The Stanford Phonetics and Phonology Workshop (‘P-interest’) is a friendly forum for talks and paper discussions by members of the Stanford community and visiting researchers. We focus on issues related to descriptive, theoretical, experimental, and computational research in phonetics and phonology.
Where and When
We meet on Fridays, 12–1 pm in the Greenberg Room of Margaret Jacks Hall (map; getting to Stanford), and regularly at a local bar for P-int night. All are welcome.
Mailing List
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2015–16 organizers: Simon Todd, Sunwoo Jeong & Aleksander Główka
Faculty advisors: Arto Anttila & Meghan Sumner
Winter Quarter 2016 Schedule
January 15, 2016: Larry Hyman (UC Berkleley) Initial Vowel Length in Lulamogi: Cyclicity or Globality?
January 22, 2016: Radhika Gopalakrishnan Raghavan (Jawaharlal Nehru University) Development of Phonological Acquisition Strategies in a Second Language Learner
January 29, 2016: Takako Fujioka (Stanford University) Musical Structure Processing and Expertise-Related Plasticity in the Brain
February 5, 2016: Daniel Abrams (Stanford University) How Brain Science Can Help Improve Speech Perception in Children with an Autism Spectrum Disorder
February 19, 2016: Neal Fox (UC San Francisco) Systematic Variation in Spoken Word Production: Phonological, Lexical and Contextual Factors
February 25, 2016: P-int night (7:30pm, Rose & Crown)
February 26, 2016: Andréa Davis (Stanford University) The Interaction of Language Proficiency and Talker Variability
March 11, 2016: Simon Todd (Stanford University) Attention and Talker-Specific Memory: A Dichotic Listening Investigation