Featured Expert: John Blossom, President, Shore Communications
Some of the topics that will be covered are 1) Google’s Operating System, Chrome, and how it is shaping our view of computing, the Web, and our relationship to emerging forms of the Semantic Web; 2) The impact of mobility and choice of devices (Desktop (Chromebox), laptop (Chromebook), and tablet (Nexus 7); 3) Google’s On-Going Platform Integration (Google Plus, Knowledge Graph, Scholar, Play, YouTube, Gmail, and Drive); and 4) Anticipated new (Google Fiber) and soon-to-be-discontinued (iGoogle) services.
NFAIS Webinar [http://www.nfais.org/page/377-john-blossom-google-landscape-sept-26-2012]
Wednesday, September 26, 8:00 am-9:30 am in the SSRC.
John Blossom will offer insights on the new approaches and directions he is observing in Google products and services, on the strengths of their platform, and on what he sees changing as Google continues to evolve.
This is a special Ref Forum; a light breakfast will be provided. Please RSVP by noon on Sept 24 with A Fresh Look at Google: What’s New and What’s Changing Special Ref Forum in the subject line to Malgorzata, mschaefe@stanford.edu.
All staff welcome.