Getting Started
2. Find Books, Journal Titles and Media in Stanford's Online Catalog, SearchWorks.
3. Find Articles in Selected Databases. Note: Stanford subscribes to over 1000 Databases that index articles and books on various topics. Since there are so many databases we recommend a select subset of databases which will give you access to articles in a wide variety of subject areas.
4. Ask Your Librarian for help!
Selected SearchWorks subject terms
Here are some "controlled vocabulary" terms for a few travel related topics. You can use the Limiters on the left column of the results list: Topics, Call Numbers (for Subject Area), Location (which library - another clue for subject/perspective), Publication Date, etc. to narrow your searches.
• Leisure
• Luggage
• Tourism Environmental Aspects
• Travel Psychological Aspects
• West (U.S.) Description and Travel
Selected Databases
Subscription databases provided by Stanford University Libraries cover a range of topics, including travel writing of various types. Even if you are using Google Scholar for searching, these databases are usually where you can find the full text articles you need.