For faculty

5 library services to know

  • Subject specialists Over 20 specialists across many disciplines provide consultation to faculty, buy materials to support research or teaching needs, and lead instruction sessions that can be tailored to meet your course needs.
  • Stanford Digital Repository Preserve and share your publications, conference materials, research data. All SDR deposits are made accessible through persistent, citable URLs (PURLs). Depositors have full control over access settings, embargo and licenses.
  • Data management services Consulting, workshops, metadata expertise, and more: data experts assist Stanford researchers with the organization, management, and curation of research data.
  • SearchWorks Search for books, articles, databases, media, and digital collections. Access online resources directly; request scan-to-PDF service for items in offsite storage.
  • Spotlight Explore Stanford’s digital collections or build your own showcase. Spotlight presents digital assets in context with supporting narrative and structure. It’s a self-service tool used by students, researchers, and staff to produce highly-polished showcases of their personal, course, department, or lab’s work.

Additional support resources

library privileges

access resources beyond Stanford

improve your research

prepare your courses

Stanford University Libraries New Faculty Orientation - a brief presentation by Matt Marostica. [2015]

  • Copyright reminder Common campus copyright concerns and fundamental elements of US copyright law.