School of Medicine
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Reinier Godefridus Steven Meester
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Gastroenterology
Bio Reinier G.S. Meester is a postdoctoral scholar in the Department of Medicine, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology. He was trained in Economics and Operation Sciences in Amsterdam, Netherlands, where he received a B.S. in Econometrics and Operations Research in 2007, and a M.S. in Econometrics in 2009. After working in financial risk consulting for several years, he started a Ph.D. in Health Sciences in Rotterdam, Netherlands, which he completed by early 2017. In 2017, he received the Catharina Pijls Thesis Award for outstanding health research from the Netherlands, as well as a Rubicon Award from the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) to acquire international research experience.
Dr. Meester’s general research interest is in using computer simulation modeling to inform health policy, with a particular focus on prevention in gastrointestinal diseases.
Current research topics include:
-Management of patients with precancerous lesions
-Sessile serrated polyp pathway to colorectal cancer
-Longitudinal patient adherence in colorectal cancer screening
-Structural uncertainty in computer simulation models
-Epidemiology and prevention of major depression