scoop!

Digital Library Services Expo

Digital Library Systems and Services is hosting the second annual Digital Library Services Expo and all SUL staff are invited! This is a great opportunity to learn more about inside the DLSS organization, what's new on the service front, and examples of our collaborations with other SUL staff to develop and deliver library services.

It is scheduled for Thursday, April 19 from 1:00 - 4:00 PM. The event will take place in several rooms in Lathrop Library (370 and 470) and the East Asia Library (224). We will enjoy ice cream together after a series of tracked programs.

Lockss logo

Changing LOCKSS

You may already know the story of LOCKSS’ beginnings (PDF).

On a fall day in 1999, a hike in the woods became the backdrop for a spontaneous problem-solving session on the preservation gap affecting online journals. The hikers, an electronic serials librarian (Vicky Reich) and a computer scientist (David Rosenthal), sketched out a plan to replicate the incidentally distributed, redundant architecture by which print journals had been preserved, in a digital system. They brought the proposal to the Stanford University Librarian, Michael Keller, who famously blessed the project with the admonition, “don’t cost me any money; don’t get me into trouble; do what you want.”

M.A. Matienzo joining the Stanford Libraries

September 9, 2016
by Tom Cramer

We are pleased to announce that M.A. Matienzo is joining  Stanford Libraries as of September 19, 2016 as our Collaboration & Interoperability Architect. Mark will be joining Stanford from DPLA (the Digital Public Library of America) where they currently serve as the Director of Technology. M.A. has previously worked  as an archivist, a digital library software developer, and the technical architect for the ArchivesSpace project, at institutions including DPLA, the Yale University Library, and The New York Public Library.

logo of the International Internet Preservation Consortium

Reflections on the 2016 IIPC General Assembly and Web Archiving Conference

May 12, 2016

In keeping with shallow tradition, it's taken me a few weeks to collect my thoughts on the recently-concluded IIPC General Assembly and Web Archiving Conference, hosted this year by the National and University Library of Iceland. In the wake of last year's meeting, I speculated on what developments in web archiving we might together effect in the year ahead (now behind). Nearly a year later, that conceit provides a convenient jumping-off point for reflecting on how it all went, where we might go from here, and the tremendous amount of work to do in our one remaining collective month before the anniversary of that post. :)

