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Earth sciences


Earth Sciences Library

Map library, GIS support, and collection covering geology, seismology, energy resources engineering & more.

Course guides

Course number Term Guide Instructor
GES 1A Fall 2012 Introduction to Geology: The Physical Science of the Earth
GES49N Fall 2012 Field Trip to Death Valley Hannah Winkler
EARTHSCI 117/EARTHSYS 117 Fall 2012 Earth Systems in Hawaii Program Guide
EARTHSCI 180 Winter 2013 EARTHSCI 180: Introduction to Earth and Environmental Science Research Design Nevle, R.
EnvRes 200/EarthSys 200 Fall 2014 Sustaining Action: Research, Analysis and Writing for the Public (SAGE) Hayden, T.
EARTHSCI 100 Spring 2015 Scientific Research Preparation for Undergraduates Cina, S
PWR 2JS Fall 2014 Eureka!: The Rhetoric of the Scientist Jennifer Stonaker